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Definitions and meanings of "Mounds"

What do we mean by mounds?

An artificial hill or elevation of earth; a raised bank; an embankment thrown up for defense

A natural elevation appearing as if thrown up artificially; a regular and isolated hill, hillock, or knoll.

Elevated area of dirt upon which the pitcher stands to pitch.

A ball or globe forming part of the regalia of an emperor or other sovereign. It is encircled with bands, enriched with precious stones, and surmounted with a cross.

The mons veneris.

(measurement) A hand.

A protection; restraint; curb.

A helmet.

Might; size.

The state of having less than the usual quantity of nuts, ergo a person of exceeding cowardice. Derived from the popular candy bar jingle "Almond Joys got nuts, mounds don't" Urban Dictionary

Dog that has been neutered (fixed) Urban Dictionary

Another word for pussy. Urban Dictionary

On a woman, the soft pad of fat over the pubic bone, just above the vulva Urban Dictionary

Mounding is the practice of taking a male's genitals and shoving them up in the body cavity. The end result is that he only has a “mound" that resembles a cunt. Urban Dictionary

1. The fleshy part of a woman's torso between the navel and the pudenda, over the pubic bone; the mons veneris. 2. Female genitalia generally. Urban Dictionary

The notation of fun thats to be had and found between the hip bones on a Fit Chick above the Pubis bone also know as Mons Veneris noobs think they're tucking a tackle when in fact its a pure indicator of dynamo in the sack with the tastiest, neatest and sweet little vagene ever Urban Dictionary

Inserting pillows under the hips of a girl lying on her stomach, "mounding" her ass upwards....providing easy access to her sweetspot and a spanking target that can't be resisted. Urban Dictionary

The art of lying perfectly still while completely covered with blanket. The traditional colour of the blanket is orange, but a sleeping bag or poncho is an acceptable alternative. Mounding is more effective when done in public and is considered a legitimate recreational activity. Pillows can be used under the blanket. Urban Dictionary

A boring little town in Minnesota with a bunch of stupid kids and way too many pigs. There is absolutely nothing to do in this town but smoke weed. Nothing really goes on in Mound except smoking, cruising, drinking, doing drugs, and sitting around. The school is small and a straight shithole. There are a few cool people in Mound, but most of them are burnouts, or stuck up cunts. Also there are only about 10 hot girls in mound, the rest busts. When fun stuff rarely happens, cops usually show up and ruin the fun and the cops are the most worthless, power tripping pigs ever. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Mounds

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The word "mounds" in example sentences

I currently have the debris from five boxes of ornaments and other bits and pieces in mounds on the floor. ❋ Editormum (2007)

I * will* go back someday, when I'm swimming in mounds of cash. ❋ Ndrtoon (2001)

Considerable reshaping has been carried out in mounds and hollows added to the bunkers, which guard the long green. ❋ Unknown (1999)

There was one who lived here who had come from Russia, he always would ride up the mounds (he called the mounds so funnily, "hillocks"). ❋ Leo Tolstoy (1869)

This furnishes a complete explanation of the fact that uncharred human bones are frequently found in Southern mounds imbedded in charcoal and ashes. ❋ Cyrus Thomas (1867)

For many who believe in ley lines, that crop circles are some form of manifestation of our collective unconscious, in ghosts being energy impressions left in stone and brick, the mounds are the same, or at least similar: the result of an interaction between forces we as yet do not understand, or never will, and our spaceship earth. ❋ Unknown (2009)

“In the Bampur valley, there is an ancient site covered with sand mounds, which is as large as the Burnt City and may belong to a civilization as great as the civilization of that the city,” Mehdi Mortazavi, an archaeologist of the University of Sistan-Baluchestan, told the Persian service of CHN on Saturday. ❋ Jan (2008)

The mounds are a lesser-known aspect of Louisiana's past, one that the state would like to better publicize and make accessible. ❋ Unknown (2004)

The mounds were the bodies of Michael and Becky De George ❋ Patterson, James, 1947- (2001)

The mounds were the bodies of Michael and Becky DeGeorge. ❋ Patterson, James, 1947- (2001)

Only they were not as sharply defined as the mounds, being more rolling. ❋ Norton, Andre (1970)

It is not to be supposed that the mounds were the sole cemeteries of the people who built them. ❋ Emory Adams Allen (N/A)

If mounds were the only works remaining of these ancient people, we would not take so great an interest in them, and, as it is, we are not to suppose that all the mounds are the works of those people we call the ❋ Emory Adams Allen (N/A)

Very near to some of the mounds was a raised bank, covered with soft grass; so the children stole softly up to this bank and lay down upon it in such a way that their heads just stuck over the top of it, while their bodies were hidden from the eyes of any of the folks of ❋ Unknown (1887)

Atwater, who, knowing that the former were Indian manufactures, attributed the latter also to the same people although he held that the mounds were the work of the ancestors of the civilized nations of Mexico and Central America. ❋ Cyrus Thomas (1867)

One of the mounds is a threefold symbol, like a bird's foot; the central mound is 155 feet long, and the other two each 110 feet it length. ❋ Ignatius Donnelly (1866)

Kebra-basa on the Zambesi was made, for we found immense banks of well-rounded shingle above -- or, rather, they may be called mounds of shingle -- all of hard silicious schist with a few pieces of fossil-wood among them. ❋ David Livingstone (1843)

By the way, their vice-president is not nuts, I believe his name is mounds. ❋ Unknown (2012)

These photos show dirt being shaped into mounds, which is supposed to become rolling hills along Furman Street, just south of the Brooklyn Bridge. ❋ By Gersh Kuntzman (2009)

[Dude stop] being a total mounds and [get with] [Nick's mom]. ❋ Derek Tha Obso1337 (2005)

almand [joys] got [nuts], mounds don't. ❋ Marta (2005)

[Stop] [nudging] my mounds with [your knee]! ❋ HyperBlue (2009)

at the last [moment], I [pulled it] out and [ejaculated] onto her mound ❋ John R. (2003)

You couldn't tell she was [a dude] even when she was in a [bikini] because she was so good at [mounding]. ❋ Kink4you (2013)

Man 1: [Sofie's] hot. Man [1a]: Yes. Her mound is lovely... nice and soft. Man 2: [I agree]. I'd fuck her mound. ❋ Tama Boyle (2007)

Guy 1 on seeing a pic of new girl; [Holy Shit dude] get a load of "TheMound" under that [lingerie]. Guy 2. Response; I know right I just have to see it I bet its amazing. It'll ring my [Belle] Guy 1 drooling uncontrollably Guy 2 notices him and see what he sees and also drools uncontrollably Gay Guy to other Gay Guy; I just don't get what it is they like with The Mound its eeeky ❋ Toetoe82 (2020)

I like to pass a [leisurely] afternoon tying her up, [mounding] her [just right], and administering to her in painstaking detail... ❋ Autre (2009)

"I lost [53] [calories] just by Mounding 5 hours a day!" "I was a fat lazy slob who would just lay around the house doing nothing all day, now instead, I [mound]!" ❋ Scissorhands' Cookie Heart (2011)

"Hey dude wanna go to [mound]?" "[Nahh], [that place] is boring as fuck!" ❋ Boredkid420 (2011)

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