Trigger Happy

Character 13
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Definitions and meanings of "Trigger Happy"

What do we mean by trigger happy?

Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm before adequately identifying the target. adjective

Inclined to react violently at the slightest provocation. adjective

Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly before adequately identifying the target. adjective

Inclined to behave recklessly, especially with machinery. adjective

Inclined to react excessively or violently at the slightest provocation. adjective

Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid adjective

Irresponsible in the use of firearms adjective

Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm irresponsibly before adequately identifying the target.

(by extension) Inclined to behave recklessly or violently at the slightest provocation.

An adjective used to describe a person who just can't wait to shoot every motherfucker in the area. Urban Dictionary

Used to describe a person who can't control their trigger finger. They shoot every chance they get and won't stop shooting. Urban Dictionary

Someone who cant help but to pull the trigger every chance they get Urban Dictionary

When a politically charged individual is enraged by anything said by an individual of opposing party or belief. Urban Dictionary

(Adjective) Someone that "shotties" everything, from the car to the reclining chair. Urban Dictionary

To find a gun in a video game (Call Of Duty or Halo for example) and every three seconds squeeze the trigger. Urban Dictionary

Usually has 2 or more definitions depending on situations: 1.If it's in real life,it's just a mad man using his gun as often as drops on water in a water fall. 2.If it's in a video game and it's an Esports type,same thing as the first one. 3.If it's in a video game,and it has projectile weapons (For example,TF2),it's outright spamming. Urban Dictionary

Most people will say its someone who will shoot anything they see, but there's a whole other definition for it. Trigger Happy can mean someone is happy uncontrollably, they'll see something and they're happiness is triggered. Urban Dictionary

A person who is triggered by everything. AKA; Social Justice Warrior, Skeleton, Feminist. Urban Dictionary

Adj. being too quick off the mark to fire a gun - or send in the troops in the case of bush - or fry the prisoners in the case of bush, etc. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Trigger Happy

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The word "trigger-happy" in example sentences

We wanted to find a point of weakness, an issue where the public had serious doubts, so we drew up a list of possibilities: fairness in society, his trigger-happy attitude toward nuclear war, the two-tier economy, his age and mental acuity, and his bellicose approach to foreign affairs. ❋ Walter F. Mondale (2010)

"We ruled out ... explanations like being more trigger-happy ... or just being faster on the motor side," said Daphne Bavelier, a cognitive science professor and contributing author of the study, which was published in the September issue of Current Biology. ❋ Post (2010)

His portrayal of the trigger-happy outlaw, imbued with wit and vulnerability, almost has us convinced that Elmore Leonard wrote the character with him in mind. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Like cavemen in front of this incredible piece of technology, they have trigger-happy mouse fingers. ❋ Bianca Bosker (2011)

He said the uprising is the work of al-Qaida, and he accused anti-government protesters of being trigger-happy teenagers and drug addicts. ❋ Unknown (2011)

So adding a trigger-happy shooter to this roster doesn't make a whole lot of sense on the surface. ❋ Kevin Clark (2011)

What it showed me is how trigger-happy Republicans are, and how hastily they act without thinking of the consequences of their actions. ❋ Unknown (2009)

When madman Shane, spurned by Lori, goes all trigger-happy on the walkers in Hershel's barn, Rick simply looks on as Darryl, Andrea and T-Dog join in on the zombie massacre. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The reality is that weak Western economies and trigger-happy electorates stand to muss all that up. ❋ Dennis K. Berman (2010)

As he withstands tear gas, stun grenades, beatings and rubber bullets (eventually replaced by live ammunition), he displays just as much physical bravery as the trigger-happy terrorist. ❋ Ann Hornaday (2010)

This particular suspect is an ex-Army sharpshooter who left his previous post in disgrace after being a little too trigger-happy during a hostage situation. ❋ Unknown (2010)

We had the [Date Lab] cameras, and after a few drinks, we were getting trigger-happy with them. ❋ Post (2010)

There have been only two goals in the Serie A kick-offs today evening game not kicked off yet, wrote a trigger-happy Sean Revis-Penn on Sunday. ❋ Unknown (2011)

True, China and Russia still backs up Iran, and only if you are trigger-happy (with nuclear weapons involved) you would really provoke those undemocratic (don't tell me that Russia is a democracy when journalists are killed for demanding it and nothing is done about the case) countries. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Abramovich has earned a reputation for being a trigger-happy owner, even if he appears content to give Villas-Boas at least until the end of the season. ❋ Unknown (2012)

I got the [M-16] and I really [feel] trigger happy [today]. ❋ AYB (2003)

1:*bang* *bang* *bang* 2:dude you are so [trigger happy] right now 1: [idc], imma shoot everything in my sight from [now on]! ❋ Amazingdefinitionswithpbr (2015)

Gangsta1:[iight] this is how its gonna [go down]. *gun shot* Gangsta1:goddamn, we aint even out the house n already ur shooting shit. Gangsta2:[my bad]. Gangsta3:trigger happy mo fucker. ❋ Young Gangsta (2006)

"The President tweeted a word." "[NOOOOOOOO]! HE HAS CODES TO [MISSILES]! HE'S AN EMBARRASSMENT! HE SHOULD BE [IMPEACHED]! #RESIST!" .... "Damn dude... you're a bit triggered happy." ❋ Jzahz (2017)

Rob: Pass me [the blender]. John: Hey, I [shottied] that 20 minutes ago. Rob: Dude, your way too [trigger happy]. ❋ Austin42 (2009)

That [sniper] [made] [Johnson] Trigger Happy ❋ Ghettobooty117 (2008)

1.Look at that man,he's [trigger happy] with that M14A1! 2.Oh my god,look at that [noob],he's trigger happy. 3.Can someone [ban] that guy?He's trigger happy. ❋ HANDLEALREADYUSED (2018)

Person1: *[smiling] and [giggling] uncontrollably* Person2: [what're] you doing? Person1: Sorry, I got really Trigger Happy ❋ Perkymox (2021)

"Hey dude, that chick got all [offended] because I pronounced her name wrong" "[Yeah man], shes [trigger happy]." ❋ Marlanner (2017)

[Jay] is a bit trigger happy, he's [strapped] 24/7 - don't [startle] him man he might pop u one. ❋ Brendan (2004)

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