
Character 7
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Definitions and meanings of "Tenaces"

What do we mean by tenaces?

An interrupted sequence of high cards of the same suit, such as the king and jack or the ace and queen.

A birthmark on Jack Black's right ass cheek you can look it up in the dictionary, it won't be there. Urban Dictionary

The undefined word given to Jack Black as a sloppy birthmark of which became the beginning of the band name 'Tenacious D'. Kyle Gass owns the other birthmark which states 'ious D'. Urban Dictionary

1. persistent determination 2. unyielding Urban Dictionary

Final Fantasy VII fan fiction story found on ffn (the pit) that is a retelling of Final Fantasy VII with Zack as the main character. There is boy smexing, which Strange and Intoxicating -rsa- seemes to enjoy. There is a following, but it isn't quite to the point of rabidness yet. Urban Dictionary

Oh sweet in other words something you think is really fucking awsome. Urban Dictionary

A drinking game where players use 10 cups, each player gets 1 cup of water, 1 cup of chaser, and one shot glass. You play a game such as never have I ever or 2 truths and a lie. To begin a game, all players chug one cup of beer. The first one finish goes first. The object is to last as long as my as you can with only your original chaser cup. Once you need a refill chaser or something else, you loose. GOOD LUCK! Urban Dictionary

A type of people of the Velen server that believe to be great but when compared to others they cant compete. Urban Dictionary

Tenacity is the name of a Minecraft Hacked Client (Modified/Cheat Client) that people frequently make fun of in the Minecraft Cheating Community. Reasons for that are usually about the client's bypasses getting patched and players getting instantly banned when using it, and because of it's shady past. Urban Dictionary

Probably the hottest girl in existence. She has the looks of a horse girl but the heart of a goth. Urban Dictionary

An aggressive vagina Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Tenaces

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The word "tenaces" in example sentences

Entonces empezó el viento, tibio, incipiente, lleno de voces del pasado, de murmullos de geranios antiguos, de suspiros de desengaños anteriores a las nostalgias más tenaces. ❋ Unknown (2007)

“Finally,” concluded H.H., “though my hand is not rich in tenaces, it is always an advantage that the opening lead should run up to the stronger player.” ❋ VICTOR MOLLO (1979)

When on the declarer's right, the player should hold much greater strength unless his hand is free from tenaces. ❋ Various (N/A)

The suit should not be so full of possible tenaces as to make it disadvantageous to open it. ❋ Various (N/A)

No true man need blush that he has loved such a woman: and you are both true men, if a trifle obstinate -- _justi et tenaces propositi_. ❋ Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (1903)

Dans ces tranchées les Turcs se montrent bons soldats, braves, tenaces. ❋ Ian Hamilton (1900)

This hand rates to play better in no trump than in hearts because any tenaces held by partner in the minor suits will be protected from the opening lead. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Princeps agreftes « % C nimium. dia Terrae tenaces Martis adoreae Latum refudifti per aequoTy Aufus humo pelagoque magpum Mifcere nomen. ❋ Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski, Joannes Michael Van Der Ketten (1791)

Et Circae ficaudes, lotosque, faerinieque tenaces» ❋ Propertius, Sextus (1777)

Nondum est ad unum omnes exosa fortuna nec tibi nimium ualida tempestas incubuit, quando tenaces haerent ancorae quae nec praesentis solamen nec futuri spem temporis abesse patiantur. " ❋ Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (1908)

Orient.p. 339:) their strength was requisite to bear the weight of the knight and his armor] [Footnote 13: Qui carnibus camelorum vesci solent odii tenaces sunt, was the opinion of an Arabian physician, (Pocock, Specimen, p. 88.) ❋ Edward Gibbon (1765)

Orient.p. 339:) their strength was requisite to bear the weight of the knight and his armor] 13 Qui carnibus camelorum vesci solent odii tenaces sunt, was the opinion of an Arabian physician, ❋ Unknown (1206)

Ve - tiim ad carnes & fuctus primo translata vidctur vox: res enim iflae, dum lanae funt, durae. ac tenaces (untj morbolae fiunt mol - les, ac fenerac. ❋ Unknown (1773)

Tenac, a [sign], a [legacy]. ❋ Sebastiancee (2007)

Tenac + [ious D] = [Tenacious D] ❋ Tom Brinkman (2006)

She had the tenacity of a [snotball]! ❋ J Mcclelland (2006)

Girl: OMG! [TENACITY] HAS BEEN UPDATED! Boy: What the hell is a 'Tenacity'? Girl: ZACK/CLOUD BOYSECKS THAT MAKES EVERYONE HAPPY! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW OF IT? Boy: I don't know... but could you [stop yelling] at me? Girl: NO! [squee] ❋ Bottomslash (2009)

tenac it's [samsquanch] ❋ Luke Woodworth And Brandon Publicover (2007)

[Wanna be] a badass? OK...then [let's play] [Tenacity] (10acity)! 😎 ❋ Loose_Arrow (2015)

Dude, do you [that group] of people are the [tenacity] of [the block]. ❋ DaWordSmithy (2020)

"Tenacity users after [5.0] [update]:" ❋ Mc Cheater 420 (2022)

"Damn who's that [thicc] [horse girl] over there?" "[Oh that's] that hottie Tenacity." ❋ ThiccSk8terBoi132 (2021)

I’ve [heard that] chick likes to [put out]. She has an aggressive vagina. A tenacity oyster, [if you will] . ❋ Dom Dom (2023)

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