Small Talk

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Definitions and meanings of "Small Talk"

What do we mean by small talk?

Idle conversation, typically on innocuous or unimportant subjects, usually engaged in at social gatherings out of politeness.

Useless and unnecessary conversation attempted to fill the silence in an awkward situation. Commonly backfires into feelings of loneliness and social discomfort. Usually is intiated by comments regarding the current weather, weather pattern of the past/future few days or major weather disturbances in the recent past. Urban Dictionary

A bullshit social ritual where people decide to talk about the weather and how they're doing instead of topics that are actually interesting and fun to talk about. People often resort to small talk to avoid being awkward and as a way to conform to acting normal or expected. Urban Dictionary

The act of supplying a person with irrelevant information about oneself in an attempt to appear friendly and normal to a person one is meeting for the first time. This practice I'd particularly important to extroverts (people who take pleasure in spewing random bits of their life stories at anybody who will listen,) who use it to try to judge and impress others with the ability to observe the weather and remember how many siblings they have. Unfortunately, these skills are widely regarded by introverts as both unimpressive and anyway pointless due to the fact that introverts and extroverts alike do not usually give a damn about how long their neighbors have been married and are not likely to remember unless their neighbors are close friends, in which case small talk usually isn't used anyway. Note: all people resort to small talk in uncomfortable situations. Urban Dictionary

When you come across that person you haven't seen in a while, but you really have no close connection with them anyways. But you know... you don't want to be rude and just walk right past them... so then it turns to a complete bullshitting session between you and this aquiantence. Example conversation: "YO! Hey whats up man? What you been doing?" "Oh.. yeah I had a baby and shit..." "Oh thats cool....." "OK BYE!" "BYE!" Urban Dictionary

Conversations about nothing that make you waste your breath, time, energy and ask why me? People with low intelligence usually make small talk because they do not want you to realize how stupid they are. Small talk is why people have become dumb, conformed and useless. Small talk is a way for nosy people to try and find out who you are. And when they do not find out who you are, they keep the small talk going leading to infinite small talk about nothing of substance. What is better than small talk? Dentist. What is better than small talk? Falling asleep on the subway with an open purse. Urban Dictionary

The mild exchange of information between two or more people. The contents of the information is entirely comprised of facts all parties were already aware of. If there is an exchange of opinion it must be a shared opinion. Urban Dictionary

Also known as ST, a 'general' subforum on PBNation, the 3rd largest (largely due to ST itself) vB bulletin. Arguably the largest breeding ground of idiocy, ignorance and general flaming, I myself am th emost hated poster. Urban Dictionary

A subforum of It is sometimes called "the playground" by elder members. also known as: forumid=68 ST Urban Dictionary

Idle, relaxed conversation Urban Dictionary

Just useless gossiping to fill the awkward silence between 2 persons or more. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Small Talk

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The word "small-talk" in example sentences

The thing with Kim—and we made fun of her for this—is that she liked to spend time “connecting” with the audience, and her quick bursts of chat could often run into overly long monologues, like one of those inane, small-talk conversations between friends. ❋ Steve Dennis (2011)

Essential clues in CAPS, editorial small-talk in lower case, so you can skip all my little useless and pointless comments if you like … ❋ Unknown (2009)

They are deliberately and skillfully lured in with requests for help, invitations to look at a puppy, or by making small-talk and not letting it end in a normal fashion and pushing themselves on people who are timid or afraid of hurting someone else 'feelings. ❋ Judith Acosta (2010)

Everything that had felt false and forced about our small-talk conversations was punctured by this moment of truth. ❋ Steve Dennis (2011)

I talk to a lot of people throughout the course of my day; typically just small-talk focused upon the weekend or what athlete did steroids or got caught with a gun. ❋ Unknown (2010)

This wasn't an ordinary family and they didn't want a typical meet-the-parents scenario, with polite, closed small-talk, facades, and nothing real being exchanged between us. ❋ Jasoni (2011)

This could be a dick move, but it's also very difficult to make small-talk with someone who may or may not have undressed you. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I tapped into my small-talk reserves, trying to make her stick around, at least until Mary Jane or Whitney showed up. ❋ Wendy Toliver (2010)

Again, one group of editors met the student for the same few minutes of small-talk, and another group had no contact with him. ❋ Knowledge@Wharton (2010)

Her boss, she says, was in the office, and the two would exchange small-talk, but the e-mail would go unresolved. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The old middle-class behaviours and values – self-restraint, deferred gratification, a degree of snobbery – have less relevance in a Britain where all classes scoff supermarket ready meals and small-talk about Britain's Got Talent. ❋ Unknown (2010)

[Gas Man]: Nice weather, if [you're a duck]. [Noid]: uh, You over pumped. Gas Man: So I did, I'll only charge you what you asked for. C: Your small talk just cost you $1.37. Noid: Drive On ❋ Foug (2005)

[Small talk] prevents people from talking about [interesting] subjects that will improve their knowledge and [foresight] ❋ Dubiks (2019)

Person 1: How was the new [Star Trek] movie? Person 2: It was great except the people I [went with] have never even watched any other Star Trek before. Most of [the car] ride was awkward small talk. ❋ Galaxyhiker (2013)

Example of small talk: "YO! Hey [whats up] man? What you been doing?" "Oh.. yeah I had a baby and shit..." "Oh thats cool....." "[OK BYE]!" "[BYE]!" ❋ Negger (2005)

[Small] talk-Person 1: It's [cold] today...Person 2. [Yes], it is. ❋ SaraPuns (2014)

[Small talk] is about weather, [the haircut] you obviously got, and [foreign] politics ❋ Bobthelobster (2022)


Those [noobs] in [small talk] sure are annoying [little bitches]. ❋ Anonymous (2004)

This is [no time] for small talk. We have get the [ingredients] [quickly]. ❋ The Return Of Light Joker (2011)

[BELLA]!! Your [small talk] is [irritating] me now...can we replace it with some sports news..?? ❋ PLUM!! (2021)

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