
Character 8
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Definitions and meanings of "Snuffled"

What do we mean by snuffled?

To sniff or smell with the nose loudly and audibly.

To speak through the nose; to breathe through the nose when it is obstructed, so as to make a broken sound.

The act of rubbing ones face into the belly fur of a cat or dog to gain their essence. Urban Dictionary

To bury your face into someone's side in a manner which tickles and makes them laugh Urban Dictionary

An extreme form of snuggling, potentially causing severe injury or death to the recipient. Urban Dictionary

A semi ferral being with large eyes and a penchance for biscuits. Often found "snuffling" around a bag of broken biscuit searching for a "snuffle keeper". Curious, hungry and simple. Urban Dictionary

When an individual blows their nose into a womans vagina as to achieve lubrication prior to sexual intercourse. Urban Dictionary

The act of tickling ones foot while also having anal sex Urban Dictionary

When you have an urge to look at snuff porn. Common among Asians and the like. Urban Dictionary

A code word, in our language of the flubberdang which we created to keep the tape of anseale a secretivedity, until the time which we get the sacred coon-bean, which then all will be done Urban Dictionary

To wipe one's cock on a posh bird's curtains Urban Dictionary

Finding out if your friends crush likes them back. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Snuffled

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The word "snuffled" in example sentences

As Mom snuffled and nuzzled her pride and joy, Kara and Mo came out of the bedroom and screeched to a halt. ❋ Molly Harper (2011)

He snuffled and muttered and mumbled, making almost a croon of delight, as he began to eat. ❋ Unknown (2010)

He snuffled now, weeping quietly, and I thought that would be the end of it. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Cooper snuffled in his sleep and threw an arm around me when he felt me move. ❋ Molly Harper (2011)

His craned neck twisted away and he snuffled again. ❋ Linda Robertson (2011)

She snuffled in my arms, wiping her nose with her hand. ❋ Kelly Simmons (2011)

She bit daintily into a wurflecake and slipped a bit to Pinky who — just as daintily — snuffled it down. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Football has always snuffled hungrily after new things: new faces, new stories – and above all intact and unruined youth. ❋ Unknown (2011)

On the previous evening, however, when he snuffled out his nocturnal treat, the cage door came clanging down. 007 was trapped. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The girl on the seat beside her snuffled, one sob completely spent, the next just a whimper building in her chest. ❋ Margaret Peterson Haddix (2011)

He snuffled, dark hair damp against my neck, his mouth rooting to take hold of my collarbone. ❋ Allison Pang (2011)

Slowly, he continued forward and snuffled at my hands. ❋ Linda Robertson (2011)

It seems Paddy, another of the Hollywood super-sniffing sleuths, snuffled out suspicious DVDs in Malaysia. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I love to go home at the end of [a long day] and [snuffle] my [kitty]. ❋ Poopydump420 (2019)

[snuffly] wuffly! u should [try] it, it's [fun] ❋ Tori (2004)

1. After returning home from work, I found my kitty dead, snuffled to death. 2. I couldn't help it! It was so soft I had to [snuffle] it! I never knew it would [turn out] like this! 3. Even though it killed [the kitty], it was so worth it. ❋ S. H. G. (2008)

[The snuffle] [wondered] around the town naked looking for a [cookie]. ❋ Snuffle Keeper (2009)

I was really [hung over] from a night of drinking, so my mouth was completely dry, and my wife's vagina was comparable to the course [sands] of the [Sahara]. So I snuffled her. ❋ AngryMountainPig (2011)

[Bob] [wanted] to snuffle with [Tim] ❋ EpicFritos (2011)

Guy #1: Hey [Ling] [Tow], whats the matter? Ling Tow: I've got the snuffles *Guy #1 jumps [out window] and calls the cops* ❋ Ace Mulato (2005)

[damnit] [gretch], where's snuffles ❋ Martay (2003)

She [left me hanging] in [the lounge] so I quickly [knocked one] out and left her a Snuffle ❋ Jediknightandmaster (2011)

Person 1 - [Will you] [find out] if Dave likes me? Person 2 - This will require some [snuffling] ❋ Tweety-girl San (2011)

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