Short Notice

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Definitions and meanings of "Short Notice"

What do we mean by short notice?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word short-notice. Define short-notice, short-notice synonyms, short-notice pronunciation, short-notice translation, English dictionary definition of short-notice.

When a person gives you absolutely no fucking time to arrange plans. Urban Dictionary

Unexpectedly seeing someone's penis, not having prior notice or time to process Urban Dictionary

Unexpectedly seeing someone's penis, not having prior notice or time to process Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Short Notice

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The word "short-notice" in example sentences

On the contrary, FWI's research shows that employees who are offered the flexibility to adjust their work schedules on short-notice, rarely do so - 70% of employees with this option use it once a month or less. ❋ Ellen Galinsky (2011)

Both nations will be allowed to hold short-notice inspections of each other's nuclear facilities within 60 days of the accord taking effect. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Those complaining about school closures, meanwhile, divide into two camps: those who complain about the loss to children's education; and those who complain that parents have to find alternative childcare arrangements at short-notice. ❋ Gordon McCabe (2009)

The report of the short-notice inspection carried out on 8 February this year says Vine was concerned to find significant non-compliance with the UKBA's policy and guidance. ❋ Unknown (2011)

And being pregnant adds an extra reason not to make a "mad dash," but it doesn't preclude your going back for a short-notice but well-thought-out visit. ❋ Post (2011)

The improved medical evacuation rates pertain only to the most dire wound or injury cases requiring "emergency, short-notice evacuation to save life, limb or eyesight, or to prevent complications that could lead to more serious illness or permanent disability," says Air Force Maj. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He was the kind of guy who would show up randomly at a fund-raiser at a local bar in Dover on a short-notice invitation, and pose for pictures with the soused patrons. ❋ Unknown (2010)

We will also conduct 18 short-notice inspections of Russian nuclear forces each year, including checking warheads on individual missiles. "" ❋ Ed O (2010)

From what I can piece together though, it seems that it was a rather short-notice, spur-of-the-moment decision, probably due to bad weather at the cape. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The pink slip always came via a short-notice visit from your regional manager. ❋ Jack Canfield (2010)

(Shapey himself conducted, as a short-notice substitute — he looked like an unusually forceful leprechaun.) ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2008)

With all of this broad and unexpectedly "sophisticated" attention shining on us, I'm reminded of that archetypal episode always seen in sitcoms of a bygone era, the one where a poor schlub's shoe-polished and wealthy boss makes a short-notice promise of a dinner visit to his coarse employee. ❋ SVGL (2008)

In addition, it would provide for substantial U.S. examination of Russian nuclear weapons facilities, including 18 short-notice inspections of Russian nuclear forces every year. ❋ Lawrence Wittner (2010)

[Jesus] [Richard] it's a bit short notice [isn't it], I can't make it tonight sorry. ❋ Nathan2495 (2016)

I was walking down the street and one of the neighbors kids lost a bet & had to [run around] naked, [short notice dick] was [corrupting] my eyes, I didn't mean to look I swear ❋ -Mary&Danny (2015)

I was walking down the street and one of the neighbors kids lost a bet & had to [run around] naked, [short notice dick] was [corrupting] my eyes, I didn't mean to look I swear ❋ -Mary&Danny (2015)

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