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Definitions and meanings of "Trolled"

What do we mean by trolled?

To saunter.

To trundle, to roll from side to side.

To draw someone or something out, to entice, to lure as if with trailing bait.

(by extension) To fish using a line and bait or lures trailed behind a boat similarly to trawling; to lure fish with bait.

To angle for with a trolling line, or with a hook drawn along the surface of the water; hence, to allure.

To fish in; to try to catch fish from.

To stroll about in order to find a sexual partner.

(to post inflammatory material so as) to attempt to lure others into combative argument for purposes of personal entertainment and/or gratuitous disruption, especially in an online community or discussion

(by extension) To incite anger (including outside of an Internet context); to provoke, harass or annoy.

Anyone who fails to recognize a troll and responds to it with anger or annoyance is said to have been "trolled". Being trolled often results in large quantities of butthurt. Urban Dictionary

When someone is so horrible at Beer Pong, and misses every shot in their last game. They must sit under the table for the entire next game. Urban Dictionary

Got burned Urban Dictionary

To successfully "own" someone or have a better comeback. Urban Dictionary

Being dissed or rejected, usually due to a troll like appearance. Being denied sexual acts because of your hideousness. Urban Dictionary

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument Urban Dictionary

Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument Trolling on-line forums as described above is actually analogous to the fishing technique of “trolling”, where colorful baits and lures are pulled behind a slow moving boat, often with multiple fishing lines, covering a large bodies of water, such as a large lake or the ocean. The trolling lures attract unsuspecting fish, intriguing them with the way they move through the water, thus enticing these foolish fish to “take the bait”. Not unlike unsuspecting internet victims, once hooked, the fish are reeled in for the catch before they realize they have been duped by the Troll/Fisherman Urban Dictionary

A commonly accepted definition for this is someone who does morally questionable things for the main sake of causing chaos or destruction. There are good trolls and bad ones. A good troll has properly calculated actions to cause as much disruption as possible. A bad troll is one who either takes it too far or simply relies solely on stereotypes, edginess, and slurs as trolling. What makes a troll even better is if there are layers to them - as in, not always insistent on being an asshole, and maintains the ability of being serious and nice, even. Not all good trolls have to fit this criteria, though. Urban Dictionary

Before the Internet, there were the mythical Trolls of old who ate farmer’s goats. After that, there were and are the semi-human versions of trolls that still exist today in all regions throughout the world. Trolls can be divided into groups depending on where they live, such as Beach Trolls, Hill Trolls, City Trolls, Suburban Trolls, Valley Trolls and a couple other categories which take on unique characteristics depending on their surroundings. All trolls are socially predatory creatures and when young are usually obsessed with their exterior appearances, while neglecting development of their blackening souls. Their interior ugliness comes out as they age, and they, usually, let their outer appearances go to hell, so that they are easily recognizable. But, the young and middle-aged trolls will sometimes fool you with their charm. All trolls are shysters and tight-fisted money grubbers who will screw you on any deal while making it out like you are the one coming out ahead. They will usually always greet you with a smile and a handshake. Sometimes, they will call you “brother” or “lady” to throw you off track. All trolls are shit stirrers, lechers & trouble-makers. They would be the first to try and get your “significant other” in the sack, screw you out of some money or slander you. Urban Dictionary

1a. Noun One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. 1b. Noun A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect. A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread. 1c. Noun A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned. 2a. Noun Sometimes compared to the Japanese ‘Oni’, a troll is a supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, whose race was thought to have carried massive stones into the countryside (although actually the result of glaciers). Lives in hills, mountains, caves, or under bridges. They are stupid, large, brutish, hairy, long-nosed, and bug-eyed, and may also have multiple heads or horns. Trolls love to eat people, especially small children. The Females of the species are generally kinder and more intelligent, but still fairly hideous. 2b. Noun An aesthetically repulsive person, often has terrible social skills, usually a woman. See Troglodyte. 2c. Noun An old, unattractive gay man who hits on young men, and cannot seem to understand that they want nothing to do with him. 3a. Verb To fish by dragging bait behind a moving motor-boat. 3b. Verb To cruise for immediate sexual pleasure without commitment. Often characterized by an older man, seeking a younger man, or any man for immediate, often anonymous sexual contact. 4. Noun A joke disguised as an outrageously stupid statement or question, intended to trap people into believing it is serious. 5. Verb To use acid and ectasy simulataneously. See trolling. (Comes from ‘Tripping’ on acid, and ‘Rolling’ on ecstasy) 6. Noun A toy popular in the 1980’s, a ‘troll’ is a cute little plastic trolls with fluffy, colored hair. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Trolled

