
Character 6
Hyphenation muc kle
Pronunciations /ˈmʌkəl/

Definitions and meanings of "Muckle"

What do we mean by muckle?

A great amount.

A geordie word. Used to describe something, as a substitute for very or extremely. Urban Dictionary

Muckle is slang for mooseknuckle. Urban Dictionary

A friendly boy or girl who associates themselves with lots of people of the opposite sex. Urban Dictionary

The act of drinking your beer in a hurry Urban Dictionary

To bowl over, to send flying. Usually done when the person being muckled is not prepared, and when the person doing the muckling is horrendously overweight. Urban Dictionary

A very large camel toe, on a ridiculously large woman. A combination of the phrase moose knuckle. Urban Dictionary

To latch onto, tear into, hold fast, grip, or grasp as an object or concept. Urban Dictionary

To cover inanimate objects in glitter in a vain attempt to make them appealing enough to buy. Added loyalist images tend to cater for a niche market. Urban Dictionary

An American game using a football consisting of at least two players, but the amount of players can be infinite. One throws the football in the air, and yells out muckle. When the ball drops any player can grab it and try to run to a determined end zone. All the other players will have to try and tackle the player. Once the player is tackled, he has to restart the game (although scores are preserved). If the player does not want to be tackled, he can toss the ball up beforehand and yell muckle to begin the game again. Scoring is customizable, as is final score. Good game to play if you have an uneven amount of players for an actual football game. Urban Dictionary

Great,massive,huge. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Muckle

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The word "muckle" in example sentences

Then she gave him Donal's school-slate, with a sklet-pike, and said, "Noo, mak a muckle A, cratur." ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

Dan peered down into the water alongside, and flourished the big "muckle," ready for all chances. ❋ Rudyard Kipling (1900)

Evidently "muckle" could not be the dinner-horn, so Harvey passed over the maul, and Dan scientifically stunned the fish before he pulled it inboard, and wrenched out the hook with the short wooden stick he called a "gob-stick." ❋ Rudyard Kipling (1900)

Rashes. 1870 version [ "muckle"] in MacLennan SNR (1909), ❋ Unknown (1847)

Alex Massie also asks:Jeremy Clarkson is a muckle tube. ❋ Unknown (2011)

"Aye, weel, mony a mickle mak's a muckle, as Papa used to say." ❋ Unknown (2010)

And and and when I broke up, I was all in a fuddle, a fussle—a muckle. ❋ Sarah Micklem (2009)

Many proverbs use alliteration: "Many a mickle (little) makes a muckle (lot)," rhyme: "Man proposes, God disposes," parallelism: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," ellipsis: "First come, first served," etc. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Poor 27-year-old Chris O'Donnell is forced to whine like a teenager again, while Alicia Silverstone, all muckle-mouthed, is asked to graduate from being Clueless to being an "Oxbridge" student who races motorcycles, kicks ass, and turns into Batgirl. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Meiklewham; “and albeit ye were nae great gun at the bar, ye might aye have gotten a Sheriffdom, or a Commissaryship, amang the lave, to keep the banes green; and sae ye might have saved your estate from deteriorating, if ye didna mend it muckle.” ❋ Unknown (2008)

“And I hope your lordship disna want that muckle,” said ❋ Unknown (2008)

‘If the kirk is ower muckle, we can sing mass in the quire,’ said Peter, helping himself in the goblet out of which he had been drinking the small beer. ❋ Unknown (2008)

My gudesire saw everything look so muckle against him, that he grew nearly desperate — however, he shifted from one foot to another, looked to every corner of the room, and made no answer. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Ye suld munt up a muckle square of canvass, like Dick Tinto, and paint folks ainsells, that they like muckle better to see than ony craig in the haill water; and I wadna muckle objeck even to some of the Wallers coming up and sitting to ye. ❋ Unknown (2008)

“The Almighty guide your course through the troubles of this wicked warld — and the muckle deevil blaw wind in your sails,” she added, in her natural tone, as the guests vanished from her miserable threshold. ❋ Unknown (2008)

“Naething will disturb her, puir thing,” answered Mrs. Dods; “they have muckle to answer for that brought her to this!” ❋ Unknown (2008)

As old age rendered her inactive, she began to regret the incapacity of her son to superintend his own household, and talked something of matrimony, and the mysteries of the muckle wheel. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Francie, and muckle ado I had to keep ye baith in order when ye were on the ramble. ❋ Unknown (2008)

'I [hope] it's muckle hot' 'He's muckle fit' ❋ Molly Munchkin (2008)

that guys' muckle is [riding clean] [up to] his [belly button]. ❋ Derek The Comedian (2008)

''Fionananana is such a muckle, TEN [LADS] IN ONE NIGHT![''] ''Dave was [muckling] last night, four girls and seven boys!!!!'' ❋ Babylaura (2015)

These [hoors] wanna [give us] a ride hurry up and muckle that beer down. Get [mucklin] ❋ Brena46n2 (2008)

Man, that muthaf**king huge-ass [beast] [Stephen] just [muckled] John! ❋ John Is Incredibly Amazing (2005)

Damn [Steph], [Keisha] needs to stop eating all that chicken. She's [growing] a muckle! ❋ People Who Annoy You (2008)

1) Muckle on the end of that, and fetch it on up. 2) Johnson's body was a sight to see when they [dragged it] on up from the bay, with 5 great big [lobstah] [muckled] onto him. 3) Joe's wife was some steamed, why she muckled right onto him as he came through the door. Pert neah killed him, she did. ❋ N44w69 (2007)

"She [muckled] the [daylights] out of those [wine glasses]!" ❋ Shankill Buy And Sell Support (2015)

Player 1: Let's go play [muckle]! Player 2: What's muckle? Player 1: It's kind of like [a rugby] [scrum], but better. ❋ DDYGottaBigGunn (2011)

"[Muckle] is the majesty of the cosmos" "[the Great Pyramid of Giza] is [muckle]" "[Ya hoor], he's f**kin' muckle!" ❋ Snakeheid (2003)

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