
Character 12
Hyphenation re ver ber a tor
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Definitions and meanings of "Reverberator"

What do we mean by reverberator?

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word reverberator. Define reverberator, reverberator synonyms, reverberator pronunciation, reverberator translation, English dictionary definition of reverberator.

A fart that shakes things/whatever you're sitting on Urban Dictionary

The coolest word to type because it is relatively long, and done completely with ones left hand. Stewardesses is another totally left handed 12-lettered word, but for most is harder to type with speed and ease. It means reechoed, reflected, or repelled. Urban Dictionary

Reverberate means when something touches so far beyond your soul it reaches into your very existence and has you mesmerized Urban Dictionary

To continuosly fart while getting head. Urban Dictionary

A Reverberating Penal Pumper is a person who with no dought is the dumbest and has the smallest penis then anyone that you may know. They are annoying and most of the time only talk about guys so most likely gay. And or listens to Rap Music. Simptoms may include... Faggoty remarks like, "NO GUYS!" or, "SUCK MY PRETTY LITTLE DICK!" and "SHUT UP! I'M GONNA GO LOOK UP PORN!" Repeating quotes from movies, Video games, Lame song lyrics, or Television... "SCREW YOU GUYS I'M GOING HOME." or, "FoRizzle My BiDizzle my Shizzle!" and, "YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK, GOODBYE!" but of course, "LUKE, I AM YOUR FATHER!" Urban Dictionary

The sound you make when you fart to much, and you're out of gas. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Reverberator

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The word "reverberator" in example sentences

Oops, I just saw yoo wuz saved below. *shayks hed* Well, mebbe I shuldint hav set teh reverberator on such a hi nomber. ❋ Unknown (2008)

President Roosevelt, that magnificent reverberator of ideas, that gleam of wilful humanity, that fantastic first interruption to the succession of machine-made politicians at the White House, has echoed clearly to this movement and made it an integral part of the general intellectual movement of America. ❋ Unknown (1906)

He secured the services of a former assistant, and dispatched him to a high peak on the coast of Spain, where he had to superintend a reverberator, which, with the aid of a glass, could be seen from Formentera. ❋ Unknown (1877)

Whenever you come to Paris, and see, on the first story, a suite of rooms ostentatiously illuminated, and a blazing reverberator at the door, you may be certain that it is a house of this description. ❋ Francis W. Blagdon (1798)

*fires up teh reverberator, turns it on hi, zaps DSH bak into life* ❋ Unknown (2008)

the reverberator [shook] the [entire] [bed] ❋ Paul S. W. (2006)

[The hall] reverberated with [laughter]. [The ball] was reverberated off the floor. ❋ InjusticeForAll (2005)

[Taylor Swift]’s hip-shaking [reverberate] beyond [my soul] when I watch her perform live ❋ Dluu54 (2020)

I got a reverberating hummer from [Mary] [last night] after we had [chinese food]. ❋ SloppyAss (2008)

[Troy]: Hey Ryan, you know [you're a faggot], right? Ryan: Suck my pretty [little Dick]! Troy: HaHaHaHa...You're nothing but a Reverberating Penal Pumper! Ryan: Shut Up! I'm gonna go look up porn! ❋ Troy Forster (2008)

Oh my god i love when you [reverberated] last night during the [blood] [ritual]. ❋ GamzeesButtOintment (2021)

Cross Reference for Reverberator

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