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Definitions and meanings of "Synonymic"

What do we mean by synonymic?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word synonymic. Define synonymic, synonymic synonyms, synonymic pronunciation, synonymic translation, English dictionary definition of synonymic.

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This is another stuffy professor word. its basically stuffy old man way to say aka Urban Dictionary

1. A word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word in the same language, either in all of its uses or in a specific context. 2. a word or expression that is used as another name for something in some styles of speaking or writing or to emphasize a specific aspect or association. 3. A duplicate taxonomic name that has been rejected or replaced. Urban Dictionary

A word you use when you don't know how to spell the first one. Urban Dictionary

When your typing a letter, essay etc. and you need a synonym just right click the word and look for its synonym. You have just synonymized the word!! Urban Dictionary

George W. Bush's favorite flavor. Urban Dictionary

1: one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses 2 : a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (as a concept or quality) Urban Dictionary

Different words, but have the same definition. Urban Dictionary

(noun) A word used in the place of the one you can't spell. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Synonymic

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The word "synonymic" in example sentences

But I love looking at the vast array of somewhat synonymic words. ❋ Unknown (2008)

With the synonymic underbrush thus cleared, we can now address the origin of yee-haw! ❋ William Safire (2004)

We always felt our own activity, for example, as 'the expansion of an idea with which our Self is identified, against an obstacle'; and the following out of such a definition through a multitude of cases elaborates the obvious so as to be little more than an exercise in synonymic speech. ❋ William James (1876)

The influence of narrow-minded views peculiar to the earlier ages of civilization led in all languages to a confusion of ideas in the synonymic use of the words 'earth' and 'world', while the common expressions 'voyages round the world', 'map of the world', and 'new world', afford further illustrations of the same confusion. ❋ Alexander Von Humboldt (1814)

It's interesting that as soon as one begins to disect the 'Tea Party' the howling begins! please, you've got that backwards ........ it was as soon as people began to dissect "Change you can believe in" that the howling and spin began from the Obots and their MSM enablers 'what's ironic about this is that "change you can believe in" was Obama's synonymic slogan for ❋ Tdreyer (2010)

This thoroughly researched and crafted reference book contains approximately 2,500 entries, each representing a synonymic series. ❋ Unknown (1993)

"secondary" keywords or a synonymic spread of words throughout. ❋ Unknown (2009)

For this aspect of L2 writing, incidentally, advanced Russian-speaking students of English may have recourse to the excellent English-Russian Synonym D.ctionary, by A.A. Rozenman and Y.D. A.resyan (Russki Yazyk Publishing House, 1980); this compendium contains 350 synonymic series, and each article in the dictionary explains the meaning of the lexemes comprising the synonymic series, provides a "best approximation" translation, and -- crucially -- supplies a detailed characterization of the similarities and differences between the synonyms, offering at the same time an analysis of the conditions in which each synonym is appropriate and where they may substitute for each other. ❋ Unknown (1993)

In [internerd] [language], there even is a [synonym] for 'synonym' on websites. These computer-created 'content-synonyms' are called 'see also's. ❋ [ben] (2005)

[large] is a synonyms to [big] ❋ Jw307jw (2007)

[Breasts] are synonymous with [boobies] ❋ Cosmo (2004)

1. Examples of synonyms in this sense are "environment" and "surroundings" and the [verbs] "[tear]" and "rip." 2. Examples include "[Gotham]" and "New York." ❋ Jafje (2007)

Can't spell [supercalifragilistic]? Well [too bad], there are no [synonyms]! ❋ David2490 (2008)

[Jodie] couldn't think of a more [interesting] word for big, so she [thought]; I know I'll synonymize it! ❋ JimJemz♥ (2010)

"Synonym? That's my favorite [flavor]! [I got a box] of Synonym [Crunch]!" ❋ Mr. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (2008)

❋ IPotat0 (2013)

Drunk- [Overdose] of [alcohol] Loaded- Overdoes of alcohol See? These words mean the same thing but are completely different kinds of words. Therefore they are [synonyms]. ❋ Dippitydog1843 (2011)

[Hmmm]... I don't know [how to spell] [booty], so I'll just put booty instead; it's a synonym ❋ ALLIWANTFORCHRISTMASISLIKES (2016)

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