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Definitions and meanings of "Yahtzees"

What do we mean by yahtzees?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word yahtzees. Define yahtzees, yahtzees synonyms, yahtzees pronunciation, yahtzees translation, English dictionary definition of yahtzees.

Word shouted when something good happens or when you don't know what's going on Urban Dictionary

When something good happens. Especially used when playing blackjack and you catch 21: Urban Dictionary

Synonyms : Yesssss! Alright! Jackpot! Fuck Yeah! Used in the context of YAHTZEE, we're Millionaires. Millionaires : Several members of the GBK Urban Dictionary

This is when you are having sex with a chick, you pull out and finish into your hand. When she turns toward you, you roll your hand and throw the jiz like dice in her face yelling "Yahtzee!" Urban Dictionary

Means "nice to see you" in olde english. Can also mean "hello." Urban Dictionary

A sexual move where a man ejaculates in his hand, shakes his clenched fist, and then throws it in his partners face yelling, "Yahtzee!" Urban Dictionary

Exclamation, to be declared when something extremely serendipitous has occured without priory warning. Urban Dictionary

Performed when one is having sex with a girl. Before the male is about to ejaculate he pulls out and blows his load on his hand. Then proceeds to slap the girl in the face with said hand and yell "Yahtzee!" Urban Dictionary

The act of coming after you masturbate/ receive a hand job. Urban Dictionary

When a girl is attractive and you want to have sex with her you roll your hands if you are tossing dice and say "Yahtzee" with slight emphasis.OR If you know you are about to get laid, you simply say to your friends while rolling the dice "Yahtzee" Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Yahtzees

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The word "yahtzees" in example sentences

I find his reviews quite funny and informational on the critical aspects of the game. on 03 / 25 / 2009, -1 / +5No ... the comments, if you see previous digg posts about yahtzees reviews you will notice that more than half of the comments are buried to hell, and less than a quarter are actually digg down worthy. ❋ Unknown (2009)

~throws leaves~ someone gets hit [in the head] w/ a [pole]. "yahtzee!" - everyone else [in the room] or ~everyone laughs at someone~ that someone - "yahtzee?" ❋ Chamelia (2005)

Dealer: (deals a 10 on a double down) Guy: "[Yahtzee]" Roaming Waitress: "U need anything?" Guy: "Yea [lemme get a] [jack and coke]" ❋ Colossuswv (2005)

I found [20 cents] Yahztee, we're [millionaires]. [Yahtzee] im a millionare. ❋ Peter Migotto (2006)

[Carly] [loves] to [play] "Yahtzee!" ❋ Thejakebush (2008)

*[Alex] walks in* [Andrew]: Hey, Alex. Yahtzee. Alex: [Sup]. *Alex walks in* Andrew: Yahtzee, Alex. Alex: Yahtzee. ❋ Ghangis24 (2009)

Man: "Oh shit, I'm [gonna blow]!" Woman: "Shoot it al over me!" Man ejaculates in his hands and shakes it like he is going to roll some dice and then throws it in the woman's face. Man: "[Yahtzee]...[Take that bitch], Im outa here, loose 10 pounds and then call me." ❋ Yesty (2007)

Dave: Dude, Angelina Jolie came round to my house last night and sucked me off, and then we [wacthed] a repeat of [night rider] on the TV - with David Hasselhoff Steve: [YAHTZEE]! ❋ The Hoff (2005)

Yo Opar Alexis came over last night, I [Yahtzee'd] her so good Wow Sherry [Palmer] is such a bitch, David Palmer needs to [Yahtzee] her. ❋ Tony Almeida (2006)

Bill: Dude, what did you do last night? I heard [weird noises] coming from your room. Steve: *shakes fist furiously then opens hand as if [rolling dice]* [YAHTZEE]!!! ❋ RedHotSgtPeppers (2009)

A fine girl walks by you [roll] [and say] "Yahtzee" Or As you leave the room with a girl ...roll and say "Yahtzee" to all your [buddies]. ❋ School-bus-bus (2007)

Cross Reference for Yahtzees

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