
Character 5
Hyphenation a like
Pronunciations /əˈlaɪk/

Definitions and meanings of "Alike"

What do we mean by alike?

Having close resemblance; similar. adjective

In the same manner or to the same degree. adverb

Having resemblance or similitude; similar; having or exhibiting no marked or essential difference.

In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally; both.

In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally. adverb

Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference. adjective

Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference. adjective

In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally. adverb

Having the same or similar characteristics adjective

Equally adverb

In a like manner adverb

Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference.

Very pleased synonym for "i like" Urban Dictionary

Someone who is your carbon copy(personality wise, or in demeanor); mostly endemic to the East Coast (New York) and conscious rap artists. Someone who exhibits the same behavioral characteristics as you do. Urban Dictionary

The nickname of Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Savin who died during the Battle of Grozny on 1994. Urban Dictionary

Someone or something to marvel at. Urban Dictionary

The most amazing person in the world. Urban Dictionary

Guy with a dick of at least 7 and a half inches. Everyone knows it, but denies it thanks to jealousy. Urban Dictionary

A guy with a 7 inch dick This boy might be smart, funny, and have an amazing laugh and smile. He is perfect in bed and really hardcore inside you. Also he is a LADY'S MAN. Urban Dictionary

Alik is gay and shit at fortnite. also has a tendency to date bisexual thots, who do cocaine, if that wasn't enough Urban Dictionary

The Aliker L is a rare type of disease most common in East and South Africa that affects the victim by handing him/her a massive L on a daily or even hourly basis. Urban Dictionary

A snook-alike is a knockoff version of everyones favorite gueidette Snookie! Snook-alikes have similar cases of tanorexia, wear bump-it versions of the poof, and try to pull off dance moves only Snookie could rock. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Alike

The word "alike" in example sentences

Nor is the failure of the pursuit wholly to be ascribed to the familiar fact that to Caucasian eyes “all Chinamen look alike, ” but rather to their acting “alike, ” in a body, to defeat discovery at any cost. ❋ Unknown (1890)

Thanks to this many-sided usage, together with its religious colouring (“the church called by God”) and the possibilities of personification which it offered, the conception and the term alike rapidly came to the front. ❋ 1851-1930 (1908)

And yet the actual answer to a workable future for record labels and musicians alike is staring everyone in the face. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But since we are tallying “extermination/expulsion of subhuman populations”, one group that somehow that always ignored by so many ‘loving, compassionate’Zoinest Christians and Zionists alike is the Christians of Palestine whose luck was not much better than the Muslim of Palestine either. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hunting, humans and aliens alike, is a way of life for these horrific beings. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The good news for Grant Morrison fans and non-Grant Morrison fans alike is that Daniel's obviously learnt a thing or two from Morrison about telling a good story, because his writing skills are top notch. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I realized that one of the ways we can truly understand the agony and several abuses on the Vagina by men and women alike is to see through the eyes of a Vagina. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A big attraction for Mexican and foreign tourists alike is the usually benign weather, at an elevation of 1,245 feet, which in the winter offers cool evenings and pleasant days. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thus far, with the exception of the Cairo speech which had no upshot in practice, he is only the most recent casualty of a distrust of political argument that comes alike from the bottom of our culture and from the top. ❋ David Bromwich (2010)

I think the best way for Jews and Arabs alike, is through a cooperative dismantling of the Apartheid system. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Nah, that might actually work, create long term jobs in manufacturing, sales, installations and service and end the crisis which to democrats and republicans alike is their bread and butter. priorities ❋ Unknown (2009)

Thus America has responded to the enormous challenges the economy faces in the short-term and long-term alike with a complete failure of vision and verve. ❋ Andrei Cherny (2011)

I was with the president of a Penn State campus in China, his closest celebrity look-alike is Bill Cosby, when we were in tourist areas people would pull on him in the exact same way they do on the characters in Disneyworld. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A great new item, sure to please comics fans and collectors alike is the Mignola-inspired, Hellboy figure packaged with a new hardcover digest-size edition of Seed of Destruction that features an all-new cover by Mike Mignola! ❋ Unknown (2009)

[Boobs]. [Alike] [boobs]. ❋ H0RRRst (2014)

"Now Im bout to meet my homegirl cause we be alike: [A-Alike], B-Alike, now let's G Alike". Ladybug of [Digable] Planets from [9th Wonder] (1993). "Son is my [A-alike]" Noreaga (referring to Capone). ❋ Ryan E. Bates (2005)

"[Retreat] your men Alik, have [pity] for their mothers, have pity for your guys, [retreat] them!" "I can’t give that order..." ❋ Chopped Up Cow (2020)

[That guy] is so alik! That's an alik [move] [right there]! ❋ Earthlings (2008)

[That girl] reminds me of an Alik! ❋ Hahahah Merrrr (2018)

[Look at that] [alik] over there, all I think about when I see him is [envy]. ❋ Shamen_Mass (2017)

[Dam] [ALIK] [i want you] ❋ Julia Helksin (2018)

[dude], you're like the [alik] of [real life] ❋ Pravxen (2019)

I feel like I've caught the Aliker L, I've been [catching] so many [L's] [lately] ❋ Thatbaboon (2017)

I had to do a [doubletake] on that girl she looked like a knockoff version of [Snookie] with a bad tan and a [bump-it] poof. She was nothin' but a snook-alike ❋ Tatiana_t (2010)

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