Science Fair

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Definitions and meanings of "Science Fair"

What do we mean by science fair?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word science-fair. Define science-fair, science-fair synonyms, science-fair pronunciation, science-fair translation, English dictionary definition of science-fair.

A four letter word: HELL. Urban Dictionary

Something torturing but teachers always view it as a fun activity, and exhausted to tempt their students to do it. However, when you are assigned to do a science fair, it allows you to surf the Internet to your heart’s content, though it's not always for your work. Urban Dictionary

1) hell; a lethal overdose of hell or and phantasmagoric element. 2)something one should be doing instead of surfing the net Urban Dictionary

An action or activity that should be easy to do or accomplish but made difficult or time consuming by the person partaking in the action or activity Urban Dictionary

A terrible thing that should go die in a fire that no one likes not even teachers. Urban Dictionary

Something that is compleatly useless in life. teachers make this up so they can fail you, make your life miserable, and so you can learn pointless crap like how fast radishes grow, and which hamster finds the cheese faster. (i did these two 7 & 8th grade year) its awful. mean. and horrible. you fail every other class b.c. you have to write up a 10 pg. report on what you did, make a science board, and a 50 slide power point. AND have 3 judges come around and grade this. no one will ever use any of this. pointless.mean.unintelligent. makes the science teacher feel better about how dumb he really is. no clue why its called Science Fair. fairs are fun. science fair is NOT fun. Urban Dictionary

Two men anally gape a woman until the her anal cavity can contain 150mL. The men will scoop out the excrement of the women with wooden spoons in order to create a basin. Then, the men will pour 50mL of vinegar and then 50mL baking soda. The men will plug their penises into the basin in order to contain the reaction. After they ejaculate, they unplug and let the anal-volcano erupt. Urban Dictionary

The act of first placing a tube of Mentos candy inside the anus, and then quickly yet carefully sliding a newly opened Coke bottle (neck first) into the anal cavity. The participant should be on all fours with their ass up in the air with the bottle pointed upwards. The Mentos and Coke will react, and launch the Coke bottle out of the ass and high into the air like a Rocket at the Science Fair. This project is almost guaranteed to win any Science Fair Urban Dictionary

When nerds are at science fair, they may enter a state of extreme boredom waiting for results. This usually results in random dance parties, running around, breaking tables, and crawling on the floor. Urban Dictionary

Annoying project that every single school in existence just has to do Urban Dictionary

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The word "science-fair" in example sentences

Spelling and musical knowledge aside, though, it's a pretty solid little science-fair entry. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Could have been telling me about her latest science-fair project or fund-raiser. ❋ Cara Hoffman (2011)

Regarding the girl who boiled the flesh off a dog skull — IIRC, a character in the play The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds undertakes something similar to this as a science-fair entry. ❋ Unknown (2010)

"Global warming is a total disaster and it 's all our fault," a fifth-grader tells the appalled second grade, whose screwball science-fair solutions bring things to child level. ❋ Meghan Cox Gurdon (2010)

My friend Ben, the one who was my science-fair partner and is supersmart, offered to tutor me. ❋ Jessica Verday (2010)

Not only had I ditched him in the middle of our science-fair project, but then I had to go and have a mental breakdown on top of it. ❋ Jessica Verday (2010)

Something Ben told me at the library when we were working on the science-fair project last year. ❋ Jessica Verday (2010)

Mr. Anderson said the article, published in the International Journal of General Medicine and titled "Effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on motor neuron survival," was a family research effort that evolved out of a science-fair project. ❋ Mike Esterl (2010)

He had attended a high school in New York (possibly Stuyvesant, but I don't remember specifically) where there were counselors who specifically worked with kids who wanted to do science-fair projects. ❋ Peggy (2008)

Yes, it is science-fair art, and it's all about a special effect. ❋ Blake Gopnik (2010)

UPGRADE?????? experimental science-fair project SoCs shoe-horned into [...] ❋ Unknown (2008)

Encouraged by his science-fair success, Ritter ... tinkered for years (he's now 24), eventually coming up with Lactagen's brew of lactobacillus acidopholus (a "probiotic," or helpful bacterium, that's found in live yogurt cultures), lactose, phosphates, and gum and silica. ❋ Steve Carper (2007)

Longtime lactose intolerant Andrew Ritter decided, at age 13, to devise a remedy for his ailment as a science-fair project. ❋ Steve Carper (2007)

The backyard ballistics people at Box O 'Truth took some of the material that goes into body armor, laid it over blocks of clay, and shot it with a bunch of different weapons, writing up the results in humorous science-fair style: ❋ Unknown (2006)

Writing that [research paper] for [the science] fair was [a living hell]. ❋ Darla Washington (2003)

Teacher: Well, it seems that you guys considered this amount of HW is too much, how about doing a [science fair]? Students: Nooooooooo! Teacher: But your whole HW will be exempted if you guys do it. Want to give it a try? (smile) Students (shouting in mind): [Noway]! Apparently you know nothing about the goddamn science fair......[Do your research]! ❋ Sherlock Eurus (2020)

1)Studying for that test was fuckin [science fair]! 2)[Ana], you should be [working on] your science fair!! ❋ Stray (2003)

Waiter: Are you ready to order? John: Yes. [Hmmmmmm]. Wow! There are so many choices on the menu. You know. I kinda think I want the fish, but that salad sounds good. And you can't go wrong with your burgers. Wait! [Tell me again] about the special today? Jack: Dude! What's up with the fucking [science fair]? Just order something dammit! ❋ Caviedrums (2010)

[I died] from [anxiety] because of the god [dammed] science fair ❋ Antinorminate (2018)

TEACHER: class! we have a special treat today! we're going to do [SCIENCE FAIR]!!!!!!! *smiles huge* CLASS: [awwww] [nooo] this sucksss TEACHER: it will be fun. now you have to do *explains LONG list of "fun" things you get to, not have to, but GET TO do. ❋ **BLAHblahBLAH** (2008)

I [conducted] a Seattle Science Fair with [my buddy Eric] last [week]. ❋ Thegroober (2021)

We were in the bedroom, things were getting [hot and heavy]. But then I got exhausted, so I stepped out of the bedroom to get a refreshing Coke. When I came back, she had a [Mentos] in her hand and was [pushing it] in her ass. She told me she wanted me to win the Science Fair Project, so I just went with it. ❋ QueenAndPeasant (2017)

Crowd of [freshman] nerds: "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Nerdy Senior: "They are so [science fair high].. stupid [freshmen]." ❋ SupremeWhiteNerdOfTheUniverse (2012)

Hey [the science] [fair] is [tomorrow] ❋ BroWhyIsEveryNameAlreadyTaken (2022)

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