
Character 7
Hyphenation re al i ty
Pronunciations /ɹiˈæləti/

Definitions and meanings of "Reality"

What do we mean by reality?

The quality or state of being actual or true. noun

One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual. noun

The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. noun

That which exists objectively and in fact. noun

Relating to or being a genre of television or film in which a storyline is created by editing footage of people interacting or competing with one another in unscripted, unrehearsed situations. adjective

(in reality) In fact; actually. idiom

The being real; truth as it is in the thing; objective validity; independence of the attributions of individual thought; positively determinate being. noun

That which is real or genuine; something that really is or exists, as opposed to what is imagined or pretended; an essential verity or entity, either in fact or in representation. noun

In law, same as realty. noun

Synonyms and Verity (see real). Reality means that a thing certainly is; truth applies to the correctness of what is said or believed about the thing, the conformity of such report or belief to reality. The reality of a danger; the actuality of the arrival of help; the truth about the matter. noun

Same as realty. noun

The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact. noun

That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea. noun

Loyalty; devotion. noun

See 2d Realty, 2. noun

The state of being actual or real. noun

A real entity, event or other fact. noun

The entirety of all that is real. noun

An individual observer's own subjective perception of that which is real. noun

Loyalty; devotion noun

The state of being actual or real.

A real entity, event or other fact.

The entirety of all that is real.

An individual observer's own subjective perception of that which is real.

Loyalty; devotion.

Realty; real estate.

A delusionary mental status caused by a pronounced deficiency of alcohol in the bloodstream Urban Dictionary

The one thing that prevents us from leading perfect lives. No matter hard you try to block it out, it's always there, crushing all of the fantastical endeavors you dream up. Ever heard the phrase, "follow your dreams"? Of course you have. Well, by the end of your life, you can bet that reality will have rejected >99% of them, so you'll have to lower your standards IMMENSELY if you ever want to feel a sense of accomplishment. Urban Dictionary

(1)working 50 hours a week until the day you die, in order to maintain a "decent" life, (2)having no excitement in your life unless you choose to slack off and not work, (3)leaving this planet the same way you entered, naked and cold. (4)busting your ass to afford your bills while some cocksucker with rich parents gets everything handed to him for free. Urban Dictionary

A hallucination caused by lack of drink and drugs. Urban Dictionary

That horrible time between sleep, and the internet. Urban Dictionary

Something that exists independently of ideas concerning it Urban Dictionary

Suffering and misery. Urban Dictionary

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. Urban Dictionary

Reality has become a commodity. Urban Dictionary

Reality ree-al-i-tee: noun. A crutch for people who cannot handle drugs. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Reality

The word "reality" in example sentences

Promoted to Headline (H3) on 3/27/09: Why folks love television 'reality shows,' sitcoms and police dramas: yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Why folks love television \'reality shows, \' sitcoms and police dramas: '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: ay: "What event dominated the 1940s?" ❋ Unknown (2009)

**This is often the reality in Bulgaria, but Samokov seems to be a bit of an exception to the extent of the segregation - please try to refrain from tough judgements on this reality**. ❋ ElonGradBlogger (2008)

The evil, disease, sickness and other imperfections that we see and experience, have no reality, _in reality_, but have an _existence_ in _unreality_. ❋ Henry Thomas Hamblin (N/A)

..reality "here" is made up of odds n' ends & snippets from 'someones' truth but how often does it all fit w/ our own jigsawed "reality" ? ❋ BikeSnobNYC (2008)

"If, then, the veracity of consciousness be unconditionally admitted -- _if the intuitive knowledge of matter and mind_, and the consequent reality of their antithesis, be taken as truths," the doctrine of Natural Realism is established, and, "without any hypothesis or demonstration, the _reality of mind_ and the _reality of matter_." [ ❋ Unknown (1852)

Before the term "reality TV" was a twinkle in some producer's eye, wise old Santa understood the extraordinary brand-enhancement power of a Christmastime story of pain and redemption. ❋ Michael L. Millenson (2011)

Body language, facial features, lips, eyes, gesticulations, in reality, is all apiece of the language we try our best to touch with words and more to make us understood. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What West presents in reality is not so much a theology at all, but rather human sexuality as a mystical experience. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So he thinks he's paying for the average outcome of 2 years or more survival and low recurrence rates, but in reality is going to be paying for median outcome, which is 3 months and then dead. ❋ Unknown (2009)

As an example I pay $984 a month for health coverage (Blue Cross) for three of us, which in reality is ONLY major medical coverage. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The computer industry really thrives on this mentality and so many people throw money away on new machines when in reality is a speed boost is needed then they may only need to buy memory for their machine. ❋ Forest Parks (2010)

I did a good number of things on my to-do list tonight so I treated myself to drawing a cartoon, which in reality is nothing more than a pie chart about True Blood: ❋ Pabba (2009)

I need a [beer] because all this reality is [too much] [to handle]. ❋ Ciarraine (2004)

Reality: Hey you. Yeah, you. Ever wanted to break away from the hopelessly flawed [human race], and become everything you've ever dreamed of? Well [TOO FUCKING BAD], I'm here to prevent you because [I'm a bitch] like that >:I ❋ Do It Fgt (2011)

reality is my [anti-drug]. ❋ The Truth (2004)

[In reality] you should [search] [Henry] ❋ Imo Insane (2009)

[Id] rather [sleep] than be [in reality] ❋ D4ni3lGonzalez (2012)

No matter [how many] times you say [the wall] isn't real, you still can't [walk through] it ❋ Sarah (2004)

"Humans define their reality through suffering and [misery]." - [Agent Smith], [The Matrix] ❋ Matrixation (2006)

"Hmmm? You know I had a speech, you know, my... my integrated-projected-global-tele-network system bloody system-system. But you know, if that's what the worlds coming to I don't want to be in it. No I don't want that. I don't want to be in some sort of cyber-space-hypervirtual bloody reality. I don't want that- exchanging e-mails with some old age bloody hippies with more information at their fingertips than is safe to know about. I don't want that! What kind of reality is that, huh, you know, with a thirteen-amp plug on the end of it? Huh? Huh?... That can be un-plugged like that? Come-on I'm going." [Edina] [Monsoon], [Absolutely Fabulous] ❋ Philip K. Dick (2004)

When money dictates [the content] of [Wikipedia] entries, reality may be defined by the highest [bidder]. ❋ Shirty The Slightly Aggressive Bear (2007)

[Frank] couldn't [handle that] '151, so he decided to [cling] to reality instead. ❋ E. Picardo (2006)

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