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Definitions and meanings of "Sanatory"

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The word "sanatory" in example sentences

Let me make a note on two words that I find in No. 37.: _sanatory_, p. 99., and _connection_, p. 98. ❋ Various (N/A)

Hard exercise, beer, and pulling had their usual sanatory effect, and Tom gradually recovered his health, if not his spirits. ❋ Various (N/A)

May we not say that, whatever the social body, acting in its aggregate capacity, _can_ do to redress the balance -- whether in education of their children, in sanatory regulations which concern their workshops and their dwellings, or in judicious charity that will not press upon the springs of industry -- it is _bound_ to do by the sacred obligation of justice? ❋ Various (N/A)

After alluding to the support given to the popular belief by poets and philosophers of ancient and modern times, the question of periodicity, or "lucid intervals," is again discussed, this time in its mental aspect, and the hygienic or sanatory influence of light is allowed its meed of consideration. ❋ Timothy Harley (N/A)

There is another among these petitions to the Lord Mayor and corporation, worthy of notice, in connection with sanatory law. ❋ Various (N/A)

Nor is it likely that anything will be done until the whole system of managing town refuse is changed, and in place of deluging it with water, some plan can be contrived which, while fulfilling sanatory requirements, shall preserve it in a concentrated form, or convert it into a dry and inodorous substance. ❋ Thomas Anderson (N/A)

For now there had come upon Foxden that political, sanatory, anti-everything revival, which, in those days, thrilled through our river-towns and took the place of the theological revival, which the churches seemed too feeble to produce. ❋ Various (N/A)

The great majority had been confined there as hospital patients, not as offenders against the law, and they were divided into wards, according to their sanatory condition. ❋ Various (N/A)

It would be an inquiry of some interest, now that the care of the public health is becoming a department of the state, with what sanatory measures these becoming solemnities were attended. ❋ Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (N/A)

I make "notes" of them, from their peculiar interest at the moment when sanatory bills, having the same objects, are occupying the public attention so strongly; especially in respect to the ❋ Various (N/A)

Sufficient proof for the sanatory efficacy of the papal ratification lies in the absolute sovereignty of the pope and in the infallibility of his ex-cathedra pronouncements. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

Their voice is in consequence not always temperate and calm, and at the same time radically corrective and sanatory. ❋ Anna Julia (1892)

Resolved that $2500 of the $8000, which has been appropriated for Repairs and Improvements, be expended for general repairs and improvements; and that $5500 of said appropriation be expended under the direction of the Board of Health for sanatory purposes. ❋ Unknown (1884)

To the practical sanatory remonstrances of her brother-in-law, and to the conventional criticism of her sister, she opposed the same defence: ❋ Bret Harte (1869)

Similarly, the mares who win races as fillies, are not allowed to waste their strength in being ridden or driven, but are tended under sanatory conditions for the sole purpose of bearing offspring. ❋ Francis Galton (1866)

She knew as well as George himself that never by any chance did he go to church; but it was her custom, as I fancy it is that of some other bulwarks of society and pillars of the church, "for the sake of example," I presume, to make not unfrequent allusion to certain observances, moral, religious, or sanatory as if they were laws that everybody kept. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

All night long, and throughout the entire city, the scavengers of the law had been at work, and now, as a result, every miserable atom of humanity that had made itself a pestilential offence to society was gathered here to be disposed of according to sanatory moral rules. ❋ Edward Payson Roe (1863)

His chief sanatory precaution was to take Albinia out for a drive or walk every day, and these expeditions were greatly enjoyed. ❋ Charlotte Mary Yonge (1862)

Sophy had not a single sullen fit the whole time, and Albinia having persuaded Mr. Kendal that it would be a sanatory measure to whitewash the study ceiling, he was absolutely forced to turn out of it and live in the morning-room, with all his books piled up in the dining-room. ❋ Charlotte Mary Yonge (1862)

He said that Albinia _thought it damp_, and when I put a few sanatory facts before him, thanked me heartily, and seemed quite relieved. ❋ Charlotte Mary Yonge (1862)

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