
Character 10
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Definitions and meanings of "Xenophobia"

What do we mean by xenophobia?

A fear of strangers or foreigners.

A fear of aliens.

A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.

Taken to the extreme, an irrational fear of strangers or more broadly, a fear of those who are different. Taken in a more moderate way, a rational fear of those who are different in some significant way, such as race, ethnicity, culture, politics, religion. Since people live together in families and communities where blood ties and cultural similarities foster cooperation, those who are different undermine this social solidarity. The very presence of people who are different in appearance or belief or language make the majority of people in a community wary of those who do not share a common interest in preserving the dominant group. This fear is justified since people naturally view those who look, believe, and act in a similar manner as extensions of themselves. Since people are naturally selfish, they will lend aid and befriend those whom they see as similar to themselves. Conversely, since people are naturally selfish and seek to dominate others to enhance their own power, they will naturally first seek to dominate those who are different. People who are different are more likely to be seen as objects rather than fellow humans. When confronted with these threats to social cooperation based on viewing others as objects, it is rational to foster laws, social and economic policy, and attitudes that preserve one's own kind in power. To do otherwise is to hand power over to those who will destroy one's own way of life, culture, and political system. Political power as well as cultural and social power are zero-sum games. When one group gains in the same geographical region, other groups must lose. Urban Dictionary

Having a fear or hatred of foreigners; racism Urban Dictionary

One of humanity's poorer acquisitions; being scared of multi-ethnicism. Urban Dictionary

The belief that your country is the best and no other compares. This is often due to ignorance and stereotypes Urban Dictionary

A fear of the evil alien from Scientology. Urban Dictionary

1) 99.99% of all Conservatives. 2) An irrational, and usually unfounded fear of foreigners. 3) A word often seen in SAT practice books/tests, but rarely used in everyday speech or text. Urban Dictionary

An irrationally-biased/prejudiced/hateful attitude regarding "foreign" incandescent bulbs which contain any of those "fancy gases" like xenon; said closed-minded person prefers instead to simply stick with "regular 'n' domestic" plain-tungsten-filamented lamps. Urban Dictionary

And; incredibly well put together, rockin' 5-piece girl band from vancouver bc, combining a variety of punk rock, and classic rock styles. Arrived on the underground scene around late 2002. Very innovative senses for scene fashion but should not be discredited as they're lyrics are conceptual and very artistic. Urban Dictionary

The term 'xenophobia' is typically used to denote a phobic attitude towards foreigners or strangers, or even of the unknown. Racism in general is described as a form of xenophobia. Urban Dictionary

Intense or irrational dislike or mostly fear of the worlds best mineman pvper Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Xenophobia

The word "xenophobia" in example sentences

"Xenophobia or no xenophobia, South Africa belongs to the South ❋ Unknown (2001)

But that is not the case with the term xenophobia, at least. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Perhaps this "xenophobia" is really more of a lack of necessity. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Sadly, this "xenophobia" is once again influencing the European legislators to enact less immigrant friendly laws: Danmark, Holland, so may be we are heading straight up into a new dark age in Europe, as we are already way on our way there in the USA. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Campus Leftist: "Oh, those conservatives really show their xenophobia in opposing open immigration. That shows what closed minds they have and how paranoid they are. Of course, we had to shout down a conservative speaker last night at the lecture series, and drive him [off campus] in order to promote diversity and [pluralism]. We would never be [prejudiced] as those conservatives are." ❋ Tex In Tex (2008)

[Americans] [showed] a strong feeling of xenophobia during [The Red Scare]. ❋ Xenophobian (2006)

A: "[whitepower]!" B, to C: "[what's wrong] with that poor kid?" C: "[suffering] from xenophobia..." ❋ Shizzl (2005)

[Look up] ANY country on [Urban Dictionary] and you will find an example of xenophobia [somewhere] ❋ Evilhairyhamster (2006)

[Scientologist]: [Xenu] is coming. He will destroy you. You must remove the souls from your body so he can't eat you! Person: Wow, that's a new one. Xenophobic much? Scientologist: Xenophobia??? Are you a... [noof]? ❋ Eco (2008)

1) Although absolutely EVERYONE in America is the descendent of an immigrant, the Conservatives' [xenophobic] attitude makes modern immigration difficult. 2) Bob is so xenophobic! Did you see the way he freaked out in front of that [exchange student]? 3) Although we were forced to [memorize] it's definition, xenophobia never once showed up on the SAT. ❋ Chibi_tan013 (2010)

I haven't really got anything to say against modern technology, and I certainly don't possess xenophobia, but I do still prefer just the "bargain-basement" tungsten-halogen [lamps] as opposed to the much-more-expensive --- and often far more power-thirsty --- gas-filled [bulbs]; besides, I don't like blazingly-brilliant headlights overpoweringly boring holes [clear through] my skull when I'm merely trying to peaceably [tootle] my way home, and so I wouldn't wanna use those beastly-bright "second sun" lamps, anyway, since then I myself would be making it harder for other drivers to see, as well. ❋ QuacksO (2018)

[Xenophobia] is the best band to [hit the scene]. Better than Human Puke Shield, Marie [43], and Artificial Sugar combined. Amen. ❋ SheriddanBioK (2010)

-"Why do we have to have white people at the front of the bus, and black people at the back of the bus? Why can't we all [be green]?" -"[Light green] at the front of the bus, and [dark green] at the back please!" ❋ Mr Munchkins (2005)

"[I fear] that [mineman], I [got] Xenophobia" ❋ Minemandemon (2015)

Cross Reference for Xenophobia

What does xenophobia mean?

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