Rabble Rousers

Character 14
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Definitions and meanings of "Rabble Rousers"

What do we mean by rabble rousers?

A person who tries to stir up masses of people for political action by appealing to their emotions rather than their reason. A demagogue.

One who starts trouble. Urban Dictionary

An act of speaking more words, usually unnecessary, to fill time and/or set the mood. Urban Dictionary

A group that infiltrates the inner government power to cause a ruchus in the world government. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Rabble Rousers

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The word "rabble-rousers" in example sentences

They heard various speakers' lamentations for the passing of Muammar Qaddafi and the tribulations of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad both Russian allies, claims that oppositionists were on the U.S. payroll, and denunciations of the whole Bolotnaya crowd, characterized as rabble-rousers intent on another Russian revolution. ❋ Unknown (2012)

And I am further convinced that if our white brothers dismiss as “rabble-rousers” and “outside agitators” those of us who employ nonviolent direct action, and if they refuse to support our nonviolent efforts, millions of Negroes will, out of frustration and despair, seek solace and security in black-nationalist ideologies, a development that would inevitably lead to a frightening racial nightmare. ❋ Thaddeus Russell (2010)

The rabble-rousers walked out and continued their demonstration outside. ❋ Simon McCormack (2011)

If we can tune out the noisy rabble-rousers, reframe our questions, and commit to responsible conversation that is grounded in our own common sense and decency, I believe we would find much common ground, and make a lot more progress towards a just and cost-effective health care system. ❋ M.D. Maggie Kozel (2011)

One Republican member seeking anonymity explained that the group of rabble-rousers is frustrated not only with the conference leaders but also with the leadership of Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Tom Price (Ga.). ❋ Unknown (2010)

And like the rabble-rousers of Jim Crow fame, they do the dirty work at the behest of oligarchs such as the Koch brothers, who find them useful if not entertaining. ❋ David A. Love (2010)

They are part-time artists, athletes, and general rabble-rousers. ❋ Lorraine Roe (2010)

And as someone else alluded to, Stalin then proceeded to murder most of the Polish officer corps (along with a few other rabble-rousers including a contingent of prominent Polish Jews) in the Katyn Forest. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The reports have changed from characterizing the protesters as lawless rabble-rousers to serious discussions of the role of security forces in Egypt as well as the role of the armed forces and government ministers in negotiating with the protesters. ❋ Melissa Bell (2011)

Viewing Wisconsin through the prism of the rotunda rabble-rousers, he cautions, would be a mistake. ❋ Robert Costa (2011)

The break should come as a welcome reprieve for coach Rex Ryan and his merry band of rabble-rousers, who are proving, one week at a time, that they are more than just talk. ❋ Scott Cacciola (2010)

Israel! protest at Stanford yesterday, a dozen or so loud rabble-rousers meandering through libraries and trying to be louder than the Michael Jackson tracks being blasted in front of the bookstore (and failing). ❋ Unknown (2010)

The documentary uses the vintage material, originally used for a series of broadcasts on Swedish Television before going missing for some four decades to present the major personas of the movement—Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale and others—neither as larger-than-life icons of resistance nor the angry rabble-rousers demonized by the media. ❋ Steve Dollar (2011)

I'm not gonna label all homeless as the rabble-rousers, but unfortunately that's the way it is with some people. ❋ Tamara Audi (2011)

Don't [invite] that kid to a party, he's a real [rable] [rouser]. ❋ Chris (2005)

Bobby and Will are [Rabble] [Rousers], they won't shut up. Rabble Rousers at the LA [Velodrome] tend to enjoy speaking about the ideas of "Rabble Rousers", video games, and Mommy-and-Me Classes. ❋ Kiit (2010)

"[Kane Cyberkommunyste] is [the leader] of this Rabble Rouser Society..." ❋ KaneCyber (2010)

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