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Definitions and meanings of "Reinvented"

What do we mean by reinvented?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word reinvented. Define reinvented, reinvented synonyms, reinvented pronunciation, reinvented translation, English dictionary definition of reinvented.

The art or act of changing one's self, Re creating one's Image Urban Dictionary

1: Calling a preexisting sexual position/sexual act by a nonconventional name. 2: An expression used when a person "invents", unknowingly, an already existing sexual novelty. Urban Dictionary

Starting something over completely from scratch when there is already something prepared. Often done unnecessarily and for the purpose of taking full credit. Urban Dictionary

1st Base- Kissing, even peck (yes you went to first base with gam gam) 2nd Base- Boobs stuff 3rd Base- Below the belt action 4th Base- The grand Slam 69th Base- ;) Urban Dictionary

To needlessly duplicate the basics of a method Urban Dictionary

Common code or jargon for copying someone else's work and claiming it as your own. Frequently used in the military, even for the most mundane of tasks. Especially applicable when the search to copy someone else's work requires more work than actually doing the work yourself. Urban Dictionary

Reimagining what was originally invented. Urban Dictionary

Like “reinventing the wheel”, but for techbros. More precisely, it is to spend an incredible amount of money, time and mental effort to finally come to a solution that was actually figured out decades or even centuries ago. Bonus points if you end up making yet another app using the blockchain, so that in order for you to use it, you need to put your SSN on a distributed public ledger so that it can get pwned by Russian hackers. Urban Dictionary

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The word "reinvented" in example sentences

We know that cloud computing is a term reinvented for Web2. 0. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thumos, as Philip Kennicott wrote in The Washington Post, is a word reinvented by conservative academics who need to put a fancy name on a political philosophy that boils down to ‘boys will be boys.’ ❋ Unknown (2007)

What can’t be reinvented is the wheel of commerce. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What is being described as a reinvented General Motors has emerged after 40 days in bankruptcy protection. ❋ Unknown (2009)

However, Feedlooks – which is still in beta – has now "reinvented" feed reading by letting you "read content in full visual glory without leaving the app". ❋ Jack Schofield (2010)

For them, the safety net, sliced to pieces when the Democratic Clinton's "reinvented" welfare in 1996 in order to hold onto the White House, is virtually non-existent. ❋ Unknown (2010)

After the first two years, even a "reinvented" jai alai wouldn't draw near that many. ❋ Unknown (2008)

When Jobs says that Apple has 'reinvented' the phone, you believe him. ❋ Unknown (2007)

I've always wished to be able to do what you're describing -- assimilating images that then become kind of reinvented in a way that, as you put it so well, has an urgency and clarity. ❋ EAGEAGEAG (2009)

Others believe it was "reinvented" by Charles Ranhofer as a tribute to Secretary of State William Henry Seward, Sr. who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia on March 30, 1867. ❋ ~~louise~~ (2008)

Not surprisingly, few of the media being "reinvented" have shown up for what sounds like a dousing of Chinese Cultural Revolution-style re-education. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Micah does "reinvented" meatloaf and mashed potato. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It seems that my antagonist has had direct communications from at least 17 other (anonymous) forum participants, one of whom knows me and knows of my many foibles and the consensus among them is that I am an acoholic who has "reinvented" myself and am given to inane prattle which, at best, provokes disdainful laughter among those subjected to my writings, ❋ Unknown (2005)

He just kind of reinvented himself, as many people do in L.A., and all of a sudden he is hobnobbing with all these celebrities. ❋ Unknown (2003)

And even with -- you know, he kind of reinvented himself all the time, too, so you'd always have to peel away the layers. ❋ Unknown (2003)

But he has kind of reinvented himself and has been able to defer to some of the other players. ❋ Unknown (2002)

[I've been] the same for to [long], time for a [Reinvention] ❋ Misterwoodstreet (2015)

Ex. 1: Bob: Dude, me and Linda totally did a double [decker] last night! Frank: Bro, it's called 69. No need to reinvent the dildo. Ex. 2: Bob: I came up with this awesome idea last night. Just [hear me out], but what if we video tape people doing it and put it on the internet?? Frank: Bob, it's called porn. Stop [reinventing the dildo]. ❋ Happenstances (2012)

Michelle: Did you see [the dress] Jenny made? It's [just like that] one we saw at the mall, except the [straps] cross. Carly: Why didn't she just alter that one? She's always reinventing the wheel. ❋ Zach Willard (2008)

Have [you Heard] of [the Bases] ([reinvented])? ❋ SUNNARD (2016)

If [we have the technology] to [clean up] the [atmosphere], why do we always try to reinvent the wheel? ❋ The Return Of Light Joker (2010)

1. If you've already done the work, there's no need to [reinvent the wheel], just send me a copy of yours. 2. I'm sure I could do this, [but why] should I, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. 3. Whenever you [copy and paste] a request, remember to include that you don't want to reinvent the wheel. ❋ Homogenius (2019)

[The tour] of the [plantation] [reinvented] itself and wasn't lost forever over stupidity or silliness from all sides. ❋ The Original Agahnim (2021)

“Ok, [pitch it].” “Ok so like basically we get people [to pool] their money together into one thing and then invest that thing into Bitcoin and use the profits from that investment to pay everyone involved once a month, and then when someone dies their portion of the investment goes to the other participants.” “…you just described a [tontine].” “A what?” “A tontine. The thing you're describing. It's been around since the 17th century. Are you reinventing the bus again?” “No way, man! This one's different, this one uses JIT-compiled [vue].js and blockchain smart contracts to keep track of the system!” “Brilliant. Here's a million dollars, we're gonna be rich!” ❋ Tariqk (2022)

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