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Definitions and meanings of "Thesaural"

What do we mean by thesaural?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word thesaural. Define thesaural, thesaural synonyms, thesaural pronunciation, thesaural translation, English dictionary definition of thesaural.

To attempt to make your writing more formal and impressive by replacing simpler words with longer synonyms from a thesaurus Urban Dictionary

When a person decides to improve his/her writing (essays, poetry, etc.) by looking up synonyms in a thesaurus and utilizing words that they think sound nice. In most cases, a person diagnosed with Thesauritis will use the words s/he found incorrectly - therefore making him/her look stupid in front of people with bigger vocabularies. Urban Dictionary

To find the synonym of a word in a Thesaurus. see also Dictionize Urban Dictionary

N. Describes the fairly common occurrence amongst literate types, in which two synonymous or near-synonymous words are spoken somewhat atop each other, resulting in the creation of such phrases as "dramastic", "grood," and "for suretain." While these phrases have been used intentionally, true thesauric collisions only result from accidental construction of such phrases. Urban Dictionary

When someone uses uncommon synonyms from a thesaurus at an opportune time either for strong comedic effect, to dramatically emphasize a point, or both. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Thesaural

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The word "thesaural" in example sentences

Descriptive statistics and thesaural term comparison shows that there are important differences in the context of keywords from the three groups. ❋ David Bigwood (2006)

It is quite useful as a thesaural resource for the word "bad." ❋ Unknown (2008)

James thesaurized his résumé in hopes of [landing] [a job] with a higher [salary] ❋ Call_me_xale (2015)

Thesauritis patient: "I besot you so profusely; all through the [ignominious] opprobrium and [misconstrued] paroxysms... my ventricles [throb] with plasma for you." You: If you knew what those words meant, you wouldn't have said that. ❋ Waior (2009)

[brohan] i forgot [what word] means to attack for my [essay], i wanna sound smart! oh shit man go Thesaurize it ❋ Capŧaiin (2011)

While [Leeroy] was at the cocktail party, he accidentally subjected the words "sweet" and "nice" to a thesauric collision, and thus told the Swedish ambassador to the UN that his expensive new [martini glass] was "[swice]." ❋ TerraForce (2006)

Used in a Sentence: "When did you learn all of those fancy words? You've been so [opportunely thesauric] lately." -Example in Context- Person 1: "How's your [burger]?" Person 2: "It is simply [divine]." ❋ SoyBoyNamedTroy (2021)

Cross Reference for Thesaural

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