
Character 11
Hyphenation coun ter feit
Pronunciations /ˈkaʊn.tɚˌfɪt/

Definitions and meanings of "Counterfeit"

What do we mean by counterfeit?

To make an imitation or copy of (something), usually with the intent to defraud. intransitive verb

To make a pretense of; feign. intransitive verb

To carry on a deception; dissemble. intransitive verb

To make fraudulent copies of something valuable. intransitive verb

Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud. adjective

Simulated; feigned. adjective

A fraudulent imitation or facsimile. noun

Made in semblance or imitation of an original; imitated; copied; factitious.

Specifically, made in imitation of an original, with a view to defraud by passing the false copy as genuine or original; forged; spurious: as, counterfeit coin; a counterfeit bond or deed; a counterfeit bill of exchange.

Feigned; simulated; false; hypocritical: as, a counterfeit friend.

Counterfeiting; dissembling; cheating.

Deformed; unnatural.

An imitation; a copy; something made in imitation of or strongly resembling another; rarely, a likeness; a portrait; an image. noun

Specifically, an imitation or copy designed to pass as an original. noun

One who feigns or simulates; a counterfeiter; an impostor. noun

To make a semblance of; make or be a copy of; copy; imitate; resemble; be like.

Specifically, to make a copy of without authority or right, and with a view to deceive or defraud by passing the copy as original or genuine; forge: as, to counterfeit coin, bank-notes, a seal, a bond, a deed or other instrument in writing, the handwriting or signature of another, etc.

To feign; make a pretense of; simulate; pretend; put on a semblance of: as, to counterfeit piety.

To make in imitation, or as a counterpart of something else.

To feign or pretend to be (what one is not).

A non-genuine article; a fake.

One who counterfeits; a counterfeiter.

That which resembles another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart.

An impostor; a cheat.

Word used to describe someone or something that is fake or something that is a lie. Urban Dictionary

A person that dresses, talks, and acts wealthy, but is faker than a three dollar bill. You may find people like this in your school, place of business, or public transit sporting a fake Gucci or Lois Vuitton, acting as if they are above you, but really they just have a really good sugar daddy. Urban Dictionary

Men who fit kitchen counters Urban Dictionary

A craftsman who specializes in sizing and installing kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately, they charge outlandishly. Urban Dictionary

A guy who hangs out at gay bars pretending to be gay. His Modus Operandi is to trick an unsuspecting female patron into thinking he has never been with a woman before and that she'll offer to be his first. A pathetic creature to say the least. Sometimes the joke ends up being on him as the odds of bringing home a transtesticle have increased ten-fold. Urban Dictionary

A person who grew up in the suburbs with a silver spoon in spoon in their mouth and had an easy go. When an adult they claim to have lived the hard knock life. Fake biographies abound these types have been shot numerous times yet the scars have magically disappeared. Urban Dictionary

"Counterfeit dollar", rhyming slang as in "phoney buck" for an undernourished female. Urban Dictionary

Superficial love experiences that may seem real but in reality are insincere or feigned; illusions that can deter you from finding and sharing real love. Love based on the illusion of separateness and a fantasy of the beloved, instead of a real knowledge of the self or the other person, this form of love can hardly be anything but counterfeit. A relationship possessing opposite qualities of Real Love. Urban Dictionary

A person who tries to give the impression of greatness or highlight their strong social and moral standers within the community or public eye, but in reality when looked at deeply have skeletons in their closet that would make the most despicable seem to have saint hood status, Human-Counterfeit. Urban Dictionary

Swagger so fake a nigga must of stole it from Old Spice. Urban Dictionary

Synonyms and Antonyms for Counterfeit

The word "counterfeit" in example sentences

You can see from this video that the counterfeit is almost as dull as the real thing; an astonishing achievement. ❋ Unknown (2010)

But of what they call counterfeit pleasures they make naught; as of pride in apparel and gems, or in vain honours; or of dicing; or hunting, which they deem the most abject kind of butchery. ❋ Various (1910)

The traffic in counterfeit medicines in developing countries is a worldwide gaping wound. ❋ Unknown (2009)

At least $4 million in counterfeit U.S. currency has flooded into Iraq since December, and U.S. and Iraqi officials are trying to determine how much of the counterfeiting is purely criminal and how much might be an Iranian attempt to influence Iraqi politics. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Cross-border trade in counterfeit and pirated goods is a growing global problem that often involves organized criminal networks. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Convicted Felon - case involved SIXTY MILLION dollars in counterfeit ❋ Unknown (2010)

