
Character 7
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Definitions and meanings of "Teethes"

What do we mean by teethes?

To grow teeth.

To bite on something to relieve discomfort caused by growing teeth.

If something happens or is done in the teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it Urban Dictionary

What you say to a girl when she is about to give you a blowjob Urban Dictionary

To shoplift.. steal... Urban Dictionary

A DogsOnAcid smiley that has a meaning similar to wordjk/word. Usage Notes: 1. It overrides ANY and ALL smilies when used at the end of a post. 2. It shields it's user from ANY and ALL retaliatory wordflame/words EXCEPT when the wordflame/word in question is itself suffixed with :teeth: 3. It's effect on a post is directly proportional to the number of blank lines preceeding it. 4. Improper usage of :teeth: will result in it's user being demoted to the status of wordn00b:/word for a period of 2 * (no. of :teeth: offences) weeks. The same goes for anyone who is found guilty of flaming a :teeth:'ed post. 5. It has no effect on anything posted by wordn00b/words, because wordn00b/word's are not meant to be taken seriously anyway. 6. Adding or removing :teeth: from a submitted post is considered bad netiquette is generally frowned upon. Urban Dictionary

White calcium-like deposits in your gums. According to shake of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, teeth are for gay people. Urban Dictionary

(Noun); Each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing. Urban Dictionary

That unbelievable movie that will scare all the guys. You know, that movie where the girl has teeth between her legs and bites off various parts that make a man, a man. Urban Dictionary

The only part of our bones that we clean. Urban Dictionary

To the greatest degree or extent; extremely, completely, or utterly. Urban Dictionary

A sexual fetish involving two individuals clench their teeth before proceeding to clash them with each other. More deviant variants involve charging at each other to clash teeth, or a third person tying two people on a rail, facing each other head first with their lips taped back, before ramming them into each other. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Teethes

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The word "teethes" in example sentences

Sometimes, I get horribly stressed about what other people might think of my novel (what if those big-name writers who get my ARCs just laugh at them, and not because the book is a comedy?), or I feel unbearably exhausted after weeks of bad nights as my baby teethes. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Sarah Louise McNab, 15 months, teethes on a pair of glasses at Specialty Shoes and Diabetic Supplies Inc. in Beaumont on Thursday, March 29, 2007. ❋ Unknown (2007)

That's the only way you can get these -- teethes numbers that low. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The artist should just have to grit their teethes and grab their ankles sometimes. ❋ Steve Hulett (2007)

Numbers of eyes, ears, and teethes: depending on the interrogation centers, and the state owns 51% of them like shares of public companies. ❋ As'ad (2005)

Dey better send out to dat ole mule and git you some teethes. ❋ Zora Neale Hurston (N/A)

When I see that keypad, all I can think is how those keys would look good as caps over my teethes. dculberson ❋ David Pescovitz (2011)

THIRTEEN-MONTH-OLD Solange Dorsainvil plays with toys made from wood and cloth, drinks from a Swiss-made aluminum sippy cup and teethes on kale stems and celery. ❋ Unknown (2008)

For the most part they are happy easy-going babies, but when Nick teethes (like he is now) you debate contacting the Changelings and asking for your child back. ❋ Unknown (2008)

no credit check mortgage teethes braining,looting:Manuel? ❋ Unknown (2004)

And as Szabo and his "body of spin of all things Antonio Villaraigosa" were torn to threads by the "shark teethes of retorts" from "John and Ken", one wonders if Szabo was heard to cry, whine and sigh, "WHY DID I EVER GO TO WORK, CRAFTING SPIN, FOR TONY VILLAR ? ❋ Unknown (2009)

| prophetic spilling asper petter's constable's classic ices teethes mails office's sordidness cylindered chaffing bivouac skeptics shuttering quash | ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thanks!!! wrote on October 11, 2007 03: 11: 44 AM: millivolt council: apricot hardest Deanna wildcat: drapers: primers conquerer wrote on October 09, 2007 10: 01: 19 AM: aerodynamic ventricle seaming, glottal thank testings fit .. wrote on October 09, 2007 10: 01: 02 AM: prepares teethes Bucharest. shirking! prodigal? discriminated liveried mentioners wrote on October 08, 2007 01: 21: 19 PM: ❋ Unknown (2008)

Wilkinson wrote: "Any mamas got any advice on when my baby teethes? ❋ Unknown (2010)

[The road] was built in the teeth of [fierce] [opposition] from the public. ❋ Ohawaiio (2010)

Hey [Martha], [please no] [teeth]. ❋ Thenewishere (2019)

[yo u] teethed my style... where u get dat [candybar]? i teethed it from [tha] store.... ❋ Ye (2004)

i fucked [your momma] last night. :[slayer]: :[teeth]: ❋ Busted Teef Kru (2003)

"Yeah, the reason I dont [have teeth]..... is because I got rid of them, because teeth are for gay people. Why do you think [fairies] [come and get them]?" ❋ Not Zane (2004)

[Brittany] used her teeth to [chew] her [spaghetti]. ❋ Nagragatzi (2022)

That [movie] "Teeth" [made] me [throw up]! ❋ Lightboxes (2008)

i [brush my teeth] ❋ Fqgfhe (2018)

I know it takes me a long time getting ready, but nothing feels better than being dressed to the teeth for a night out on the town. Everyone in the bar was [armed to the teeth], so we felt a little bit nervous sitting down for a drink in there. I have to say, [I'm fed up] to the teeth with all the people [littering] on campus! ❋ Asenfan (2020)

[Dentist]:"And how did you break your tooth?" Patient: "My mate Mike helped Sally and I do some [teething] last night." Dentist:" Dude [that's fucked up]" ❋ TankLover (2020)

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