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The word "trolled" in example sentences

The notion that this emerg­ing global con­scious­ness could be fil­tered, reg­u­lated and con­trolled is painful beyond imagining. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Like people, demons get hungry and in the 1950s Police-heads "trolled" Bill Cosey's Hotel and Resort when it was still the best-known vacation spot for colored people on the East Coast. ❋ Pinckney, Darryl (2003)

I've been here for a good year now, and regularly checked up for the last couple of months, and never has he "trolled". ❋ Unknown (2010)

It wasn't just me who got in contact after the programme - Brabazon says she received over 600 supportive emails the following week from people who don't comment online for fear of being 'trolled' or labelled 'luddites', but were appreciative of her stance. ❋ Unknown (2009)

You've said some things that I myself have been trying to convey and have been "trolled" for as people assume that I am "defending" his poor, irresponsible decision. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The president was easily distracted by the hundreds of memos and foreign cables his secretary, Grace Tully, fed him along the way, and by the striped bass he trolled for off the Potomac. ❋ Douglas Waller (2011)

The Husky also has a consistent action when trolled at a slow speed. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Good fishing In deeper water the sand eels work hooked on a duster behind a down rigger and trolled change colors until you find the duster they like. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Crank baits trolled parallel to the shore or over sand flats in the DIRTY water where wind is blowing waves into the shore or shallows is good too regardless of the depth. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I also trolled through hundreds of websites where my prospective customers might visit and sent advertising requests to get the word out. ❋ Janine Popick (2012)

He trolled through dictionaries and short stories by German romantics to apprehend it. ❋ Russell Jacoby (2011)

Her life took a magical turn when she gave herself fully to the idea that the wild pigs that stalked her fenced acreage and trolled her farmland, trying to root mac nuts out of the ground, could themselves be physically outmaneuvered. ❋ Roseanne Barr (2011)

You can also try Rattle Traps slow trolled or fan casted towards the shore. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Gaddis' quasi-triumphalist 2004 book Surprise, Security, and the American Experience, written as the U.S. military victory in Iraq was fresh, trolled American history for precedents for preemptive war. ❋ Jim Sleeper (2011)

But, searching out Ice Cube did lead me down the dark path of YouTube, where I trolled through videos that filled me with a happy nostalgia for the rawness of youth -- of early punk rock, and the passion and energy that was being expressed through so many amazing songs. ❋ Eddie Stern (2012)

Maybe we are being trolled by the tea-bagger equivalent of Hannibal Lecter (except this ones all brutality and no brains). ❋ Unknown (2010)

*On an online forum* Guy 1: You internet geeks are pathetic! I can bench 300lbs and have a banging hot girlfriend. (She just blew me, shit was SO cash.) Guy 2: You think you're so much better than us? [FOAD], [internet tough guy]! Guy 3: lol! [You got trolled]! ❋ Y=mx+b (2009)

[Dude] [you fucking suck] at this [game]! You just trolled yourself. ❋ Bondomination (2009)

[Angie]:Yo! [Yu] can't be talkin' to [me when] you watch TV while your pooping! Angle:uh…………… Andrew: You just got trolled! ❋ X Drogon (2017)

Nick: [You're the shit] I eat for breakfast! [Noelle]: You eat shit for breakfast? Nick: Oh.... Noelle: Ha!!! [Trolled]!!! ❋ Ha_thats_cool (2011)

I [got] trolled [last night] at [da club]. ❋ Crunkdaddy (2006)

❋ Alien Entity (2002)

This guy made a really rude and [off the wall] comment about my [You Tube] video, I think he was just [trolling for] a response, but I ignored him ❋ Drog65 (2014)

Person 1: "[You're a] [troll]!" Person 2: "Yes, but a [good one]." ❋ Magic Kitty (2021)

Wow, [Nicole] just [screwed] me over. What an evil, old [troll]. ❋ Ian De La Rosa (2013)

[1a]. I hate trolls! [1b]. I hate trolls! [1c]. I hate trolls! [2a]. It is said that a troll will turn to stone if caught by sunlight/daylight. [2b]. Ewww… Jenna is such a troll! [2c]. That troll kept hitting on Rick. [3a]. I then got to troll for salmon. I [caught one] that was 65 inches long! [3b]. He went trolling and picked up a 17-year-old boy recently at a gay club. 4. Hey, how's my computer able to speak in foreign languages? 5. Back in the 90's we used to troll at the raves. 6. I bought a 4-inch troll for my little sister on her birthday. ❋ Etox, Et Al. (2005)

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