For example, a great and easy step is to notify grading services when coins in counterfeit holders appear in the marketplace so that appropriate action can be taken, said Schechter. ❋ Unknown (2010)

At least it would be no more than they have come to expect from repeated exercises in counterfeit democracy staged, it seems, more for the benefit of international audiences (and voters) than for the Afghan electorate. ❋ Ann Jones (2010)

Secret Service, “during fiscal year 2005, the Secret Service seized over $113 million in counterfeit U.S. currency.” ❋ Unknown (2008)

Could it be that they are being paid for their services in counterfeit dollar notes? ❋ Unknown (2008)

Twenty people were arrested on state charges, but the larger seizures could lead to indictment on federal felony charges of trafficking in counterfeit goods, authorities said. ❋ Unknown (2008)

New China anti-piracy move p2p news/p2pnet: America is warning business partner Communist China it had better toe the line with US demands that it does something to stop the trade in counterfeit product and copyright infringements. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Donald Duck and other Disney/Warner Brothers cartoon characters ordered to testify in Italian counterfeit case. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Michigan: Detroit -- Three Dearborn men pleaded guilty to charges that include conspiracy and trafficking in counterfeit goods in what authorities say was an international ring that manufactured counterfeit Zig-Zag cigarette rolling papers in Indonesia, smuggled them into the USA and distributed them across the country .... ❋ Unknown (2005)

In China, you need to be a major trafficer in counterfeit goods to worry about the police. ❋ Unknown (2004)

- measures to allow customs authorities to better identify and target shipments, which are suspected to contain counterfeit or pirated goods; ❋ Unknown (2009)

Though it’s labeled an “anti-counterfeiting” agreement, which might make you think that it’s about international trade in counterfeit goods (fake Louis Vuitton handbags, unauthorized Viagra tablets, and the like), it covers much, much more than this; what it is really about is the tighter enforcement of copyright law on the Net. ❋ Unknown (2010)

example one: "that [stuck up bitch] with [the pound] of makeup [caked on] her face is counterfeit as fuck." example two: "if i ever catch you trying to buy anything from my shop with a counterfeit bill, ill blow your fucking head clean off." example three: "she keeps telling me she loves me, but to me it seems pretty counterfeit." ❋ Counterfeitmeaning (2010)

Oh [Becky] look at that [counterfeit] over there, should we tell her her [Lois] is fake? ❋ Huangho (2019)

"[hey look] at me im a [counterfeiters] [bitch]!" ❋ Liana Not A Chav (2008)

[Wow], those [counterfeiters] make [a lot of money]! ❋ Concentrated Oj (2008)

Female- Do you [come here often]? CF- All the time. I'm gay you know. Female- Ever been with a woman before? CF- 500 men but not a [single woman] Female- Do you want to try it? CF- I don't know if it's me or the [Wine Cooler] talkin' But Yeah I'd like to try it. later at the motel CF( reaching into female skirt upon grabbing hold of a hairy set of nuts) You ain't a woman!!! Female(now male) What kind of fag reaction is that!! Your not a fag after all. I know where you hang out wait til I tell your friends. ❋ Tommy R (2005)

Remember [Vanilla Ice]? He was [quite possibly] the biggest counterfeit nigger of [all time]. ❋ Tommy R (2005)

"She's [nice] [enough], but she's a [counterfeit dollar]". ❋ Naughty Daddy (2019)

Example of Counterfeit Love: The intense [sexual attraction] often associated with love that is [coupled] with a strong and sometimes desperate attempt to possess another person or to get something from that person. A desire for [the excitement] of being with someone new, or for someone who is not fully available. ❋ Anangelintheairwaves (2013)

Human-Counterfeit: Did you catch that Politician on the TV last night singing their song of greatness, what a Human-Counterfeit? Human-counterfeit: The [preacher] man invited me to attend his church down the street to save [my soul]. [What the heck], this dude talk’s smack about everyone in the community if they don’t attend his church. What a Human-Counterfeit. Human-Counterfeit: Hay dude did you think we would ever live in a society with so many Human-Counterfeit. ❋ Justden (2019)

Why the fuck do you [smell like Old] [Spice] take that counterfeit swagger off and get a [refund]? ❋ C-Diz12 (2009)

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