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Definitions and meanings of "Ruminating"

What do we mean by ruminating?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word ruminating. Define ruminating, ruminating synonyms, ruminating pronunciation, ruminating translation, English dictionary definition of ruminating.

Focusing on past events in your life, typically ones that didn't turn out the way you would've wanted, and reflecting on them relentlessly with a strong outlook of yourself feeling worthless and inadequate. Depression and anxiety usually follows. A very common negative thought process after breakups. Urban Dictionary

A person who is deeply in thought. Urban Dictionary

In psychology, rumination is when you can't take your mind off of something, often a bitter or negative experience you had in the past, and it still continues to bother you. You try to combat these intrusive thoughts, but they keep coming back no matter how hard you try to push them out. Rumination can be anywhere from a few minutes to an entire hour. This is often due to a lack of resolution/rectification towards the bitter experience, especially if you failed to take control of the situation. Rumination can also be about future events or goals, especially a harmful, unhealthy and unrealistic goal that you want to pursue. The more you ruminate, the deeper the hole you're digging for yourself. It is better to stop ruminating early, or else you might end up in a very unhealthy state, both mentally and physically. Urban Dictionary

A very roach person, that is also REALLY cool and dope and fun and awesome and asthetic but really in the end just a roach... Urban Dictionary

A male/female who can protect anyone they love. Rumines are stronger than they appear, when aggravated they wont stop till they feel there better... Mainly Angered when someone messes or harms a family member or friend...Rumines are an Unknown species that dont know how strong they are till 18years of age. Urban Dictionary

When hastily eaten food is regurgitated and reswallowed Urban Dictionary

To marinate oneself in excessive amounts of rum. Urban Dictionary

Rumination disorder is a condition in which a person will unintentionally/unconsciously bringing up food from the stomach into the mouth (regurgitation) and rechewing the food and either swallowing the rechewed food or spitting it out, usually during or soon after eating. Unlike puking, regurgitating doesn't feel forced, regurgitating almost seems to happen naturally, without effort, like a normal reflex of your bodies' organs. Rumination seems to be a spectrum, as in everyone experiences it differently and on different levels. Some people have their physical health completely deteriorate to the point of hospitalization, while others may not even notice that they have Rumination Syndrome to begin with. Some people associate Rumination Syndrome with eating disorders (specifically Bulimia) due to the fact that they are similar in nature, but doctors have not found a direct link between Rumination Syndrome and any eating disorders. If you think you may have Rumination Syndrome, please look at a more detailed and professional website with more detailed facts and see a doctor as soon as possible. Rumination Syndrome can be a very serious health concern and have a lot of negative effects on your life. Urban Dictionary

The constant pondering over and over again about an issue and not doing anything to resolve it. Verbal cyclical rumination - do something about it (ie put something into action) or stop verbalising it coz I don't wanna hear about it again. Urban Dictionary

Co-ruminating has nothing to do with cows…but it can be bad for girls. Is a way for adolescents (especially girls) to create new source of depression and anxiety fixating on their problems and excessively talking with another person about problems through Sms text, e-mails, chats, social networks, creating a "vicious cycle" that feeds on itself snowballing rapidly to depression. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Ruminating

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The word "ruminating" in example sentences

In his own way, Cuendet was a craftsman; and because Maigret was thinking at the same time about the fellows in the Rue La Fayette — that was what he called ruminating — he found the man slightly old-fashioned — like this restaurant, which would soon make way for a spick-and-span self-service counter. ❋ Simenon, Georges, 1903- (1963)

Since then, his penchant for long-term ruminating has become obvious, most particularly with his decision on Afghanistan. ❋ Michele Willens (2010)

Psychologist types can tell me if anything specific is meant by "ruminating" - that is, if the term is used in your field to mean a kind of obsessive thinking and reviewing of thought - because otherwise, to us lay folks, ruminating just means thinking, reviewing. ❋ Unknown (2008)

a second and more complete mastication: this second operation is called ruminating, or chewing the cud. ❋ George Vasey (1857)

The religious synthesis from the intellectual side is to be obtained by passing through the grades of reality explicit in the various Life-systems, and by abstaining from the imposition of barriers which forbid anyone roaming and "ruminating" within these. ❋ Unknown (1905)

