
Character 7
Hyphenation boy cott boy cott
Pronunciations /ˈbɔɪkɒt/

Definitions and meanings of "Boycott"

What do we mean by boycott?

To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, dealing with, or participating in as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion. transitive verb

The act or an instance of boycotting. noun

An organized attempt to coerce a person or party into compliance with some demand, by combining to abstain, and compel others to abstain, from having any business or social relations with him or it; an organized persecution of a person or company, as a means of coercion or intimidation, or of retaliation for some act, or refusal to act in a particular way. noun

To combine in refusing to work for, buy from, sell to, give assistance to, or have any kind of dealings with, and

In preventing others from working for, buying from, selling to, assisting, or having any kind of dealings with (a person or company), on account of political or other differences, or of disagreements in business matters, as a means of inflicting punishment, or of coercing or intimidating.

The process, fact, or pressure of boycotting; a combining to withhold or prevent dealing or social intercourse with a tradesman, employer, etc.; social and business interdiction for the purpose of coercion. noun

To combine against (a landlord, tradesman, employer, or other person), to withhold social or business relations from him, and to deter others from holding such relations; to subject to a boycott. transitive verb

To abstain, either as an individual or group, from using, buying, or dealing with someone or some organization as an expression of protest. verb

The act of boycotting noun

A group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies noun

Refuse to sponsor; refuse to do business with verb

The act of boycotting.

1. An agreement usually among a particular segment of the population to reduce or stop the use and purchase of certain products or activities. 2. An unfair trade practice which occurs when someone in the insurance business refuses to have business dealings with another until he or she complies with certain conditions or concessions. Urban Dictionary

A Catholic priest's favorite place to sleep. Urban Dictionary

Word originated in County Mayo, Ireland where an English absentee landlord called Captain Boycott expected his tenants to harvest his crops as part of their rent. The tenants refused to deal with him and the word boycott was added to the English language. The landlord and his family were totally ignnored and their crops rotted without harvesting. Urban Dictionary

When something is not good at all. 10/10 would not participate Urban Dictionary

The new age millennial approach of avoiding use of a business or place when a group of people decide they do not like what has occured or what it supports. Resulting in business foreclosure or redundancy. Urban Dictionary

When your bro is over but the wifi is down so instead of playing some video games you have sexual intercourse on a cot (bed), hence the word boycott Urban Dictionary

To avoid love, or being hurt by it. believing all love is fake and should be avoided. Urban Dictionary

(Noun) (Thing) Boycott Boy is the unfortunate result of 15 minutes of fame terminated in 10. He attempts to increase his own visiability by attacking legitimately successful brands. Urban Dictionary

When all of your friends are ignoring you or "lost their phones", seemingly in an organized fashion. you feel shitty about yourself as apparently you aren't worth talking to or hanging out with. Urban Dictionary

A weak movement trying to make a statement about the bad practices at BP (a.k.a. British Petroleum) Boycotting BP to protest their oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a lot more logical than the fuckwitted "boycott France movement of 2001-2006. France was right and made the responsible choice to not participate in George w. Bush's Iraq War. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Boycott

The word "boycott" in example sentences

Monroe said the unions are being careful not to use the term "boycott" because they don't want damage Obama's re-election prospects. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The term boycott only dates to 1880 in Ireland and Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Just like the Montgomery Bus boycott was about more than where blacks could sit on a bus, the Arizona boycott is about more than SB 1070. ❋ Zack De La Rocha (2010)

The Arizona boycott is about the cruel and inhumane approach Arizona has taken and the cruel human impact that not only affects migrants, but brown-skinned communities in general. ❋ Zack De La Rocha (2010)

Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum or your thoughts on the Israeli government, this boycott is a misguided and dangerous effort that threatens the entire filmmaking community and, indeed, freedom of speech and artistic expression. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Elmer, a boycott is a good idea, so long as the advertisers (boycottees) are aware of it. ❋ Unknown (2009)

And I fail to see how the boycott is a “radical” ideology compared to the “defense” ideology of the IDF manifested in Gaza and in Lebanon 2006 (just a sample). ❋ Unknown (2009)

The short term limit of the boycott is around $7 million in direct city contracts. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It would appear that the boycott is the all purpose leftist solution to impose their will on others. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Likewise, US law and the new Israeli law have things in common: both include the word "boycott," both relate to Israel, and neither has anything to do with frogs. ❋ Lara Friedman (2011)

Richard Nieporent: It would appear that the boycott is the all purpose leftist solution to impose their will on others. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I am not sure that a boycott is the right answer but someone should design a symbolic protest that athletes could take part in before each event and on the medals rostrum - something along the lines of Tommie Smith and John Carlos "black power" salute during the medal ceremony for the 200 metres sprint at the 1968 Olympics ... ❋ Not A Sheep (2008)

More directly, and more disturbingly, Mr. Dole's own anti-Serbism was bought and paid for going back to the 1970s and culminating in his unsuccessful 1986 Senate Resolution No. 150 decrying Yugoslavian repression of Kosovo Albanians -- which is what we called the boycott of Yugoslav institutions by the Albanians building up a parallel system in preparation for a turf war of their own. ❋ Unknown (2009)

With the auto industry in dire straits, I hope this boycott is as successful as the Disney one: ❋ Unknown (2005)

The fish n chip shop refused to [decrease] [the price of fish] so [the customers] boycotted them. ❋ Spitty (2005)

Father [Cahill] had a boycott in the [rectory] and [slept like a baby]. Meow! ❋ Connorsji (2009)

[Similar] to the [term] "[sent to Coventry]". ❋ Matt Connaire (2005)

"boycott [sacha]" ❋ Americanvisasystemfromaus (2019)

I #boycott_([theme park]) because an incident occured and feel it needs to be shut down and have 1000 people lose their jobs because of how I feel. I started a [boycott] movement because [i disagree] with what the owner said but can not find a reasonable response so I just chose to create drama. ❋ The-honest-aussie (2017)

Ralph: Hey man the [wifi] is down but I just recently got this nice [cot], wanna [Boycott]? Eugene: yes I would love to [boycott] with you until the wifi is back up ❋ Antman Anal Anti Decimation (2019)

'boycott [love], [detox] [just] to retox' ❋ Patvump (2013)

[Defeated] by his [arch nemesis] Kyle Kashuv Boycott Boy has recoiled into [self pity] in exchange for attention he needs to live. ❋ NoGoodNamesLeftOrRight (2018)

Joe "i guess i know who [my real] friends are, Travis and Erik haven't called me back in 2 straight days even though they've both been [updating] their facebook statuses from their [blackberrys]. I've been friend boycotted." ❋ FCKERS (2010)

The [Bp Boycott] [movement], unfortunately, is not strong enough to impact [BP's] profits. ❋ Charles_U_Farley (2010)

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