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Definitions and meanings of "Unsociality"

What do we mean by unsociality?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word unsociality. Define unsociality, unsociality synonyms, unsociality pronunciation, unsociality translation, English dictionary definition of unsociality.

One who does not attend social gatherings Urban Dictionary

When you have not talked to people in a while and your not as social. Urban Dictionary

Being not sociable, remaining inside and away from the general public/your friends/your family/any form of non-internet person for over 12 hours. Urban Dictionary

Socializing with an unpopular person. Urban Dictionary

What social media has become Urban Dictionary

An attractive person who does not enjoy socializing in a public atmosphere. Urban Dictionary

Someone who has the opportunity to drink with others, but instead, chooses to hide away in his or her room and get drunk while playing World of Warcraft. Urban Dictionary

Connecting to random strangers on online social networks, but having no intention of really getting to know who they are. The primary purpose of unsocial networking is to seek attention by padding your friends list with as big a number of friends / connections as possible. Interacting with your connections is really not part of that equation. Urban Dictionary

Someone who is socially active but not present. Urban Dictionary

A person with no social life Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Unsociality

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The word "unsociality" in example sentences

In firm and lofty character, pain is mastered; in a character so little endowed with cool tenacious strength as Rousseau's, pain such as he endured was enough to account, not for his unsociality, which flowed from temperament, but for the bitter, irritable, and suspicious form which this unsociality now first assumed. ❋ Morley, John (1905)

Hence the growth of a marked unsociality, taking literary form in the Discourses, and practical form in his retirement from the town. ❋ John Morley (1880)

The ladies in the town below complain through Miss Brett to Mrs. Wolfe of the unsociality of the garrison. ❋ Goldwin Smith (1866)

There was something in the man so far beyond any mere unsociality or sourness previously evinced, that even the forbearing good-nature of his guest could no longer endure it. ❋ Herman Melville (1855)

After exposing, with the perfection of fun, the savage unsociality of those elder ancestors who lived (if life it was) before lamp-light was invented, showing that "jokes came in with candles," since "what repartees could have passed" when people were "grumbling at one another in the dark," and "when you must have felt about for a smile, and handled a neighbor's cheek to be sure that he understood it?" ❋ Thomas De Quincey (1822)

[Brennan]: "Hey do you want to go to a really cool place tonight?" Michael: "[naaaa], I think [I'll pass]" Brennan: "You're a pretty unsocial person." ❋ Dictionary Entry 103281 (2009)

[Sheena] [Lu] is [unsocializing], for she hasn’t talked to people in a few months. ❋ Kidddoo (2019)

[Ayy]: Dude, I haven't seen [Ci] for a week, is he even alive? [Bee]: He's taking part in some 4chan raid, talk about unsociable. ❋ Squizzy Mizzy (2009)

[Brenda] is unsocializing with that weird nerd. ([No shade] to [nerds]) ❋ NY_Lestrange (2017)

“It’s sad, but Trump, [the Russians] and their [cronies] have turned social media into an awful place of insults, bullying, lies, name-calling and other mean-spirited, [vindictive] behavior.” “Yeah, unsocial media is pretty fucked up.” ❋ Hodags1966 (2017)

[Alisha]: Becky, you keep [blowing off] all the guys tonight! Becky: I just want to hang with my girls tonight! I feel like being an [unsocial butterfly]! ❋ Notorius Big Ole D (2016)

"Jeff is an [unsociable drunk]. We're out here playing [beer pong] with friends and he's [upstairs] WoW'ing it out." ❋ Ryan From Virginia (2008)

Since I started my unsocial networking campaign, I have added 3,[528] people on one of my social profiles. Before I started unsocially networking by adding random people I will never communicate with, I only had [67] friends [on my list]. Gosh, I feel so popular! ❋ Akajohnsanders (2010)

Damn, [Cameron] was [Socially UnSocial] [tonight]. ❋ Daniel And Aiden (2019)

Your an [unsocial] because you never [go to] any [school] events? ❋ Ghghjfjfjdbd (2019)

Cross Reference for Unsociality

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What does unsociality mean?

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