
Character 8
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Definitions and meanings of "Sanative"

What do we mean by sanative?

Having the power to cure; healing or restorative. adjective

Having the power to cure or heal; healing; tending to heal; sanatory.

Having the power to cure or heal; healing; tending to heal; sanatory. adjective

That cures or restores; curative or restorative adjective

Tending to cure or restore to health adjective

Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word sanative. Define sanative, sanative synonyms, sanative pronunciation, sanative translation, English dictionary definition of sanative.

Being without speech on the Internet. Urban Dictionary

The absolute best skeleton of all time and a hilarious meme. Came from the 2015 videogame Undertale and has been immensely popular ever since, and saw a huge popularity surge about halfway through 2018 with the release of Deltarune. Urban Dictionary

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A theoretical singular form of "sans." Since sans is always plural, we can only speculate about the existence of a san. Urban Dictionary

A skeleton from the game Undertale that makes a lot of puns a lot of people want to fuck him I'm not sure how you fuck a skeleton but ok?? Urban Dictionary

A skeleton guy from Undertale who the fandom treats as god in physical form Urban Dictionary

A jokester skeleton from the video game undertale. He loves puns and is the older brother of papyrus. Sans is slightly sinking into depression, and if you mess with his brother... youre going to have a bad time. Urban Dictionary


A skeleton who gives out un-enjoyable experiences. Urban Dictionary

A skeleton in Undertale. He loves puns and being lazy. He drinks ketchup and will kick your butt in the genocide run. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Sanative

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The word "sanative" in example sentences

Figures of those who taught the good and sanative Use of Plants; the last taught their poisonous, baneful, and diabolick Qualities. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This forthright radicalism—this embrace of the sanative powers of violence—became quickly accepted as the ineluctable meaning of conservatism in foreign policy. ❋ Unknown (2006)

“Meaning that the body of society has a sanative responsibility to destroy Jews?” ❋ Howard Jacobson (2006)

I must confess, indeed, that they yield serviceable timber, and good shelter against the northern blasts; that they grow and thrive in the most barren soil, and continually perspire a fine balsam of turpentine, which must render the air very salutary and sanative to lungs of a tender texture. ❋ Unknown (2004)

Not that I might not have learned this sooner and more safely, in ways 1 shall now never know, without apostasy, but that Divine punishments are also mercies, and particular good is worked ant of particular evil, and the penal blindness made sanative. ❋ Lewis, C. S. (1955)

To such loyal Americans as these volumes may reach they will give a heart not to be found in Dr. Russell's pictorial neutrality, in the dashing effects of popular Mr. Trollope, nor even -- making all allowance for the sanative influence of counter-irritation -- in the weekly malignity of that _ex_-Moral Minstrel whom the London "Times" has sent to the aid of our insurgent slave-masters. ❋ Various (N/A)

"Jasper, hematite and hieratite stones were strongly recommended for unusual sanative virtues, but the sapphire excelled as a remedy for scorpion bites." ❋ George Barton Cutten (N/A)

Solomon that, amongst other attainments, 'God enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, which is a science useful and sanative to men. ❋ Howard Williams (N/A)

The ancients probably esteemed gymnastics too much, as the moderns do too little, for medical or sanative purposes. ❋ Various (N/A)

As the inconveniencies of the foreign teas arise from the metallic properties derived from their preparation, the advantages of the sanative tea are evidently seen to arise from the preparation being such as leaves every herb possessed of its natural and essential quality. ❋ Hugh Smith (N/A)

The common militia meet too infrequently and drill too little to gain much sanative benefit. ❋ Various (N/A)

In Lucie's case, indeed, these odd manifestations were -- as the pure experimentalist might say -- only too sanative, only too rapidly tending to normality. ❋ William T. Stead (N/A)

When the prejudices of medical men against the artificial induction of trance have subsided, and its sanative agency has been fairly tried, and diligently studied, there is no doubt it will take a high rank among the resources of medicine. ❋ Various (N/A)

In his majestic presence there was a total impression sanative to body and soul. ❋ Various (N/A)

Why is it then that the science of the sanative power of nature, as well as medical science, is still in doubt in regard to the relation that must absolutely exist between the separate component parts of our nourishment in order to obtain normal healthy sanguification? ❋ Louis Dechmann (N/A)

Naught could pass through his imagination or memory, but, by some diabolical alchemy, was stripped of its sanative and healthful properties, and converted into harm. ❋ John Turvill Adams (N/A)

The more we argued the impossibility of supplying him, the more was he urgent and imperative for the sanative mineral. ❋ Theodore Canot (N/A)

To Ovid, of Roman fame (20 B.C.), the same sanative axiom was also indisputably known as we learn from his lines: -- ❋ William Thomas Fernie (N/A)

In these times of our country's peril, there is some sanative virtue outside of treatises upon strategy or Union pamphlets. ❋ Various (N/A)

Let them bloom and burn on -- flowers in which there is no poison, stars in which there is no disease -- whose blossoms are all sweet, and whose rays are all sanative -- both alike steeped in dew, and both, to the fine ear of nature's worshipper, bathed in music. ❋ Various (N/A)

[Usage]: "I am [sans Sans] [at that] disgusting online video." ❋ GRotwell (2012)

Wife: If you had to spend the rest of your life with anybody, who would it be? [Husband]: Sans from [Undertale] Wife: *leaves* [This is so sad] Can we get 10 likes ❋ Thecrazycatten (2019)

Is Sans ❋ Hackermand (2019)

Scientist 1: "Professor, I think I just created a [san]!" Scientist 2: "That's nonsense. A singular san [doesnt exist]. You would be having [a bad time] if you created a san." ❋ Swimsical (2019)

Person 1: I just [bought] [Undertale]! Person 2: Cool, who's your [favourite] character? Person 1: I'd have to say Sans! ❋ IshiftSandvich (2016)

1) Why is there so much [porn] of [sans] 2) why does [Sans] have a [lightsaber] for a dick in said porn ❋ Fucking Nutsack Tree (2016)

[I heart] [sans] ❋ Xxx_detemmienation_xxX (2017)

[SANS] YOU [LAZYBONES] ❋ Cooolskeleton95 (2016)

person 1 "having a good time in your [genocide run] of [undertale]?" person 2 "no, im on the Sans [boss fight]" ❋ Lmao1337 (2015)

Friend: Dude, you've been playing for [4 hours] straight. You: [Can't stop] now. Sans is giving me [a bad time]. ❋ FireGamingCat (2016)

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