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Definitions and meanings of "Sanctimonious"

What do we mean by sanctimonious?

Behaving with sanctimony. adjective

Characterized by sanctimony. adjective

Possessing sanctity; sacred; holy; saintly; religious.

Making a show of sanctity; affecting the appearance of sanctity.

Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly. adjective

Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious. adjective

Making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically pious. adjective

Holy, devout. adjective

Excessively or hypocritically pious adjective

Making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically pious.

Holy, devout.

The word sanctimonious is another word for big headed,self riteous, bitch, etc. sanctimonious people think they're it and act like it. they go around thinking they're brilliant, being sanctimonious is not a good thing!! Urban Dictionary

Giving a hypocrital appearance of piety Urban Dictionary

Bono. Urban Dictionary

Holier-than-thou: Making an exaggerated show of holiness or moral superiority. Urban Dictionary

A virtue signalling and pretentious individual who thinks they are above everyone else. Urban Dictionary

Of or having a higher morality than is common. Urban Dictionary

A term that not only perfectly describes a kind of hypocritically high-minded atheism but also has the added benefit of being very funny due to the fact that it is even intelligible (coined by author / blogger Frank Portman, 2006) Urban Dictionary

Someone (usually female) who sees themselves in a position of superiority and once they have made up their mind (lazily) don't listen to any rational argument, but always have a personally objectifying explanation at the ready for why one is disagreeing or complaining. Urban Dictionary

A person (or conglomerate of two persons who are virtually indistinhuishable as individuals) who is so far up his or her own (or their own collective) arsehole their own mother wants to run them down. Urban Dictionary

Someone, usually female, who not only wants to be the center of attention, but who specifically seeks highly visible opportunities to act self-righteous at the expense of others, in order to receive temporary affections from cohorts, so as to validate their own fragile sense of self-worth. Also known as S.A.W. A group of Sanctimonious Attention Whores is called a "Squabble". A male courtier, or loud-mouthed defendent/apologist, of a Sanctimonious Attention Whore is called a "SAW John" or "Squawker". Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Sanctimonious

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The word "sanctimonious" in example sentences

You refer to the sanctimonious speech by Obama in Cairo two years ago. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Such criticism, though a bit sanctimonious, is reasonably well grounded: in the years since an ailing Yeltsin appointed him Russia's president, on December 31, 1999, Putin has in numerous ways tried to reassert Kremlin control over the country. ❋ Unknown (2005)

The low point of self defeating activism came at a Radio City Music Hall fundraiser at which Chevy Chase said the president had the intellect of an "egg timer" John Mellencamp called Bush a "cheap thug" and Meryl Streep, in a performance that brings new meaning to the word sanctimonious, belittled the president's faith. ❋ Unknown (2004)

Lenz case so "sanctimonious" -- and dishonest -- as to suggest that he has never read the YouTube Terms of Service or discerned why a lawyer should not shriek that corporations "flout" their legal obligations by hiring third-parties who specialize in executing those legal obligations (p. 169-170). ❋ Thomas Sydnor (2009)

Then, when it’s proven once again, we sit back in sanctimonious self-righteousness shocked, absolutely shocked, about humankind’s venality. ❋ Unknown (2008)

"Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation ¾ and who in the next breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary." ❋ Unknown (2009)

Occasionally, for my benefit, she would recall the sanctimonious preachers who would dismiss three-quarters of the world's people as ignorant heathens doomed to spend the afterlife in eternal damnation-and who in the same breath would insist that the earth and the heavens had been created in seven days, all geologic and astrophysical evidence to the contrary. ❋ Obama, Barack (2006)

"Barry isn't exactly what you would call sanctimonious," admitted the lawyer, with a dry smile. ❋ George Barr McCutcheon (1897)

Before his marriage, Mr. Weld lodged, on principle, in a colored family in New York, even submitting to the inconvenience of having no heat in his room in winter, and bearing with singular charity and patience what Sarah calls the sanctimonious pride and Pharisaical aristocracy of his hosts. ❋ Birney, Catherine H. (1885)

Mr Bercow was once dubbed a "sanctimonious dwarf" by Simon Burns, the health minister. ❋ Matthew Holehouse (2011)

This phenomenon is called sanctimonious hypocrisy. ❋ Unknown (2010)

'oh she's such a sanctimonious bitch' observing [somebody] who is sanctimonious'why are you so sanctimonious?!?!'why are you so [stuck up] [your own] ass? ❋ Channie (2005)

if i was sanctimonious, [i would] probably give lectures about [the 10 commandments], then go [rob banks]. ❋ Robert (2004)

He's so much [holier-than-thou], completely [sanctimonious], he's [Bono]! ❋ Richard Bird (2010)

Sanctimonious [like to] act [as if] they're [holy]. ❋ Jafje (2007)

You [sanctimonious cunt] ❋ Rotten Turkey (2021)

Most [Christians] would say [the New Testament] is more [sanctimonious] than any other Holy book. ❋ VeritasLuxMea (2018)

Let's go to [Ophelia's] house for a few drinks ... Actually, on [second thought], [let's not], the whole sanctimonious atheism thing gets old really fast. ❋ Mr. Headache (2011)

[Tatiana] Esté[vez] of [Quora].com is a typical sanctimonious cunt. ❋ Felixh (2016)

That [sanctimonious git] takes pictures during a group holiday and then tries to [charge] for them even though everyone else is sharing their pictures and then has the gittishness to get all [high and mighty] when someone uses one of the pictures on their facebook profile. I cant believe that sanctimonious git - "failed to do the right thing"!?!?! ❋ Martin Day (2008)

Political [pundit], [Ann Coulter], is a [sanctimonious attention whore]. Media host, Bill O'Reilly, when he defends Ann Coulter, is a SAW-John. ❋ Wyld Stallyns (2006)

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