
Character 9
Hyphenation ma li cious
Pronunciations /məˈlɪʃəs/

Definitions and meanings of "Malicious"

What do we mean by malicious?

Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful. adjective

Done with malice. adjective

Indulging in or feeling malice; harboring ill-will, enmity, or hostility; actively malevolent; malignant in heart: often used in a lighter sense, implying mischievousness with some ill-will.

Proceeding from extreme hatred or ill-will; dictated by malice: as, a malicious report.

The committing of physical injury to personal property of another; injury to property, from wantonness or malice, as distinguished from theft.

An action brought by the sufferer to recover damages from the person who set on foot such a prosecution.

Synonyms Evil-minded, ill-disposed, spiteful, resentful. See animosity.

Indulging or exercising malice; harboring ill will or enmity. adjective

Proceeding from hatred or ill will; dictated by malice adjective

With wicked or mischievous intentions or motives; wrongful and done intentionally without just cause or excuse. adjective

The desertion of a wife or husband without just cause. adjective

A wanton prosecution or arrest, by regular process in a civil or criminal proceeding, without probable cause. adjective

Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite adjective

Deliberately harmful; spiteful adjective

Having the nature of or resulting from malice adjective

Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite

Spiteful and deliberately harmful

Malicious is another word for bad. Usually used to describe a virus. See also: menacing Urban Dictionary

When some thing is so wickedly awsome you can't help to cry because of its super hilarious content. most of the time the content is rude or disgracful to someone else. Urban Dictionary

Malicious - Intending to cause harm. Cruel, mean, bad, evil, etc.. have similar definitions. Urban Dictionary

With Evil Intention. Urban Dictionary

A really sexy way of saying evil, or a really evil way of saying sexy. It basically means evil and wanting to hurt someone but it sounds sexy. Urban Dictionary

The act of being Malicious Urban Dictionary

In the Caribbean malicious often means some one who is always in your business. Urban Dictionary

Wyatt 😳 Urban Dictionary

When a superior gives you incredibly bad orders, and out of spite, you follow them to the letter, knowing the result is going to be disastrous. Urban Dictionary

A weak oppressive British law made by some moron with thin skin. It's a law which banishes free speech and also allows people from other countries to verbally abuse you online, and if you say similar things in return, you get treated like a criminal by the police, while the low IQ individuals laugh their ass off at getting you in trouble over such petty bullshit. And then the person/persons who caused trouble get away with it because the police are too lazy to do anything, and only care about punishing their own people. In one case, the police threatened to arrest people on Twitter who were making fun of them by asking if they had anything better to do, just because the police were tweeting and bragging about those they had caught for minor drugs possession. Police have also warned not to make fun of prison mugshots or it could land you in trouble. It will probably soon be illegal to boo at someone in public in this shithole of a country. Britain is fast becoming a snowflake paradise of the Orwellian kind. A weak pathetic little country full of cowards and vile double standards by the law/police. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Malicious

The word "malicious" in example sentences

Note, this message would have to come from someone already in your Skype Contact List, as Skype's default privacy settings will not let you receive messages from people that you have not already authorized, hence the term malicious contact. ❋ Elinor Mills (2011)

As questions from investors and analysts about Jefferies's financial strength swirled in November, the firm issued a letter to investors and customers in an attempt to defend the company from what it called "malicious lies." ❋ Steve Eder (2012)

CHETRY: Yes, but according to this report, and I mean, they say there were more than 54,000, what they call malicious acts against the Defense Department alone. ❋ Unknown (2009)

National police spokeswoman Director Sally de Beer said the rumours related to what she labelled malicious allegations of corruption against board members. ❋ Unknown (2001)

Ulysses knew, that a heavenly guide was with him in his wanderings; still less that what he called the malicious sport of fortune was, in truth, the earnest education of a Father .... ❋ Charles Kingsley (1847)

But he said Google was aware of the issue and was already working on changes, which will be adopted in coming days, to prevent what he called "malicious or incorrect labeling." ❋ By DAVID SEGAL (2011)

Black then filed a $5-million lawsuit for what he called "malicious, reckless and abusive efforts" to stop the project. ❋ Unknown (2011)

A Play About Immigration Convenes Activists at Adelphi University The former head of Latino Affairs for Catholic Charities in Chicago is suing two high-ranking priests for what he describes as a malicious campaign to ruin his name and push him out of a new job at the archdiocese. ❋ Tomas (2010)

Cristo Rey: Keeping Urban Catholic Education Vibrant - Little Village in Chicago The former head of Latino Affairs for Catholic Charities in Chicago is suing two high-ranking priests for what he describes as a malicious campaign to ruin his name and push him out of a new job at the archdiocese. ❋ Tomas (2010)

About 20 Sestak supporters, most of them veterans, showed up outside the rally to denounce what they called a malicious attack ad by Specter. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Peter Hughes, and Social Development Minister Paula Bennett - over what he calls a malicious prosecution. ❋ Unknown (2010)

WITH: 1#: hey 2#: hi 1#: have u [downloaded] 'pwnage free website maker'? 2#: no thats got malicious [code] in it! WITHOUT: 1#: hey 2#: hi 1# have u downloaded 'pwnage free website maker'? 2#: no thats got a [virus]! ❋ JOWNAGEE (2006)

Dude that [email] to [kim] was so malicious she [shot] herself. ❋ Ted (2005)

She tried to cause a [scandal] out of something that wasn’t [a big deal]? Ugh, shes so [malicious]. ❋ PersonWhoTakesThisSiteSerious (2018)

Guy 1: [Im gonna] go [bomb] <[INSERT] COUNTRY HERE>Guy 2: Fuck thats Malicious ❋ Lol_facicle (2007)

[Draco Malfoy] is [malicious], because he is [evil] yet he sounds sexy and delicious at the same time. ❋ L.O Arden (2009)

"They were [laughing] maliciously as they [beat up] me & [my friends]" ❋ Rory_Doryz (2019)

“Where is [your wife]” “Your to [malicious]”. ❋ Jesus Is Coming (2019)

[I mean], you're [malicious] if [you would] do that ❋ Mrs. Magoun 🐋 (2016)

Bobby: Don't change the formulas of this report. If you do, [you're fired]. Frank: [Whatever you say], boss. Two weeks pass. Bobby calls Frank in to his office. Bobby: You knew that report contained errors in its format. Why didn't you fix it, you shit? Frank: Because you told me not to, you dick. It was [malicious compliance]. ❋ Laurentus (2018)

Person from America: [You're a cunt], piece of shit [go kill yourself]. Get better at playing games because you are a retard my friend. Person from the UK: You're the cunt now fuck off you fag. Useless British Police: I'm arresting you on [suspicion] of Malicious Communications. ❋ Fight 4 Freedom (2022)

Cross Reference for Malicious

What does malicious mean?

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