Self Confidence

Character 15
Hyphenation self -con fi dence
Pronunciations N/A

Definitions and meanings of "Self Confidence"

What do we mean by self confidence?

Confidence in oneself or one's own abilities. noun

Confidence in one's own judgment or ability; reliance on one's own observation, opinions, or powers, without other aid. noun

The quality or state of being self-confident; self-reliance. noun

The state of being self-confident noun

A measure of one's belief in one's own abilities noun

Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities noun

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word self-confidence. Define self-confidence, self-confidence synonyms, self-confidence pronunciation, self-confidence translation, English dictionary definition of self-confidence.

Being content with who you are. mentally and physically. walking into a room and not caring what others think. loving yourself the way you are. Urban Dictionary

Something I wish i had. Urban Dictionary

Someone who is really confident in who they are and what they do. they love either themselves or something they are apart of and aren't afraid to show it Urban Dictionary

Something that creates a polarity between the "girls"you meet in high school and "women"you meet in the real world. The same vice vera. Urban Dictionary

A thing that you must have to gain respect and explains the phenomenon of why the criteria of men bad boys typically Alpha men are ironically attracted to the bad girls a.k.a "bitches". Unlike good girls which are oftentimes vulnerable women which Jerks objectify and dumps afterwards he through with her; he secretly demands more of a challenge or someone equivalent. Urban Dictionary

There is no such thing Urban Dictionary

The ability to shamelessly fart during sex Urban Dictionary

Self-Confidence is what you find within yourself when life tries to make a move at your insecurities. It has been described as the chess Queen piece of human life, killing all the little soldiers other participants send your way. BUT look out, flaunt your self-confidence too much and it might be taken by a bishop. OOPS. Confidence inwards. Urban Dictionary

A phenomenon on dating platform like tinder. Upspeed blind liking of profiles without looking at photo's and descriptions. It provides a boost on the self confidence of women, because they think all men like them. But only when a female makes the match, shall the man make his choice. Urban Dictionary

A phenomenon on dating platform like tinder. Upspeed blind liking of profiles without looking at photo's and descriptions. It provides a boost on the self confidence of women, because they think all men like them. But only when a female makes the match, shall the man make his choice. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Self Confidence

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The word "self-confidence" in example sentences

The knowledge that one's mentality has been broadened out by college training, that one has discovered his possibilities, not only adds wonderfully to one's happiness, but also increases one's self-confidence immeasurably, and _self-confidence is the lever that moves the world_. ❋ Orison Swett Marden (1887)

Putting yourself out there in weekend meets requires a lot of self-confidence, which is lacking at this age, she says. ❋ Marc Bloom (2009)

Students have developed their written, oral and social skills as well as gaining motivation and self-confidence, which is reflected in their school work. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The evolving relationship is also marked by a rise in Polish self-confidence after years of membership in NATO and the European Union, an enhanced status underlined by the fact that Warsaw is preparing to take over the rotating presidency of the EU in July. ❋ Unknown (2011)

"I have great faith in fools - my friends call it self-confidence." ❋ Michael Kesterton (2012)

I don’t want it to be so bad that it will break your self-confidence, which is attractive + is fine is founded on positive virtues, work, courage ect. but if you are selfish it had better be broken early. ❋ F. SCOTT FITZGERALD (1994)

He had a sunny self-confidence that suited voters during a difficult decade. ❋ Walter F. Mondale (2010)

First, alongside most other major institutions, religious institutions suffered a dramatic loss of confidence and self-confidence. ❋ Robert D. Putnam (2010)

But the self-confidence and dignity that has been rejuvenated within the Egyptian people -- the knowledge that they can pour into the streets and make their voices heard -- is a powerful safeguard for them from now on. ❋ Shirin Sadeghi (2011)

He has self-confidence and is sort of semi-aristocratic, says his owner and handler, David Fitzpatrick of East Berlin, Pa. ❋ Unknown (2011)

But Norton insists that his program is different, that it's ultimately about self-confidence and forging emotional connections. ❋ Ellen McCarthy (2011)

A chick writer may have smarts, sex appeal, and a sense of humor, but if s/he doesn't have self-confidence, most guys agents will take a pass. ❋ Unknown (2010)

What is BETTER for any writer in that situation is to STOP tying their self-worth and self-confidence to what others are willing to pay. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The actions of the protestors in Tunisia and elsewhere exude courage, initiative, can-do spirit, self-confidence and self-motivation — precisely the qualities that constitute the essence of entrepreneurship. ❋ Carl Schramm (2011)

She used to walk into a room and [wonder] if the people liked her, now she walks in and [wonders] if she likes them, that girl has finally [gained] some self confidence. (: ❋ Adriana932 (2013)

“Hey I heard Bridget’s signing up to be an [SRC]! Are you signing up?” “Oh shit, no one’s [gonna want] a fucking [emo girl] with no self-confidence to sign up” ❋ ImAHappyLilHoe (2019)

wow! you can tell that she's from [Centerville] because she has so much self confidence and is [way too] [high] in herself and thinks she's the best ❋ Urgay1234567 (2020)

Man #1 Remember when the girls in high school was very insecure. Now since I'm older, women tend to be more comfortable in their skin since they've gotten older. [Man #2] I think word that best describes that is [self-confidence] or [maturity] if I'm using it the right way I think..... ❋ Hustlahomes (2017)

Vulnerable girl: I don't know why Jerry dump me over Keisha. She's a female douchbag. Boy 1: Unless she knows her self worth and that makes the difference Vulnerable girl: Guys are so dumb these days to choose women that are narcissist. Most [bad guys] are use to dating women with low self-esteem which can result in having [low standards], but until a woman with [self-confidence] they will learn how to love and respect her. ❋ Philosophiee (2017)

[My dad] is like [my self confidence] ❋ ImNotJamesForGodsSake (2019)

After trying to hold off on [ripping] one the first night, Chad [developed] a [high self-confidence] from there on out. ❋ D Flawless (2019)

"I have the [self-confidence] of [Shrek] herself, do not [test me]" ❋ Thigh-clamp (2020)

Blind liking for [self confidence] Waiting for the train and you dont have enough time to [inspect] all profiles. So you are blind liking profiles at [tinder] for gaining self confidence at women. ❋ Ontjie (2020)

Blind liking for [self confidence] Waiting for the train and you dont have enough time to [inspect] all profiles. So you are blind liking profiles at [tinder] for gaining self confidence at women. ❋ Ontjie (2020)

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