
Character 8
Hyphenation ev er y one
Pronunciations /ˈɛv.ɹi.wʌn/

Definitions and meanings of "Everyone"

What do we mean by everyone?

Every person; everybody. pronoun

See every one, under every, adjective

Everybody; -- commonly separated, every one. noun

Every person. pronoun

Every person.

Possibly the most annoying thing one can do on Discord, a chatting service geared towards mainly gamers. If you use a bot on there to search for the definition of this, you will most likely piss everyone off. Urban Dictionary

A command on discord that notifies everyone on the server. The more times you type @everyone the more people will like you and not be disappointed about the notification. Urban Dictionary

Why do you want a definition. You should know this. Hell for discord users.. Urban Dictionary

The little shit who posts @everyone should go to hell Urban Dictionary

A common misconception, not a typographical error. (C'mon people, you should have learnt this in primary school). 1. The word "Everyone" refers to everybody; such as when talking about a group of people. 2. The phrase "Every one" refers to each individual item or thing within a group. Urban Dictionary

Its when you're an annoying fuck and ping everyone in a discord server for no reason Urban Dictionary

That one guy in discord without any friends and asks people to play with them Urban Dictionary

Always used by overdyle from cornhub Urban Dictionary

Anyone can get with that person Urban Dictionary

All people including you! You're spending time on Urban Dictionary when you have papers to file or burgers to flip or algebra 1 homework to finish so you can pass eleventh grade Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Everyone

The word "everyone" in example sentences

Also, I would rather not have everyone I know, all my friends, family, *everyone* die. ❋ Angry Professor (2007)

Long ago, I (and Amit Rathore and Ajey Gore) had to effectively kidnap Roy (Singham) to persuade him to authorize laptops for everyone coz the powers that be in India dragged their feet over buying laptops * for everyone*. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I think we're going to have to resign ourselves to a future in which everyone thinks everything they do is noteworthy to everyone*. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If Cameron were to take the initiative, and treat the electorate as adults, he'd sweep the board; everyone accepts the NHS is broken and continuing with Labour policies is not going to fix it and that includes increasing amounts of public money - that's clearly been shown not to work; restore our civil liberties and then put legislation in place that enshrines them; wrest back control of our legislation from Brussels and reduce the crippling tax burdens on *everyone* in the country. ❋ Unknown (2007)

\ "',' Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously said, \" Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve\ "-- but today, I wonder if \" everyone\ "can even find an opportunity to serve. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And the night turns into: everyone talking to everyone… except for the two in question, who can’t even look at each other… ❋ Ugotsoul (2002)

The citizens are asking millions of Greeks with work paid for by Government to stop their selfishness and think of the whole: They want workers to work in jobs that are sanctioned; they know some of them will be unemployed and sacrifice is the word everyone throws around. ❋ Richard Laermer (2011)

In fact, "carbon footprint" seems to be the "terroir" of winemakers using alternative packaging—a phrase everyone likes to hear, even if they don't know what it means. ❋ Lettie Teague (2011)

His son repeats the phrase everyone used as a mantra when I was a child in the 1970s: "Love means never having to say you're sorry." ❋ Susan Straight (2012)

you: .ud @everyone[ErisBot]: [Urban Dictionary Error]: '@everyone' was [not found]! :frowning: server full of people: WHO JUST DID THAT ❋ Magamen123 (2017)

Dudewhoeveryoneisgoingtolove: @everyoneBy using @everyone you are about to mention [69,420,666,911] people. [Are you sure]? Edit Message Send Now [Several people are typing]... ❋ AlterLynx 2 (2018)

@[everyone] ❋ ChinaMasterIsayhi (2020)

@everyone nEw [gAmInG sErver]: [discord].[gg]/dfifsiw390rg ❋ Herobririne (2020)

1. "Everyone over there suck at playing [soccer]." 2. "Every [one of those] balls are red in [colour]." ❋ Code7 (2006)

[Mike Oxlong] : @[everyone] [Everyone] : [shut the fuck up]. ❋ Funny Internet Guy (2022)

@[everyone] [anyone] down for some [fortnite]??? ❋ ReapeR ت (2020)

Overdyle: Yo @[everyone] [lol] bro: [shut the fuck up] ❋ Lolbrofucksyourgrandma (2021)

[boy 1] : i think [i like] her boy 2 : nah [don’t go] for her, she be for everyone ❋ Mxarxvera (2019)

everyone is all people [bruh] [ur dumb] if you think it's [less than] all. ❋ PewPew Gun (2020)

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