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Definitions and meanings of "Xians"

What do we mean by xians?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word xians. Define xians, xians synonyms, xians pronunciation, xians translation, English dictionary definition of xians.

Sometimes, people claim to be Christian, and then spout only Old Testament theories without ever quoting a single thing actually attributed to Christ, and further, they refer to anyone who DOES quote the teachings attributed to Christ as "cherry-picking." They love "the Cross," but remove Christ from Christianity -- hence "Xian." A follower of Christ loves all neighbors -- an Xian will yell and scream at their neighbors for not saying Merry Xmas. Urban Dictionary

An abrieviation for the noun, Christian. X is a symbol for Christ. Urban Dictionary

The people who celebrate Xmas. Urban Dictionary

This is an abbreviation for the word Christian. It comes from the Greek name for Christ, Xristos, and is essentially the same notation as we commonly see with Xmas. Another variation on this is Xtian, although the addition of the extra t is not entirely proper. Used as a cool alternative to Christian, which is a whole lot of letters, albeit a really wicked name. Urban Dictionary


A word that atheists use because, for some reason, they think it's supposed to insult Christians. Urban Dictionary

Usually used as an insult by athetist or panthetist for christians. though seriously who is insulted Urban Dictionary

Xian can seem is a lovable person shes original she loves to stand out not fit in her style is amazing she can never see her self hating on no one she is very Beautiful And very caring whenever you need her she is always gonna be there for you Urban Dictionary

Pink. To be pink. To show ones pink bits. To exude olive oil. To be Fully sik mate!(greek) Menopausal Alcoholic mother. Urban Dictionary

Zhe xian stands for dumb boy in chinese . People who are named Zhe xian are often short in height and have a very rude attitude to anything. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Xians

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The word "xians" in example sentences

As I have read, Jews who have renounced Judaism and become xians or apostates etc. are not eligible, though the basic law says that anyone with a Jewish mother or grandmother is eligible. ❋ Unknown (2009)

While you may or may not have studied the subject more than the aforementioned rebels-without-a-clue, it remains to be seen if you can do anything but copypaste from xians-r-dumb-hyuk-hyuk. com, talk about knowing the [T] ruth that you don't know the [T] ruth, and repeat that Descartes phrase which should mean absolutely nothing to you. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Not all “evangelical” xians are creationists these days. ❋ Unknown (2010)

* This is a common lie of creationists. 60% of all biologists are religious, mostly xians. sirhcton ❋ Unknown (2010)

Pathetic that the fundie xians will put pointless, expensive vandalism ahead of children and education. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In times past, before we took away their guns, rope, and firewood, xians could and did kill atheists. ❋ Unknown (2010)

A lot of fundie xians also believe the moon is a self illuminated disk because Genesis says that too. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You should see what xians say to and about atheists. ❋ Unknown (2010)

They would still be squealing martyrdom but for being busted for technical infringement of a secular court protocol, after all is seems xians everywhere are aware secular authorities hate men of ‘gawd’. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I get a bit tired of xians who make up three quarters of the population and own almost all elected positions from dogcatcher on up claiming to be a persecuted minority. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The xians like to blame a mythological first woman named Eve for everything. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On average, fundie xians are lower in socioeconomic status than the general population. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Roughly 60% of US scientists are theists of some sort, mostly xians. raven ❋ Unknown (2010)

We all get death threats a lot from the wacko xians. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In times past, xians just gathered armies and fought wars which killed tens of millions. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I'd just add that his professed religion fits perfectly - born-again xians never take responsibility for anything, either. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In fact, due to those results, which most xians are unaware of, when a religious troller now ends a post by saying that they will pray for me, I usually respond by asking them not to threaten me. ❋ Sean (2009)

I don't like militant atheists any more than I like militant xians, but there's one thing I really have come over many years to believe whole heartedly. ❋ Unknown (2009)

"Isn't it weird how they always want to put [the Ten Commandments] on public property, but never the [Sermon On The Mount]?" "It's not that weird, once you've dealt with enough [Xians]." ❋ The Modhatter (2022)

He [accepted] [Jesus] into his [life] and is now a Xian. ❋ SithlordDarthRPG (2003)

[Why do] you call [my people] Xians instead of [Christians]? It's just easier to type, man ❋ Ed_Blackmail (2010)

Xian is [such a] [rad] dude, [mad props]. ❋ Teh X (2004)

.That Xian used Xian science to say the ultimate +1 had giants in noah' day' to be resurrected by noah so they can build a even [huger] wall on [terr]@$-@[qua]$ which sebaestian controlled folks can not see because of praisethefur (lucifur). ❋ Gayb1995 (2023)

[You stupid] [xians] need to realize that the Church of [Virus] is the only true church. ❋ SVTMunchkin (2004)

[i am cool] xian are dumb...[oh wait] i am a [moron] ❋ Supafly Rabbi (2004)

Xian is very [extravagant] ❋ Lola’s (2019)

"Im [trouble] now, Yeah trouble yeah. Im trouble [Ya'll]. I got trouble in [ma] town" ❋ Dmitri (2005)

"why are you such a [Zhe xian]" [Marcus's] mother bellowed at [Marcus]. "My friend named 'Zhe xian' is a Zhe xian!" ❋ TolkZee (2023)

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