
Character 8
Hyphenation slap dash
Pronunciations /ˈslæpdæʃ/

Definitions and meanings of "Slapdash"

What do we mean by slapdash?

Hasty and careless, as in execution. adjective

In a reckless haphazard manner. adverb

In a sudden, offhand, abrupt, random, or headlong manner; abruptly; suddenly; all at once.

To do in a rough or careless manner.

To rough-cast (a wall) with mortar.

Dashing; offhand; abrupt; free, careless, or happy-go-lucky; rash or random; impetuous: as, a slap-dash manner; slap-dash work; a slap-dash writer.

A composition of lime and coarse sand, mixed to a liquid consistency and applied to exterior walls as a preservative; rough-casting; harling. noun

The outside plaster filling of a half-timbered house, between the beams. noun

Offhand, careless, happy-go-lucky, or ill-considered action or work. noun

Violent abuse. noun

To apply, or apply something to, in a hasty, careless, or rough manner; to roughcast. transitive verb

In a bold, careless manner; at random. adverb

With a slap; all at once; slap. adverb

Done hastily; haphazard; careless. adjective

In a hasty or careless manner. adverb

Directly, right there. adverb

To apply, or apply something to, in a hasty, careless, or rough manner; to roughcast. verb

Directly adverb

In a careless or reckless manner adverb

Marked by great carelessness adjective

To apply, or apply something to, in a hasty, careless, or rough manner; to roughcast.

Synonyms and Antonyms for Slapdash

The word "slapdash" in example sentences

Wake up ... refuse the short term slapdash fixes our govenrment has become famous for and demand a realistic plan!!!! obama is the only candidate to get it right. ❋ Unknown (2008)

There's nothing "slapdash" about this sentence: "Listening for his murderers, he became aware of the oppressive life of the jungle, of the collective roar of insects, as big as any city's at noon." ❋ Unknown (2009)

My builds are getting more and more 'slapdash' and 'elegantly sloppy' euphemisms for crap since Arcadia is not around to point out the flaws in them. ❋ Bettina Tizzy (2007)

Mr. Towers wouldn't survive as an art critic because no serious journal of painting would permit him to get away with the "slapdash" comparison of Roy Lichtenstein's work with mine. ❋ Reed, Ishmael (1982)

Who, may I ask, is being "slapdash" and violating the requirements of the "sullen art" of literary criticism? ❋ Morris, Ivan (1972)

Mr Norman welcomed the apology but said the way the information was given out was "slapdash" and "incompetent". ❋ Unknown (2011)

During submissions on penalty, the prosecution said the company had a 'slapdash' approach to maintenance, had shown no remorse and embarked on a finger-pointing exercise during the trial. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When I don't have them around, I do a kind of slapdash version, which I will describe now. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But that's not going to keep her original, "slapdash," study from being widely cited by the usual ranters. ❋ Various Libertarian Bloggers (2010)

Other reviewers criticised the movie's lack of wit, laziness and "slapdash" execution. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There's obviusly little justification for the kind of slapdash policies that Washington has been pursuing since 9 / 11, and the war in Iraq was a terrible mistake. ❋ Unknown (2009)

That kind of slapdash political gimmickry does not belong in office. ❋ Unknown (2008)

And now this exhibit looks haphazard, casual and slapdash, making me feel like I've sadly stumbled on the Alphonso Soriano of the art world. ❋ Paul Klein (2011)

I trained to be an art teacher, so it wasn't all new to me, but I'm very shoddy, very slapdash, and it taught me that it is real work: each painting took nine months, and he was seeking perfection right up to the moment he finished. ❋ Unknown (2011)

He courts ambiguity, populating his paintings with shape-shifting topiary, chunks of masonry, stylized umbrella pines, fountains, city walls, column fragments, sculptures and more, including the sinister "hoods" of the paintings exhibited in New York—all of it conjured up with ham-fisted, assertive drawing and with paint-handling that ranges from elegant to slapdash. ❋ Karen Wilkin (2011)

These decisions are random, slapdash, and nonsensical. ❋ Scott Lilly (2011)

All worn in a very slapdash fashion at times, I have to admit. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

Nature tourism would surely be a more sustainable economic engine than coal mining, shale-gas drilling and slapdash commercial development, they said, and would surely push property values higher. ❋ McKay Jenkins (2012)

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