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Definitions and meanings of "Remediation"

What do we mean by remediation?

The act or process of remedying something that is undesirable or deficient. noun

The act or process of providing remedial education. noun

An action taken to remedy a situation. noun

Act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil noun

The process of remedying a situation.

Adjective 1- giving or intended as a remedy or cure. "remedial surgery" OR 2- provided or intended for children with learning difficulties. "remedial education" OR 3- an insult to suggest someone has learning difficulties Urban Dictionary

Used as a stand-in for retarded, this term was coined at Washington College to describe certain members of the student body. The meaning of the word has since widened, to describe anything weird, dumb, or just flat out wrong. Urban Dictionary

He's a rapper and hip-hop producer affiliated with the Wu Tang Clan. "Seen It All" and "Never Again" are two amazing songs by him. Urban Dictionary

A synonym for stupid, pointing out someone is remedial rather than callin them stupid ensures you look anything but remedial. Urban Dictionary

Remedial means you retarded, nice way to say it Urban Dictionary

A medicine to treat a disease or an injury. Urban Dictionary

A beautiful, super hot, charming, witty, intelligent, full of life girl who loves to have fun. Will talk to most anyone and is open to try new things. She knows exactly what she wants and won't put up with anyone's crap. Wanted by tons of guys, even though she doesn't kmow it. Not the biggest fan of relationships. She refuses to have her heart broken. She's pretty much the perfect girl. Urban Dictionary

The nice way to call someone "retarded". usually used by teachers in school. Urban Dictionary

Charming, nice, kinky, good taste, funny, mad although when people try make them look or feel bad they can go psycho but loveable , thoughtful , kind , tender, sharing , generous , polite , positive , affectionate ,loyal , a genuine hard working guy, soothing caring and sweet. . A man that has the 'Remedy' to know what a woman wants , treat her right an love and care for her. . A man that has the 'Remedy' and knows how to treat a lady, give it to the woman real good an how she likes it ...make her orgasm alot of times when making woodin it out or making love Urban Dictionary

A synonym for stupid. A nice way of saying you're stupid. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Remediation

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The word "remediation" in example sentences

"It is not within our mission to provide the kind of therapy or long-term remediation for long-term issues," said Caroline Scott, dean of college life at the Community College of Baltimore County. ❋ Alexandra Berzon (2011)

Yet in a SUNY at Albany study "researchers were able to reduce the number of children who require ongoing remediation from the national average of 30% down to about 2%!" ❋ Joel Shatzky (2010)

Outside remediation is needed from a trusted authority. ❋ Unknown (2009)

On average, the later remediation is given to a disadvantaged child, the less effective it is. ❋ Unknown (2009)

"From taxpayers 'standpoint, remediation is paying for the same education twice," Wise said. ❋ Unknown (2010)

These scientists, if they can still be called that, have successfully conned the world into believing that radical and costly remediation is needed to stop the planet from overheating. ❋ Unknown (2009)

BP chief Hayward said Friday that he expected the majority of containment, removal and cleanup costs to be complete by year's end, but he added that "other elements are likely to be spread over many years in cash terms, including fines and penalties and longer-term remediation, restitution, claims and litigation cost." ❋ Unknown (2010)

"Other costs are likely to be spread over a number of years, including any fines and penalties, longer-term remediation, compensation and litigation costs," Hayward said. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Federal funding for lead remediation is limited and probably will drop next year — the 2008 HUD lead-control budget is $116 million, 23% less than in 2005. ❋ Unknown (2007)

For many of our students, the School system begins working on remediation from the very first day they show up. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The EPA is releasing its proposal for closure of the offshore Mud Dump Site by September 1, and releasing its proposal for the long-term remediation of serious contamination in the offshore areas known as the Historic Area Remediation Site. ❋ ITY National Archives (1997)

He said the technical committee was planning a long term remediation programme. ❋ Unknown (1997)

It wants the MoD to put forward a "long-term remediation plan" by the end of February 2012. ❋ Auslan Cramb (2011)

1- "The remedial herb cured [Joe Bloggs] errectile [dysfunction]." 2- "Joe Bloggs was in need of some serious remedial education." [3-] "The last person to try and add remedial to Urban Dictionary as 'Remidial' is a remedial" ❋ ImAFuckingTriangle (2015)

Jack! Your [eating out] of the [hot chocolate] powder?! Boie, your [remedial]!!! ❋ TheBluEagle86 (2017)

Remedy is the very 1st [Jewish rapper] to be affiliated with [the Wu] [Tang] Clan. ❋ ♫ Highway To Hell ♫ (2010)

you did what? [quit] [actin] remedial ❋ Max Powers (2003)

[day-day] tries to get out of the car and leaves his seat belt on Craig:come on get out playboy, you know what? you remedial [Day-Day]:[da hell] do that mean? Craig:retarded! ❋ Dont Worry Bout It (2004)

The [ancient] Egyptians used [a special] remedy for every type of [disease]. ❋ In-jail-out-$oon (2019)

Guy: I'm [so sick] of being [lonely]. Guy: Man, [you need] to find yourelf a girl like Remedy. ❋ Big Booty Hoe (2013)

"You see [that kid] [Mason] there Bob?" "Yes..." "Hes Remedial" "[O dear]..." ❋ Mason Beveridge (2004)

Charlotte- ' katie, [what you on] girl?' Katie- ' Hi babe, im goin to meet my man. Said he's got the 'Remedy' I do love him so much Charlotte- ' Okay babe, tell me [what you got up] to when you get back. But don't let him [go you] wont get another one or another chance. Enjoy babe xxx' Katie- ' Okay hunny will do and believe me i won't this is the man i dreamt off, love you xxx' ❋ Written By Katie (2009)

[Quit] being [remedial]. He's remedial. ❋ YouAreFired (2013)

Cross Reference for Remediation

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What does remediation mean?

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