Guapo now remained quietly "ruminating" for a period of about forty minutes -- for this is about the time required for chewing a mess of cocoa-leaves. ❋ Mayne Reid (1850)

Guapo now remained quietly "ruminating" for a period of about forty minutes -- for this is about the time required for chewing a mess of coca-leaves. ❋ Mayne Reid (1850)

They have this song called, "Letters From the Dead," and it's about a guy who finds postcards in his room from a past relationship and he's just kind of ruminating about them in the song. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Woerner's column is titled "Ruminations of a Pragmatic CowDoc," playing on the act of cows chewing their cuds, as well as people "ruminating" over political ideas. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It's true, this obsessing or "ruminating" about events just feeds the worries and anxieties. ❋ Unknown (2008)

"ruminating" or "digesting" as though the mind were anywhere but in the head. ❋ Vinge, Vernor (1984)

In the other goalmouth David de Gea was still ruminating over his own contribution to the final minutes of the match, a missed catch that allowed Jermain Defoe to smack a volley against the woodwork followed by a fumble around the foot of the post from Tom Huddlestone's crashing 30-yarder. ❋ Unknown (2011)

If your boss is a controlling perfectionist -- and you choose to stay -- don't keep ruminating about what a rotten person he or she is or expect that person to change. ❋ Judith Orloff MD (2010)

What is there left to say about Dinesh D'Souza, who, weeks after his Forbes piece ruminating on President Barack Obama's supposed "Kenyan anti-colonial" DNA, has been basically discredited by everyone not currently participating in the "America's Next Top Piece Of Randian Filth" reality show? ❋ The Huffington Post News Team (2010)

If you leave items in your working memory, they'll make it harder to fall asleep, and you'll end up ruminating about them if you should wake up during the night. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The second while ruminating on teaching econometrics IV: ❋ Unknown (2009)

Addi Turbo Lace Circular Needles being described as a knitter-athlete being told that I have fabulous skin incremental progress at work my amazing asthma doc (repeat; il y a de quoi) public transportation getting myself to the gym instead of ruminating over a mistake … ❋ Unknown (2009)

Jim: "The definition provided by Jack didn't get very many likes. It didn't even get a whole lot of views for that matter. Now Jack ruminates in [the event] with thoughts of failure and poor self-image." James: "Jack looks like he has a lot on his mind." Jane: "His girlfriend just dumped him. It was simple incompatibility reasons." James: "[Ouch], [but why] is he [taking it] so hard? They were only dating for two months." Jane: "Jack spends a lot of time inside his own head with negative self-talk." He ruminates too much instead of using this as an opportunity to grow and improve." ❋ Senahbite85 (2018)

Lost [in deep] [rumination], the girl Is creating a beautiful masterpiece of sculptural [abstract art]. ❋ Ehf (2017)

Peter had plans to assemble his Ikea furniture today, but during the assembly his mind wandered off and he started to [ruminate] about his ex and how she "borrowed" his money but never returned it back, and afterwards broke up with him. He had all these malicious thoughts inside his head and wanted to execute them all, but couldn't get himself to for the sake of his sanity. Peter's [rumination] costed him [an hour's] worth of time. ❋ Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian (2021)

"[did you] see that rumin [roach] [outside]!" ❋ Roachroach6786 (2022)

did you know [Rumine] would take 18 [bullets] and still not [give up] his Friends... ❋ Rumine (2019)

"That pizza gave me such [heartburn] I nearly upchucked! Thank God for rumination or I could have decorated [your dad's] [Oldsmobile]!" ❋ Crazed Doc (2006)

When [bar hopping] in the [Caribbean] [islands], one gets ruminated by the end of the evening. ❋ Clewless (2012)

Person 1: "[How come] you never eat a lot?" Person 2: "It's because of my Rumination Syndrome, it causes me to [regurgitate] most of the food [I eat], so it's uncomfortable for me to eat a lot." ❋ I Feel Really Sick (2023)

"You have to [do something] about this cyclical rumination, its [not healthy], act [on it]!" ❋ Smoked Salmon (2009)

Too much [girl talk] leads to Co-rumination. So girls,you better shut your [yap] sometimes before starts.. that [co-ruminating] noise! ❋ Mave_73 (2008)

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