
Character 4
Hyphenation best
Pronunciations /ˈbɛst/

Definitions and meanings of "Best"

What do we mean by best?

The supreme effort one can make, or has made.

One's best behavior.

The person (or persons; or thing or things) that is (are) most excellent.

People claim to have done this as an excuse for not doing better or trying harder. Urban Dictionary

You can livestream cozy little sessions and ask for a donation via paypal or something. Ive seen it here. Urban Dictionary

To do something that need be done lest you face unfavorable consequences. Urban Dictionary

Ausstralian slang used as a sentence with no other words to comment on a situation person or object. Urban Dictionary

Apparently, it's when you screw up so bad it kills you. See Dale Earnhardt. Urban Dictionary

Lineage: simply the best -> best Definition: Opposite of sux. (refer to sux) Usage: Urban Dictionary

See FLOGGING MOLLY Urban Dictionary

So the best of the best is where you have all the best together in all the universes of all time , past , present and future. and you the best out of all of that or them. it could be cars, food, or people like martial artist, or best kisser, or best at having sex. its pretty diverse and vast. Urban Dictionary

Has the warmest heart and soul they try to help everyone but no one helps them. people are usually breaks their heart but still beste means hope and music. has a heart of golden. they’re free-minded, loves animals and nature and animals and nature are also loves them! keep going pal no one deserves you more than you, you’re the cutest Urban Dictionary

Someone or something that makes you happy on a daily basis. Just having that person/thing in your life makes you happy. You think about this person/thing so much that you have to try and stop yourself to be able to focus on other things that require attention in your life. This person/thing is amazing, beautiful and knows how to bring a smile to your face on the darkest of days. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Best

The word "best" in example sentences

See best toys for newborn to 3-month-old babies,  best toys for babies 4-10 months old, and best toys for babies 9 months to 1 year old for more buying advice. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In town, Letebele, Kodumela's driver, dropped me off at CashBuild to get my first of 3 quotations you get 3 and then pick the best prices and best materials. ❋ Megan Aka Mmapula Reamogetse (2009)

Honestly, in my heart of hearts, I believe that McPalin at best, * at best* don't care whether or not people at their rallies voice homicidal intentions towards Obama. ❋ Unknown (2008)

We want recipes for this event to be *the best of the best* herb recipes from great cooks. ❋ Kalyn Denny (2006)

This concept of fun should include more than the few dozen people willing to grind their way through an asinine number of hours to become the best of the best*. ❋ Unknown (2004)

Notwithstanding such an editorship must have resembled the perplexity of Sinbad in the Valley of Diamonds, Mr. Hood's volume is almost unexceptionably good, whatever he may have rejected; and one of the best, if not _the best_, article in the whole work, has been contributed by the editor himself. ❋ Various (N/A)

Lord Normanby has written one of the best, if not _the best_, of this class of works, the tendency of which is in most instances of questionable character. ❋ Various (N/A)

"I love thee best, O _most best_." and in _King Lear_, Act ii. ❋ Various (N/A)

You have done so well already, Willie, that we think you can best answer your own question; but we should take _all_ of our _best_ pigeons. ❋ Various (N/A)

She had the kind of character which made gossip impossible with her, so that she always got at the very best her visitors had to give, and the _very best_ of even a shallow girl is often worth something. ❋ Harriet E. (AKA E. Chester} Paine (N/A)

One of their merits was the unexpected spontaneity of their humour -- the faculty that is distinctive of some of the best of his _mots_, such as that when looking at Edmund Yates's book-shelves which caused him to pause before one of the volumes and read off "Homer's Iliad," and murmur, "Homer's -- Yes -- _that is the best_." ❋ M. H. Spielmann (N/A)

_Heaven was the first best, and freedom was the next best_. ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

Pray take what measures you deem best, and let us have the _best_ officer that we can get. ❋ Lawrence L. Lynch (N/A)

Cannon Row, and said to the landlord behind the bar, "What is your very best -- the VERY _best_ -- ale a glass?" ❋ Various (1918)

"I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is, prose = words in their best order; -- poetry = the _best_ words in the best order." ❋ Bliss Perry (1907)

"No, it is nothing, nothing, only that --" turning her head from side to side with a slow, emotional emphasis, "Miché Vignevielle is the best -- _best_ man on the good Lord's earth!" ❋ George Washington Cable (1884)

Our own conviction is, when we reflect with how much labour we have deepened our knowledge of him, and thereby found in him _the best_ -- for the best lies not on the surface for the careless reader -- our own conviction is, that not half has been done that ought to be done to help young people at least to understand the master mind of their country. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

All will be seen at last to have been not only _for_ the best, but really _the best_. ❋ Unknown (1856)

Of course there is much taught and written about elocution, the best reading, speaking, &c., but it finally settles down to _best_ human vocalization. ❋ Walt Whitman (1855)

"Your best"? Losers always whine about their "best." Winners go home and fuck [the prom] queen. --- [Sean Connery] as [John Mason], in The Rock ❋ Decacide (2009)

[you need] to keep [inspiring] people. if [thats what] you do best. ❋ Krkič (2020)

"Yo! you best back out' [my face] b'fore I [bust a cap] in your silly-ass [face]!" ❋ "The Man's" Foe (2004)

Bill: "that hot molly chick is coming [to the pub] tonight" Bob: BEST! WIFE: Bob honey, I'm making you steak [dianne] tonight. Bob: BEST! Bill: Man BOB! that's the worst fart i ever [smelt]. Bob: HAHAH BEST! ❋ ShniG (2005)

[Dude], [Dale Earnhardt] is [the best]! ❋ Ashley And Ryan (2005)

"Upon [spotting] a drop-top [benz] rolling 4 Sandras (refer to Sandras), [Joachim] looked over to his homie and said, "Best." ❋ Fubar (2003)

[floggin] [molly] is [the best]! ❋ Grishinka (2003)

[i am the best] of [the best]. he is the best of the best. ❋ Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ (2022)

she’s my beste (she’s my [music] and [hope]) ❋ Posiv (2020)

[Wow], [my girlfriend] is The Best! ❋ Youraretheonlyoneforme (2011)

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