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Definitions and meanings of "Uncontroverted"

What do we mean by uncontroverted?

Not controverted.

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The word "uncontroverted" in example sentences

He argues that rather than concealing the nature of the compensation, as Spitzer alleges, the evidence is "uncontroverted" that Langone repeatedly disclosed details of the pay to compensation committee members and that the directors knew and understood how the incentive pay was structured. ❋ Unknown (2006)

The court found this consumer survey to be “strong and currently uncontroverted evidence” of weakness. ❋ Rebecca Tushnet (2009)

The recently released Senate and Red Cross reports on detainee treatment provide uncontroverted evidence that the torture techniques advocated by the attorneys were used on human beings over an extended period of time. ❋ Unknown (2010)

State District Judge Barbara Walther said “uncontroverted evidence” existed that the girl had married Jeffs when she was 12 in a wedding her father performed and her mother also witnessed. ❋ Unknown (2008)

“It is uncontroverted that all the clips in suit are off the YouTube website, most having been removed in response to DMCA takedown notices.” ❋ Unknown (2010)

Prosecutor Kate Hogan said: The uncontroverted testimony at the trial established that this defendant was drinking beer throughout the evening of June 24. ❋ Unknown (2010)

These groups ignore the extensive, uncontroverted evidence in the scientific literature that ECT is both safe and effective as a treatment for severe depression. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is uncontroverted that the writers and producers of the movie have been unable to point to any evidence that the scenes in question existed, and they have admitted making them up. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There is an uncontroverted link between animal abuse and domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is uncontroverted because according to the Clinton's Disclosure the speech was given on September 11th, 2006 which they are yet to correct or retract. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Nicole Way's testimony was uncontroverted: she made up the numbers she put on the ballot reconciliation report. ❋ Unknown (2006)

His uncontroverted statements to date are all the evidence I need. ❋ Nick Anthis (2006)

That understanding is confirmed by Glaze's uncontroverted testimony that further implementation of the TAWS product by Universal would not have continued if the system infringed a third party's patent. ❋ Peter Zura (2008)

Whatever you think of Simpson's guilt or innocence, there was uncontroverted evidence of his abusive behavior. ❋ Unknown (2008)

In its decision, The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals sympathized with Ms. Raich's plight after seeing "uncontroverted evidence" that she needs marijuana to survive, and recognizing that "the use of marijuana for medical purposes is gaining traction." ❋ Unknown (2008)

With historians so divided, the safest resort is the uncontroverted fact. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Sadly not, it means that the BCA's case will depend on the initial vague and in my view rather rushed and perfunctory claim form, and that Singh's defence will stand uncontroverted. ❋ Jack Of Kent (2008)

Second, I have introduced Resolutions regarding both President Bush (H.Res. 636) and Vice-President Cheney (H.Res. 637) proposing that they be censured by Congress based on the uncontroverted evidence already on the record and their failure to respond to Congressional and public inquiries about these matters and have never accounted for their many specific misstatements in the run up to War … ❋ Unknown (2005)

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