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Definitions and meanings of "Upbuilding"

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Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word upbuilding. Define upbuilding, upbuilding synonyms, upbuilding pronunciation, upbuilding translation, English dictionary definition of upbuilding.

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The word "upbuilding" in example sentences

Why should you not make some effort at least in upbuilding, to know what those lands are and assist in the great efforts the Premier and the Minister of Lands have made regarding the settlers on the lands of Greater Ontario? ❋ Unknown (1917)

It embraces a widely diversified population, and the fundamental principle, the prime factor, in upbuilding the British Empire has been the Anglo-Saxon character and the race qualities which belong to the Anglo-Saxon. ❋ Unknown (1905)

But the day of an expanding frontier, of a lottery-like scramble for the ownership of natural resources, and of the upbuilding of new industries, is past. ❋ Unknown (2010)

"We are opposed to a bill...that will put our business in the hands of theorists, chemists, sociologists, etc.," he said," and the management and control taken away from the men who have devoted their lives to the upbuilding and perfecting of this great American industry." ❋ Donald Cohen (2011)

Since there is no objection, I hereby appoint Lask Finneston chairman of the committee for the purpose of raising and donating money to pay the police-court fine and the expenses of a year's travel for that noble pioneer, John Ward, in recognition of a lifetime of devotion of energy to the upbuilding of Hawaii. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The resolution stressed that “ICJW urges its affiliate organizations to give their support to the continuing social, economic and cultural upbuilding of Israel.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

However, some months later it published a declaration strongly condemning the White Paper of 1939 and reaffirming its support of the upbuilding of Palestine in the spirit of the Balfour Declaration. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In 1923, National Convention delegates voted unanimously “for unqualified support of all agencies engaged in the upbuilding of Palestine.” ❋ Unknown (2009)

Counting an upbuilding conversation with a friend in order to make your monthly quota was as common as selling your kids Girl Scout cookies at the office. ❋ Kyria Abrahams (2009)

Unlike every other Jehovahs Witness party, I didnt have to spend the night in the kitchen, having an upbuilding conversation with a 60-year-old Pioneer orworst of all possible scenariosplaying Bible-based board games. ❋ Kyria Abrahams (2009)

Through all our early history, Americans, from Governor Winthrop, through Jonathan Edwards, to Ralph Waldo Emerson, had done every sort of work which was required for the comfort of their families and for the upbuilding of the state, and had not been ashamed. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Whitney once said I would like to say that no man deserves more credit for the upbuilding and prosperity of Long Island City than Thomas H. Todd, editor of the Long Island City Star. ❋ Brooks Of Sheffield (2008)

We can learn new ways to say things that need to be said so that our words and tone are more upbuilding. ❋ Belinda (2007)

The main enterprise of the world for splendor, for extent, is the upbuilding of a man. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Petite enjoy your break and get with some good upbuilding company. x fjl ❋ Unknown (2006)

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