
Character 7
Hyphenation man nish
Pronunciations /ˈmæn.ɪʃ/

Definitions and meanings of "Mannish"

What do we mean by mannish?

Of or relating to men; masculine. adjective

Imitative or suggestive of a man rather than a woman. adjective

1. Of the human species; of the nature of man; human in kind.

Characteristic of man; natural to the human species; human in quality.

Characteristic of or resembling the males of the human kind; hence, as applied to a woman, masculine; unwomanly.

Simulating manhood; having the air or appearance of manliness; characteristic of the mature age of manhood.

Fond of men; addicted to the society of men.

Synonyms Male, Manly, etc. See masculine.

Resembling a human being in form or nature; human. adjective

Resembling, suitable to, or characteristic of, a man, manlike, masculine. adjective

Fond of men; -- said of a woman. adjective

Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable for a man adjective

Resembling a human being in form or nature; human. adjective

Fond of men. adjective

Resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman adjective

Characteristic of a man as distinguished from a woman adjective

(of a woman) Resembling or characteristic of a man, masculine.

Resembling or characteristic of a grown man (as opposed to a boy); mature, adult.

Impertinent; assertive.

Resembling or characteristic of a human being, in form or nature; human.

Adj.> describes a person or their behavior that is sexual in nature. usually refers to females, but used to describe male behavior as well. Urban Dictionary

Exhibiting masculine traits or appearances, usually of a brutish nature. Urban Dictionary

Adj.> describes a person or their behavior that is sexual in nature. usually refers to females, but used to describe male behavior as well. Urban Dictionary

Describing a female who looks freaky or nasty. Urban Dictionary

Of or possesing man-lke qualities Urban Dictionary

What you say about pre pubescent boys who have a tendency of getting fresh with teenage girls or adult women. Urban Dictionary

The distinct and pungent male anal/butt scent. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Mannish

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The word "mannish" in example sentences

COSTELLO: Last Saturday, Clinton appeared on "Saturday Night Live," poking fun at herself and what some call her mannish pantsuits. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I could see how someone like Clea DuVall would be described as mannish the people of Westeros. ❋ Unknown (2009)

They are what the old black queers around here call mannish boys (after that old song by Muddy Waters.) ❋ Kaboom (2004)

She was an athletic-looking young woman who always had high color in her cheeks; she had dark, glossy hair and what her mother called a mannish way of walking (she swung her arms), and her rump and hips were so slender and hard that, from behind, she resembled a young boy. ❋ Unknown (1978)

The hand is slightly mannish, which isn't surprising, as I've argued before that when Miller wants to create a strong female character, he masculinizes her. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Bella, Kristen Stewart's character, is supposed to be an over-emotional girly-girl; whereas Kristen just acted pretty blank, dull, and mannish -- in other words, just being herself most of the time. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Lesbians are fired for being too "mannish" and gay men -- particularly those who are more effeminate -- face violence because they aren't "real men." ❋ Mara Keisling (2011)

We have more 'mannish' dimension in our team in all the duels, and we're not bullied any more. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Does she have to be more "mannish" to be one of the boys to prove she is tough? ❋ Unknown (2008)

Raccoon: Amoung women, Swimmer's shoulders is the broad strong shoulders that are considered more 'mannish'. ❋ Elizabeth McClung (2010)

She wants to be more "mannish" than the men! merle 7 ❋ Unknown (2008)

My mother thinks she's "mannish" but I don't see it. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Thus, when I say, “Sigourney Weaver is kind of mannish,” your instinctive response is fight or flight, since I have just told you that you spent all that time whacking it for nothing. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Some gymnasium suits had extra fullness in the bust in the blousy "pouter pigeon" style of the early 1900s. 44 At other times, cycling, golf, and tennis styles were more "mannish" with their straight ties and boater hats. ❋ Unknown (2006)

However, not all lesbians are "mannish," even if they do have short hair. ❋ Miss Snark (2006)

My host father was crying in a "mannish" way and my host mother who I have been complaining about began wailing and weeping and gently caressing my chest. ❋ Maya Chalee (2005)

That is to say, the women of the Women's State are "mannish," from the Men's-State outlook; and, from the same outlook, the men of the Women's State are "womanish." ❋ Unknown (1923)

She may not be, and frequently is not, what would be called a "mannish" woman, for the latter may imitate men on grounds of taste and habit unconnected with sexual perversion, while in the inverted woman the masculine traits are part of an organic instinct which she by no means always wishes to accentuate. ❋ Havelock Ellis (1899)

[My girlfriend] asked me if she could [watch me] [take a shower], and I told her she was real mannish. ❋ Akfreak (2008)

Her laughs are so mannish; slapping [the table] as she [cackles] [loudly]. ❋ Hollyw (2013)

[My girlfriend] asked me if she could [watch me] [take a shower], and I told her she was real mannish. ❋ Akfreak (2008)

"Yo, did you see that girl over there with them [curves]...she [looks] mannish!" "I can tell by her [lips] that she's mannish" ❋ Meemers (2005)

[Look at that] mannish [lesbian] ❋ Libballs (2003)

[Tina's] little boy is so [mannish]; the [little brat] slapped me on my butt twice the last time I was at her house. Girl, you have to watch yourself around these little boys because, they're mannish and will try to cop a feel on you. ❋ Mackendeez (2019)

Aaron: "[Good morning beautiful], can I have some head?" Emma: "I would [sweets], but your mannish assy whiff is making me gag. It's [stunk] out the whole bed." ❋ Facadie (2007)

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