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Definitions and meanings of "Tarmacs"

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The word "tarmacs" in example sentences

The department's actions come as Congress weighs passengers 'rights legislation that would place a three-hour cap on how long airlines can keep passengers waiting on tarmacs before they allow them to deplane or return to a gate. ❋ Unknown (2009)

WASHINGTON Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Thursday he has turned down requests from five airlines for temporary exemptions to a rule against keeping passengers waiting longer than three hours on airport tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Washington (CNN) - Taking action against air travel nightmares, the Department of Transportation ordered airlines on Monday to allow passengers stranded on airport tarmacs to deplane after three hours. ❋ Unknown (2009)

They have strongly opposed a government-ordered time limit on how long they could keep passengers on planes stranded on tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The technology reads the bag's "identity" as it moves from luggage belts to carts to airport tarmacs. ❋ Scott McCartney (2011)

It's the first time airlines have been fined for leaving passengers stuck on tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The wave would destroy some tarmacs but the wave would preserve the vast majority - including fuel supplies - due to lack of use. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Fender-benders between planes moving around on tarmacs happen occasionally. ❋ Andrew Grossman (2011)

The threat, in other words, no longer lies in age-old superpower showdowns, with their ritualized arguments and old-is-new spy-swaps on tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When they do shut down, many workers go home and planes are forced to wait at gates or on tarmacs until snow removal is finished and gate crews return. ❋ Susan Carey (2010)

It wasn't clear whether airlines canceled flights to avoid a new federal rule requiring fines on carriers that leave planes on tarmacs for more than three hours without returning to gates. ❋ Susan Carey (2010)

The proposal would extend a requirement to foreign airlines that they have contingency plans for returning passengers to terminals if they've been kept waiting on tarmacs for prolonged periods. ❋ Unknown (2010)

From the snowy fields of Iowa and New Hampshire to the crowded tarmacs of key battleground states to the steps of the Capitol on Inauguration Day, President Obama made clear that transitioning to a clean energy economy and tackling the challenge of global warming would be among his top priorities. ❋ Unknown (2010)

A few hours in Paris, all spent on tarmacs and filing rooms. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The nation's top transportation official is promising tough enforcement of a new rule that goes into effect Thursday limiting to three hours the amount of time airlines can keep passengers waiting in planes on tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

WASHINGTON — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said Thursday he has turned down requests from five airlines for temporary exemptions to a rule against keeping passengers waiting longer than three hours on airport tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The proposal would also extend to foreign airlines a three-hour limit on the time airlines can keep passengers waiting on airport tarmacs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

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