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Definitions and meanings of "Randomized"

What do we mean by randomized?

To arrange randomly; to make random

Randomized is when something is completely unexpected and is out of the blue!!!and when someone does something really individual. you are geeeeeeeeeey! Urban Dictionary

The action of saying or writing whatever comes to mind at any given time to confuse the other person,to get there attention or just to piss them off. When somebody is randomizing they will finish up by saying exactly or I know. Urban Dictionary

The most annoying word ever. You'll say something that relates to your previous topic, yet they say it's random because they can't comprehen it. Urban Dictionary

Any old bunch of crap that is thrown in together. Urban Dictionary

Groups of people who show up at parties or gatherings usually intended only for memebers of certain other groups or institutions (IE University Keggers) Urban Dictionary

The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed. Often used by an MTVeenager. Urban Dictionary

The most over used and misunderstood word in the english language. Commonly used by english teens, often buying into the fast growing subculture of emo. 1)Supposedly meaning spontaneous and off the wall by ignorant people. 2) how a large proportion of the myspace community describe themselves. 3) A way for morons to pretend they are capable of original though when actually every aspect of their lives is planned out meticulously with out fail. Urban Dictionary

A stranger/unknown person. Usually a friend of a friend. Urban Dictionary

N. pl. People that are outside of your group or party, or outside of any party perhaps, ie. those who roll alone, especially on Xbox Live. Urban Dictionary

In online gaming, "randoms" refer to random people in a server who aren't your friends, clan- or guildmates. Urban Dictionary

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The word "randomized" in example sentences

While these effects seemed small and discouraging to me, they are much larger and stronger than the effects found in randomized trials done in rich countries; ❋ Unknown (2008)

The study is called randomized because there is no rhyme or reason to whether a woman ends up getting the treatment or the placebo. ❋ M.D. Vivian Pinn (2006)

These are a kind of short-term randomized trial done with volunteers living in special hospital or clinic wards eating specially prepared meals. ❋ M.D. Walter C. Willett (2005)

In an open-label randomized phase II trial, adding the compound -- boceprevir -- to standard therapy in various combinations increased the so-called sustained virological response compared with a control group who got only standard care, according to Paul Kwo, MD, of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, and colleagues. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Patients N=148 enrolled in an open-label randomized two-arm single crossover study. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Dr. Kurtzberg: This fall, we'll be embarking on a study we call a randomized trial where we'll be treating half the children enrolled with their own cells at the time we first meet them and the other half a year later, and we won't know which children got their cells at which timeframe. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This study protocol describes the design of a multicentre, phase II / III prospective open-label randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate whether a concentration of 5\% TTO is effective in preventing MRSA colonization in comparison with a standard body wash (Johnsons Baby Softwash) in the ICU. ❋ Bronagh Blackwood Gillian Thompson (2008)

In the 1980s and ’90s, for example, cancer specialists were convinced that high-dose chemotherapy followed by a bone-marrow transplant was the best hope for women with advanced breast cancer, and many refused to enroll their patients in randomized clinical trials that were designed to test transplants against the standard — and far less toxic — therapy. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The Department is only one of many such national organizations who conduct so-called randomized trial testing, much like pharmaceutical companies test drugs against placebos. ❋ The Huffington Post (2010)

Even some of those identified as randomized controlled trials may not be, as a recent review of thousands of studies published in Chinese journals found. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I first came across the idea of randomized responses decades ago, so the method is hardly new. ❋ Unknown (2007)

That's because such gold standard studies, called randomized controlled trials, have very strict rules for participation to ensure the results are as "pure" as possible. ❋ Unknown (2011)

(a boy decides to [jump up] and [down on] the [tv]) This is so randomized ❋ Emily (2004)

John: So how is the family? [Carl]: [You know it] could happen John: What? Carl: Exactly John: What are you talking about? Carl: I know Carl was [randomizing] John to piss him off and confuse him. ❋ Richard Castle III (2011)

"Cake is good. I just got one from [the bakery], and it was chocolate." "That was random, [LMFAO]." "[No, you] asshole, we're still talking about cake." ❋ Juicalicious (2010)

The [froogle] search showed a cat's hair mop that my bitch of an aunt refused to eat because her [kitten's] doctor had advised her against watching the new video by the old age hooligans. the Pharoas of egypt have taken their mobile phones and are now trying to felch a metaphysical representation of julius ceasar. the plaides have come down in the form of angels who aim to supplement the inorganic growth of tea pods because 1337 people have extended the antenna for maximum reception. The bottle is made [biger] by the magnifying glass or so one would think if the 14 presidents of the USA were real people. [Fast track] my mind into the vortex of immeasureable humanity so that the profane expressions of a rabid pundit can be tolerated by the mad goose that sits and chatters about the greater influences of butterflies on the [phooning] snow leopards of the sahara. A sting in the bing is a cool aria soundtrack where the jet planes all crashed into the mounds of the seven dead kings. I am drinking some [whater] now and if this goes on any longer you will get fucking irritated. frooling brooling grogs fet comb muck [chigga wigga] niche hournalism jet got goat [froom] pas quibejivemenns jsjjgoo sdoifjoidhfogi sdnfduoifhguoisdjfgj sdf sjkfidshfosjfdoiasfsdf coksllsjjsk cocksuckers. ❋ Gunkglumb (2005)

"hey man, [where'd] all those randoms come from?" "there were [a ton] of randoms at [Dave's] place last night..." ❋ TheSanityAssassin (2004)

[Uni] Student: "Cheese! [HA HA]!" Another Uni Student: "Wow that's soooo RANDOM! Let's go and buy some trendy clothes which have meaningless and [pretentious] words/numbers all over to make us look random." ❋ Pip (2005)

Person A: and we said " [mouse pad] cups" Person B: How totally random of you Person C: [quiet you] mundane little twat, stop abusing that word. you have no concept of random that words to big for you. your misuse offends me. I ought [to brick] you ❋ Cryptkeeper 5 (2006)

"Who are those [randomers] over there?" -Q. "Do you [need a lift] to the party tonight" -A. "Yeah, can I bring a [randomer] along too?" ❋ XLx (2004)

We just [raped] [those guys] in that last game, they must have all been [randoms]. Who are these randoms we keep running into? ❋ Eminutia (2010)

"Yesterday I was playing with randoms. They didn't use [voice] [chat] so we [lost]." ❋ Compizfox (2013)

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