
Character 13
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Definitions and meanings of "Refrigerating"

What do we mean by refrigerating?

To cool down, make cool.

Now specifically, to keep cool by containing within a refrigerator.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Refrigerating

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The word "refrigerating" in example sentences

I've worked at Starbucks for years and every manager and "coffee master" I've talked to there has told me that freezing/refrigerating is the worst way to store beans. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Then, with a pang, she recalled the refrigerating plant, and the life so quiet and poor and simple and sweet that she and Frank would have led had not her millions come between them. ❋ Lloyd Osbourne (1907)

The wait has been particularly frustrating for residents who rely on electricity for medical needs, such as refrigerating insulin, using a heart monitor or, as with the Beckers, charging an oxygen support system. ❋ Unknown (2010)

For example, trucks and buses can idle if necessary to perform essential functions such as refrigerating, hoisting, loading and responding to emergencies. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Allow the oil to cool in the jar at room temperature before refrigerating overnight. ❋ Daniel Humm (2011)

Remember in my last post about cookies how I said I'd never make another chocolate chip cookie again without refrigerating the dough? ❋ Unknown (2009)

Then I'm refrigerating it so I can easily remove the excess fat from the top of the stock. ❋ Unknown (2009)

My (Canadian-American) family is pretty casual about refrigerating most things. ❋ Karenhealey (2010)

If I tried refrigerating chocolate chip cookie dough for 36 hours, my family would mutiny! ❋ Unknown (2009)

Processing, refrigerating and moving the meat around adds other ocsts. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The article states that by refrigerating the dough for 12 to 36 hours you are "allowing the dough and other ingredients to fully soak up the liquid — in this case, the eggs — in order to get a drier and firmer dough, which bakes to a better consistency." ❋ Unknown (2009)

Remove from the heat and cool before serving or refrigerating for up to 3 weeks. ❋ Jason Wilson (2011)

I can confidently say I will never make another chocolate chip cookie without refrigerating the dough first! ❋ Unknown (2009)

You can sometimes extend the work time by refrigerating the powder to get it cold and using very cold water as you mix it. ❋ Tim Carter (2011)

I ll try refrigerating cookie dough for longer next time. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Cross Reference for Refrigerating

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What does refrigerating mean?

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