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Definitions and meanings of "Trivializing"

What do we mean by trivializing?

To make something appear trivial

Trivialities are all the not very important things in life that we are put through to question in our life. But when it all comes down to it, they don't really matter. Urban Dictionary

A term misused by neckbeard IT people as a synonym for 'simple'. Urban Dictionary

A tier 4 player that got an ego after joining Arma. Only past-facs are Honor, Toronto, and Arma. Thinks they're good at prac, and will fold anyone in a game of Minesweeper or BTD Battles. Urban Dictionary

There are at least two usages of "trivial". One is to describe answers, and the other is to describe questions/tasks. Answers: A trivial answer is something which is either immediately self-evident or which conveys no information. Questions/Tasks: A trivial question can perhaps be defined as something for which either the answer or the method of finding the answer is known by the person asked the question. Urban Dictionary

Used in mathematics to mean "this is obvious, so I won't waste space writing up the proof here." Urban Dictionary

Right it’s the Todd Phillips copy-and-pasting a movie off of Urban Dictionary that’s the trivial part. It’s the Dr. JeepJorp Peepeestones citing me more than he cites Freud. The people recording me (while I sleep apparently)? Not important. Urban Dictionary

That guy who constantly tells you you're using "trivial" wrong Urban Dictionary

Someone who acts irresponsibly or with stupidity. Urban Dictionary

Trivial Matters: Things in life that have almost no value. A lot of people care too much about these things and some use these matters against others to boost their self esteem. Urban Dictionary

Non-Trivial is sometimes used by engineers / scientist to (jokingly?) describe the extremely difficult problems that they are faced with. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Trivializing

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The word "trivializing" in example sentences

And in a country where gay and lesbian parents can still be denied the ability in some states to adopt the children they have raised since birth - and where those children can even be taken away from the only parents they've ever known - the idea of trivializing gay families, making them the butt of a series of crude jokes, and reinforcing pernicious stereotypes about gay men and children didn't feel funny. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Whether its Dora the Explorer being visually co-opted into the Arizona immigration debate or the Super Mario Bros. plumbing the depths of the BP oil spill, "trivializing" a controversy with a cartoon of course often enables us to laugh about it. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Newsweek's Howard Fineman, for instance, says that the McCain camp is in danger of "trivializing" McCain's sacrifice. ❋ Unknown (2009)

That kind of trivializing response wouldn't call people to question why we're only seeing this emotion now; instead it will just inflame people who saw the emotion as genuine and thus will see Jackson as trying to belittle it. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And I just wonder whether by going for the easy, quick hit, which is to talk about her as a fashion plate, we in the media are kind of trivializing her a little bit. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This promotion of abstinence and warnings about 'trivializing' sex is based on as little reality as the Catholic Church's attempt to prevent teenage girls having the HPV vaccine because it would encourage them to have sex. ❋ TK (2009)

This is the kind of trivializing, deliberately demasculinizing, crap that lost Gore the election in 2000. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The assumption that Bush is worse than Nixon was evidently too much for Fox News 'Chris Wallace, who accused the panel to a smattering of applause of "trivializing" what Nixon did and "misrepresenting" what Bush did by equating actions taken in the context of protecting the country with actions taken purely for political self-preservation. ❋ Unknown (2008)

For the record, I wasn't "trivializing" the light-skin vs. dark-skin debate by calling it a sexual competition. ❋ Anxious Black Woman (2008)

Aren't we kind of trivializing -- this was allegedly attempted murder. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Rather, the "trivializing" a current event so soon after it has transpired by making it into a game. ❋ Unknown (2009)

OTTAWA - Civil liberties lawyer Paul Champ on Tuesday accused retired general Rick Hillier of "trivializing" torture when the country's former top soldier compared Afghan detainees and inmates at Ontario's Millhaven penitentiary during testimony last month to a House of Commons committee. ❋ Unknown (2009)

#8 - OC | Hillier accused of 'trivializing' torture at detainees hearing ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hillier accused of 'trivializing' torture at detainees hearing ❋ Unknown (2009)

So, Rep. Hastings decided to read aloud some of this crazy terminology in order to show one and all how someone was "trivializing" what he considers important legislation. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Who cares a hundred years from now? Who'll remember all the players? Who'll remember all [the clowns]? [What are you going] to do and what does this life really mean? Well, when it all comes down..we're just [cycling] trivialities. ❋ Fanboi25 (2011)

But Joe, writing a [query] to [get you] that [data] is trivial! ❋ Dataguy (2016)

That trivialize [guy] just quickied. [What a] [loser]. ❋ Reeetastic (2020)

Answers: When asked to describe yourself, a nontrivial answer would be, "My name is Joe [Schmoe]. I'm 5'10" and weigh [170] lbs." A trivial answer would be, "I'm a human. I know English." Questions/Tasks: In mathematics, computing the values of [integrals] is a trivial task, (even though it can be hard), because the methods for computing integrals are known. ❋ Alexander TG (2006)

Claim: P \[neq] [NP] Proof: [Trivial] ❋ Dibbylongshooott (2020)

Hym “Right. That ☝️ is just a byproduct of my attitude. That’s trivial. None of that matters. That’s the trivial part. The meaningful part is the life of [servitude]. That’s what’ll give my life meaning. And what it will mean is that I don’t get to decide for myself what is trivial or [non-trivial]. Jordan Peterson will do that for me. That’s a part of his servitude to me... somehow. I still don’t see how I’m being served but that’s clearly an attitude thing on my part. His responsibility to do things like tell the truth, [give credit] where credit is due, act out the things he believes... Also trivial! It comes secondary to ‘not being manipulated.’ That’s the non-trivial thing. Here’s the hierarchy of value: Not being manipulated / Acting out your values / Actually believing the shit you say ❋ Hym Iam (2022)

"[Yo bro] this game is so [trivial]" "AAAGHH THAT'S NOT [HOW YOU] USE [TRIVIAL]" ❋ Just Zis Guy, You Know (2023)

dude1: what the hell/s he doing? dude2: ahh, what a [fecking] [trivial] dude1: [right on] ❋ Carnophage (2004)

Mary: [Karla] [misspelled] you're on Facebook. That means she is stupid and I am better than her. Amy: You should not judge people on trivial matters. She is probably very smart in her own way and that could have been a typo. It's Facebook! [Chill out] and stop caring about stupid stuff. ❋ Universal One Love (2013)

Some Non-Trivial problems. [The Mechanism] Behind High-Temperature Superconductors Earthquake Predicting What Is [Dark Matter]? Build this [suspension bridge] out of string and Duct-tape. ❋ Owza (2010)

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