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Definitions and meanings of "Whisperingly"

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The word "whisperingly" in example sentences

I suppose all one could do back in those days was helplessly stare at her, whisperingly, watching her unhurried manners as she walked the streets throughout the city. ❋ Unknown (2009)

She would bustle herself into a place, and make room for her more bashful companions, through the frowns of the first possessors, at a crowded theatre, leaving every one near her amazed at her self-consequence, wondering she had no servant to keep place for her; whisperingly inquiring who she was; and then sitting down admiring her fortitude. ❋ Unknown (2006)

But he wants sadly to say something to me, as he whisperingly hinted. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The great apartments through which they now whisperingly walked wore already that funereal aspect that comes from disuse and inattention. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Bella whisperingly said; looking at my brother, and lifting up her lip in contempt. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The women were extremely affected, Mrs. Lovick especially; who said, whisperingly to Mrs. Smith, We have an angel, not a woman, with us, Mrs. Smith! ❋ Unknown (2006)

“And I whisper another,” said she, but not whisperingly, “that no place warrants ill manners.” ❋ Unknown (2006)

Denied the sun, and all comfort: all my visiters low-born, tip-toe attendants: even those tip-toe slaves never approaching me but periodically, armed with gallipots, boluses, and cephalic draughts; delivering their orders to me in hated whispers; and answering other curtain-holding impertinents, inquiring how I was, and how I took their execrable potions, whisperingly too! ❋ Unknown (2006)

Well, my dear ladies, said he, the moment he took his place, whisperingly to my grandmamma, Is sentence given? ❋ Unknown (2006)

I respectfully withdrew into the next room, that Mrs. Moore might acquaint her, (I durst not myself,) that I was her lodger and boarder, as, whisperingly, I desired that she would; and meeting ❋ Unknown (2006)

He called her sister in their hearing; and Sally, whisperingly, gave the young lady and her mother, in her own way, the particulars of the affront she had received; making herself an angel of light, to cast the brighter ray upon the character of her heroic brother. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Besides, said she, whisperingly, I must see what sort of creatures the nieces are. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Nay, she seemed to wish to distract my thoughts from the subject: she rose from the floor: “Hush!” she said, whisperingly; “after much weeping, Clara sleeps; we must not disturb her.” ❋ Unknown (2003)

Once whisperingly referred to as "slim" because of the way patients rapidly lose weight, AIDS is now openly discussed in Uganda, a fact that has helped reduce infection rates by half over the last decade. ❋ Unknown (2001)

The breeze came blowing softly and caressingly from behind the sheltering rocks, and passed whisperingly through the bushes overhead. ❋ Unknown (2000)

But they were also New Englanders, and when the Honolulu FROM THE STARVING VILLAGE community whisperingly condemned them for having abandoned their poor old dim-witted father, allowing him to die in a filthy shack in distant Lahaina, the Hales fek it imperative that they appear in public. ❋ Michener, James (1959)

It, too, was well laden; but at the start Jennie squeezed in beside her colonel, and the maroon speeder was at once whisperingly dubbed by the others "the honeymoon car." ❋ Alice B. Emerson (N/A)

"Take Baby," she said whisperingly; "I can't do what I want with her in my arms." ❋ Lilian Turner (N/A)

"Are you quite sure this Chinese joss was on this table, when the music began?" asked Marie's companion of her, whisperingly. ❋ Various (N/A)

"Who was it, Mungo?" said she, whisperingly to the servant. ❋ Neil Munro (N/A)

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