
Character 7
Hyphenation N/A
Pronunciations /ˈɹiːzənz/

Definitions and meanings of "Reasons"

What do we mean by reasons?

A cause:

Rational thinking (or the capacity for it); the cognitive faculties, collectively, of conception, judgment, deduction and intuition.

Something reasonable, in accordance with thought; justice.

Ratio; proportion.

A justification to yourself for a bad decision. Urban Dictionary

Used as an explanation as to why you are requesting something when you don't want the people to know why. The more sinister your statement sounds in context, the better. Urban Dictionary

Used to describe the frustrating or baffling result of a procedure when you aren't sure or confident that you have a valid explanation. Urban Dictionary

To get together and exchange ideas; a conversation between two cool souls. Urban Dictionary

The process by which people find out what is the truth. The opposite of faith. Urban Dictionary

A meeting of rastas to speak spiritually and smoke some special herbs. Before the splif is lit the leader says a prayer. Urban Dictionary

\`rea'son`ing\ n. 1. Logical thinking 2. A word not many devout religious followers are comfortable with (no offense). (3. Sign of the "anti-christ"?) Urban Dictionary

A song that was good until it got overplayed. Urban Dictionary

What you say when you don't want to give the real reason. Urban Dictionary

Originally found in an engrish advertisement for Japanese sake, "for reasons" has come into common usage to ironically or sarcastically point out either obvious reasons for a thing, or a complete lack of explanation. It is also used to point out a nonsensical or untrue explanation, or to avoid giving an actual explanation. Urban Dictionary

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The word "reasons" in example sentences

We may say, "We must look for somee _other reasons for it than_ those suggested," or "for some _reasons for it other than_ those suggested." ❋ Brainerd Kellogg (N/A)

You cannot be content with knowing the causes of things; and if you knew all the natural science that ever was or ever will be known to men, that would not satisfy you; for it would only tell you the _causes_ of things, while your souls want to know the _reasons_ of things besides; and though I may not be able to tell you the reasons of things, or show you aught but a tiny glimpse here and there of that which I called the other day the glory of Lady Why, yet I believe that somehow, somewhen, somewhere, you will learn something of the reason of things. ❋ Charles Kingsley (1847)

Not only egoistic reasons but arguably deontological reasons and reasons arising out of special relations to one's nearest and dearest would stand refuted, as would what Nagel later referred to as ˜reasons of autonomy™ (see Nagel ❋ Ridge, Michael (2005)

One of the main reasons is that the dancing calls out to people. ❋ Unknown (2010)

One of the main reasons is what Tim C. (#15) said, I can get to it from work!! ❋ Unknown (2008)

Everyone understands we have been through the worst 8 years term and one of the main reasons is this war. ❋ Unknown (2008)

One of the main reasons is disliking someone that is different because they are not a part of a group. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2008)

One of the main reasons is that many companies have chosen to locate in Querétaro in preference to Mexico City, taking advantage of the state's excellent railroad and highway infrastructure. ❋ Unknown (2006)

CALLER: I think that ultimately this will probably be one of the main reasons is he not elected. ❋ Unknown (2006)

One of the main reasons is that Canada's resource-based economy is a poor foundation for our future success. ❋ Unknown (1991)

The ideas haven't changed in decades – and one of the reasons is the families who continue to run our governments won't yield their power. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And one of the reasons is the IMPLIED pressure to make it happen. ❋ Unknown (2008)

"Well, the game's more popular now than it ever was, and one of the reasons is there's more teams that can win now than ever before." ❋ Unknown (2003)

"They've won 20 in a row and one of the reasons is they are very, very good." ❋ Unknown (2002)

And one of the reasons is they know how to respond. ❋ Unknown (2001)

One of the reasons is his enormous size, speed, and savvy, but also because he plays on one of the top high school football programs in the entire country. ❋ Unknown (2001)

I would consider myself a fan of Radio Clash; one of the main reasons is that I like to think I ‘get’ a lot more of what you’re talking about than the average listener (although I live in South Carolina, I’m from the good old northwest of England – I only moved to the States about four or five years back; so I think I can see both sides! ❋ Unknown (2006)

However, juries only issue a verdict, not an expression of reasons. ❋ Erwin Chemerinsky (2010)

I want to get [blackout] [on a Tuesday] but I'll need a [reason] first. . . ❋ BillieJeanIsNotMyLover (2018)

What is that [cute girl's] name on [the left] of [the picture]? I want to know for reasons... ❋ Mec (2015)

The client decided they wanted me to completely [overhaul] [the project] [because reasons]. ❋ DeadFish42 (2015)

...[yeah man], we [gotta] reason [sometimes]. ❋ Life+Love=Lessons Learned (2008)

[Einstein] discovered how [relativity] worked by using reason and [thinking about it]. ❋ 3standarddevs (2011)

The [herbalist] is going to the reasoning tonight to [enhance] his [spiritual] ways ❋ Bloodbruv (2010)

1. With simple reasoning and logic, Michael figured out the lateral [thinking problem]. 2. The atheist/[disbeliever] pissed off the priest (or rabbi, cleric, etc) by using logic and reasoning to question the Bible ([torah], quran, etc). ❋ The Light Of Reason (2005)

"[All right], The Reason is on, [I love this song]!" [2 days] later: "Oh shit, not The Reason again!" ❋ Mike The Ekim (2006)

Who's that? Oh, [just a friend]; why do you ask? [No reason]. (secretly insecure, jealous, [sizing] the other person up) ❋ SuposedlyKnowledgeable (2021)

You can buy water inside, but they won't let you bring in your own water, for reasons. Yeah, they won't let you use your cell phone on an airplane, for reasons. [Urban Dictionary editors] keep deciding to not [publish] [my word], for reasons. ❋ AnonymousBoschToo (2019)

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