Revel Rout

Character 10
Hyphenation rev el-rout
Pronunciations N/A

Definitions and meanings of "Revel Rout"

What do we mean by revel rout?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word revel-rout. Define revel-rout, revel-rout synonyms, revel-rout pronunciation, revel-rout translation, English dictionary definition of revel-rout.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Revel Rout

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The word "revel-rout" in example sentences

Oh! happy that votary, when from the hurrying revel-rout he sinks to earth, in his holy robe of fawnskin, chasing the goat to drink its blood, a banquet sweet of flesh uncooked, as he hastes to Phrygia's or to Libya's hills; while in the van the Bromian god exults with cries of Evoe. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What revel-rout is kept about, in every corner where I go ❋ Unknown (1997)

Were I called suddenly to the palace would not the king and the court despise me as a drunken ruffler from some revel-rout that had fallen from his horse? ❋ Gulielma Zollinger (N/A)

Thou hast merely frequented palaces and courts, where men spurn away the unfortunate, and laugh at the complaints of the oppressed, whilst they are dissipating in revel-rout and roar that which they have robbed them of. ❋ Friedrich Maximilian Klinger (1791)

I had left my kingdom for awhile, when tidings of strange mischief in this city reached me; I hear that our women-folk have left their homes on pretence of Bacchic rites, and on the wooded hills rush wildly to and fro, honouring in the dance this new god Dionysus, whoe'er he is; and in the midst of each revel-rout the brimming wine-bowl stands, and one by one they steal away to lonely spots to gratify their lust, pretending forsooth that they are Maenads bent on sacrifice, though it is Aphrodite they are placing before the Bacchic god. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Came too the revel-rout of Centaurs, mounted on horses, to the feast of the gods and the mixing-bowl of Bacchus, leaning on fir-trees, with wreaths of green foliage round their heads; and loudly cried the prophet Chiron, skilled in arts inspired by Phoebus; "Daughter of Nereus, thou shalt bear a son" - whose name he gave - "a dazzling light to ❋ Unknown (2008)

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