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Definitions and meanings of "Snapshots"

What do we mean by snapshots?

A photograph, especially one taken quickly or in a moment of opportunity.

A glimpse of something; a portrayal of something at a moment in time.

A file or set of files captured at a particular time, often capable of being reloaded to restore the earlier state.

A quick, unplanned or unexpected shot.

A quick offhand shot, made without deliberately taking aim over the sights.

What people that aren't up to date call screenshots Urban Dictionary

An informal word for a penis Urban Dictionary

The use of the snapshot function on Skype to take pictures of your girlfriend/boyfriend for masturbation material Urban Dictionary

When a guy poses for the mirror and takes pictures of himself with a camera or his cellphone (typically with his cellphone). These guys normally take off their shirt and take a picture of themselves to attract higher level of queers. It is very commonly seen on myspace,facebook, and other social networking sites. Guys who faggot snapshot of themselves are known as queer baits. Urban Dictionary

Any person of the male species who take a photo of themselves in an attempt to seem superior. The ultimate goal is to let others perceive them as being above the average person, but the actual outcome is one of being called a faggot and losing man points. This includes photos where the subject is posing without a shirt on, wearing non-prescription spectacles, looking upwards to the right or left, doing the " The Thinker" pose or a combination of any previously mentioned examples. Because real men do not do things like this, as they know that they are the alpha dog. Urban Dictionary

A misleading photograph typically displayed on social networking sites. Used to falsify appearance and physical atributes. Urban Dictionary

To go on a tour and take a quick snapshot experience of a tourist attraction, not even beginning to experience anything beyond the viewfinder. Urban Dictionary

A term used when you're really angry with something that has happened in a short amount of time and then you take corrective action to make sure that something related will never happen again. (Being angry for a short amount of time like 20 seconds). Urban Dictionary

More common spelling of the "Snapshotday" word, which came from the "It's Wednesday, my dudes" meme. Used among Minecraft players for snapshot release days. Urban Dictionary

A guy normally good at any game, but anything that comes out his mouth makes him sound like a dick. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Snapshots

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The word "snapshots" in example sentences

Shown above in snapshots from the iSummit held a week ago in Rio de Janeiro are some of the leaders of the iCommons idea-becoming-a-movement: Jimmy Wales, Cory Doctorow, Larry Lessig and Joi Ito. ❋ Unknown (2006)

These photos which she referred to as snapshots were taken on a Kodak model "one step more advance than the Brownie." ❋ Unknown (2009)

One of my favorite "snapshots" is the photo of Al on the front page of the Sunday, March 24, 2002 Courier News, with arms folded and the Park-Madison and Teppers sites in the background. ❋ Dan (2007)

More family photos and a slew of snapshots from the seaside village of Giens, in tomorrow's Cinéma Vérité. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Among favored spots for snapshots is a magnificent 40-foot-high temple called El Castillo (the castle), the Temple of the Descending God (featuring an upside-down figure of the Mayan god of the bees) and a cliffside sanctuary named the Temple of the Winds. ❋ Bob Schulman (2010)

Here's my Flickr set of more video snapshots from the waterfall (others are higher-quality and less compressed than this). ❋ Unknown (2009)

Real (Cool) Science: NASA has released shiny new snapshots from the The Hubble Space Telescope. [via Neatorama] ❋ Unknown (2009)

Daily Pic: John Kirchner's "Infinity," at Conner Contemporary Art. The great thing about snapshots is that they capture the casually seen, then allow for its extended contemplation. ❋ Blake Gopnik (2010)

It seems very personal ... like snapshots from a trip. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The Halloween decorations are still up, there is some crime scene tape in the middle cabin, and all the walls are covered with people's snapshots from the road. ❋ Unknown (2008)

"Her look of fierce determination as she shielded the torch, captured in snapshots of the scene, has now spread throughout China, inflaming simmering public anger at the protests," Reuters said. ❋ BA Haller (2008)

Link to "Xeni Tech" archived audio on NPR "Day to Day," and here's a Flickr set with snapshots from the demo (some shot by me, some shot by Commander Heal). ❋ Unknown (2006)

Michael, a member of an online forum for Volkswagen enthusiasts, posts snapshots from a visit to the Phaeton assembly plant in Dresden. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The Washington Post's Mark Leibovich followed Howard Dean on his recent South Carolina trip, and provided a few snapshots from a day on the trail ... ❋ Unknown (2004)

[Grandma]: "Take a [snapshot] of that [picture] and message it to me!" ❋ Casibeth (2017)

[yo] [shorty] can [eat on] a snapshot ❋ Kool-Aid (2004)

Ali-Have you and your [bird] just been having [Skype sex]? Glen-Nope she's busy so I had a [snapshot wank] instead Ali-Fair play mate ❋ Merryman69 (2011)

I have a six [pac] and I want to show it off to all the ladies on my facebook. So I became shirtless and snapped some so-called "hot" pictures of myself in front of the mirror. The next day, I attracted a shitload of [queers] and all the girls [lol'd] at me. ❋ BenchMax345 (2010)

"Dude, Josh posted another [photo] of himself alone in his room, pretending to be [studying] or something. And since when does he wear glasses? I hate it when he posts faggot snapshots" "[Holy crap], what a faggot. I really want punch his face in, but I don't hit girls." ❋ Nedla93 (2013)

- "That bitch on Facebook is fucking hot." - "Nah that bitch is [fat as fuck], she just took her photo on that magic [fat girl angle]" - "Gaih, [fucknig] Social Snapshots!" ❋ IntergalacticbrotherhoodofU.D (2011)

Nick- I want to go on a european trip of [backpacking] and hitchhicking. Matt- Thats a great idea, just don't [partake] in any snapshot tourism. Nick- Don't worry, Im not [one of those people]. ❋ Nick Pryde (2006)

When someone online performs crap on your team in a game and you had to perform better than them, you also take into account their overall performance then accumulate it all at once in a [snapshot] fury and take that [corrective] action. "Urgh, he's so fricken crap, i'm going to have to remove him!" "He's also been crap from the past games as well! (20 seconds later) hmm, maybe i shouldn't of done that...oh well, he won't be a bother again." "Dude...that was like some kind of [Snapshot] anger/fury" "[lol yeah]" ❋ Sol64 (2009)

Get [ready], my [dudes], [tomorrow] is Snapshot Day! ❋ MishaGold (2023)

Guy 1: Hey [SnapShot] [you wanna go] play Halo? SnapShot: I don’t know I’m pretty much a god it so it’s not like anyone can [beat me]. ❋ Solvable (2019)

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