
Character 10
Hyphenation con nat u ral
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Definitions and meanings of "Connatural"

What do we mean by connatural?

Innate; inborn. adjective

Related or similar in nature; cognate. adjective

Of the same nature; like in quality or kind; closely related or assimilated.

Belonging by birth or nature; intimately pertaining; connate; inborn.

Connected by nature; united in nature; inborn; inherent; natural. adjective

Partaking of the same nature. adjective

Similar in nature. adjective

Inborn; inherent; natural adjective

Similar in nature adjective

Normally existing at birth adjective

Similar in nature.

Inborn; inherent; natural

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The word "connatural" in example sentences

But whether the obedience of a pious life, performed out of a belief or persuasion of the truth of the gospel, ought to pass for that faith which justifies, or only for the effect or consequent of it, yet certainly it is such an effect as issues by a kind of connatural, constant efficiency and result from it. ❋ 1634-1716 (1823)

Benedict uses a low-key version of gift theory to promote the idea that connatural with the divine plan are forms of economic activity with a built-in element of the gratuitous: in effect, preferential treatment by business in dealing with the poor. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Peace is natural, happiness is connatural in our species. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is well to be a wow gold, it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind, a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life — these are the connatural qualities of a wow gold; they are the objects of a University. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The Dawe Brothers: Such a connatural, close knit military family is rare in this day and age. posted by The Monarchist at 2:42 PM ❋ Unknown (2007)

“The unitive act of man and woman cannot be separated from its connatural dimension, which is that of procreation and which makes responsible paternity and maternity possible.” ❋ Unknown (2006)

Epicurus himself, in his Second Book against Theophrastus, affirming that colors are not connatural to bodies, but are engendered there according to certain situations and positions with respect to the sight of man, says: “For this reason a body is no more colored than destitute of color.” ❋ Unknown (2004)

The subjects of drying are water and the various watery fluids and those bodies which contain water either foreign or connatural. ❋ Unknown (2002)

For the matter is what is determined by the heat connatural to the object, and as long as the ratio between them exists in it a thing maintains its nature. ❋ Unknown (2002)

By foreign I mean like the water in wool, by connatural, like that in milk. ❋ Unknown (2002)

(How this connatural spirit is maintained in the body is explained in other passages of our works.) ❋ Unknown (2002)

Now experience shows us that animals do both possess connatural spirit and derive power from this. ❋ Unknown (2002)

The love that is connatural to angels is as imperfect as the knowledge that is connnatural to them—connatural in the sense of being something with which their natures are endowed when created. ❋ Mortimer J. Adler (1982)

The only conceivable answer is that the ideas involved in angelic knowledge and understanding must be innate or connatural. ❋ Mortimer J. Adler (1982)

The society of the good angels in heaven, the theologians tell us, is one in which the members of the heavenly host live together in perfect concord through the love of one another that is connatural to them—an endowment of their created natures. ❋ Mortimer J. Adler (1982)

By such connatural love, all angels, including Satan, love God before they love themselves. ❋ Mortimer J. Adler (1982)

The innate ideas that are connatural to them constitute the natures they have as creatures of God. ❋ Mortimer J. Adler (1982)

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