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Definitions and meanings of "Streetcars"

What do we mean by streetcars?

(US, Canada) A tram or light rail vehicle, usually a single car, but also attached together, operating on city streets. A trolley car.

A car that’s too slow to compete in small tire Urban Dictionary

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The word "streetcars" in example sentences

I think spending $40M on streetcars is ridiculous when new low-floored electric buses can do the same service for 1/5 the cost. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Ask if the money invested in streetcars wouldn't have been better invested in new facilities to separate cars and bicycles (which are and always have been great, liberating forms of transport). ❋ Unknown (2009)

Accelerate the Second Avenue Subway, put in streetcars, etc. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Comparing modern light rail with turn of the century streetcars is like comparing a Model T with a Ferrari. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The same 1963 study also showed that 79% of whites rejected the idea that transportation in streetcars and buses should be segregated, compared to 54% who had endorsed it in 1942 (both the 1942 and 1963 questions used the same wording). ❋ Unknown (2010)

The streetcars are the first 100 per cent low-floor vehicles to be used in North America. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Some folks was too precise to say 'streetcars'; they said 'horsecars', but them horsecars was pulled through the streets by mules, so what's the diffunce? ❋ Work Projects Administration (N/A)

Some cities have zoned fares, for example; others have options not available in Montreal, such as streetcars or light rail. ❋ Andy Riga (2010)

However, the problem with a permanent transit system such as streetcars is that if the system fails and does not provide the promised economic uplift, the city will be left with empty tracks and wasted dollars. ❋ Kelsey Fowler (2010)

Mr. Ford made it clear during his campaign that he prefers subways to surface transit lines such as streetcars and light-rail. ❋ KELLY GRANT (2010)

The hot buzzword at the TTC right now is "streetcars," with the public transit authority poised to soon buy several hundred euro-style, fully accessible ones. ❋ Unknown (2009)

D.C. transportation officials are outlining their plans for the return of streetcars to D.C. streets starting in 2012. ❋ Washington Post Editors (2010)

MORE FROM NIKITA -- Gray sounded as much like a candidate as a likely mayor as he fielded questions and comments about everything from educating deaf children in public schools to the homeless to bike lanes and streetcars to taxes. ... ❋ Mike DeBonis (2010)

"For instance, we're building streetcars for the first time in this country for at least a generation because there's a domestic content requirement on streetcars," he said. ❋ The Huffington Post News Team (2010)

If you really care about ETB (rubber-tired streetcars), you need to apy attention because Metro is making noise about converting the current lines to diesel. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Seawall, bike plan, ped plan, streetcars, sidewalks north of 85th, police, library hours, park maintenance, a new arena and more could be on the ballot. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Nadine, who didn't drive, would carry a bowl of cooked liver on two streetcars to the hospital. ❋ Clare Ansberry (2011)

The council chairman fielded questions about everything from bullying to streetcars to homelessness. ❋ Erica Johnston (2010)

“I know [I can’t] [win] small [tire], do you guys have a streetcar class?” ❋ William H (2022)

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